08 May 11, 12:16AM
seriously: you should check your trackpad settings. Some guy had a similar problem.
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Feedback/Bug-Reports for AssaultCube v1.1
08 May 11, 12:16AM
seriously: you should check your trackpad settings. Some guy had a similar problem.
08 May 11, 01:43AM
/mapshot seems to be creating these evil blood red overviews of the map, regardless of my current /screenshottype setting.
![]() win 7 32-bit - my gfx drivers are up to date.
08 May 11, 03:11PM
Did you try fiddling around with /showmapbackdroptransparency and /showmapbackdrop ?
I do not believe that it should matter tbh, the only setting that seems to affect mapshots at all is screenshottype:
main.cpp Wrote:void mapshot() and of course some stuff in the individual screenshot functions like: main.cpp Wrote:if(mapshot) I seem to recall mapshots working fine for me in 1104, i'll have a thorough test of it all when I get a chance though.
08 May 11, 08:41PM
Maybe It doesn't like your mapping Bukz. Everything is out to get you! :O
09 May 11, 01:21AM
Hmmmm... Thats real weird bukz, I don't see why that would be happening.
11 May 11, 04:03PM
Bukz, does you do /clearminimap before perform /mapshot ?
11 May 11, 09:23PM
that's a good Q Bugboy - also, are you running in windowed mode?
I've tried compiling the newest SVN code and I haven't had any trouble with creating new mapshots of existing maps - is this just with your map or with ALL maps? Maybe your map has some weird light causing this .. but it'd have to be a seriously weird light!
It appears to be happening on all maps, running in fullscreen mode - I'll give clearminimap a try.
Edit: The first screenshot I posted was of ac_stellar. Heres some more, even with trying /clearminimap before each: ac_edifice: ![]() ac_complex: ![]() ac_rattrap: ![]() :/
12 May 11, 12:24AM
(11 May 11, 11:49PM)Bukz Wrote: The first screenshot I posted was of ac_stellar.I wondered which map it was, and couldn't figure it out. Now you've said that, I realise it's flipped top to bottom. I tested it myself with each screenshottype - bmp and png are flipping the maps, jpg is the right way up. I don't get the red at all.
12 May 11, 10:18AM
hehe, I wasnt certain but thought it was stellar :)
13 May 11, 05:35PM
Heh, didn't notice that flip issue, jamz - it's not a big problem though, easily fixed in any graphics-editor and a code-fix should be no big problem either. good catch!
Bukz you're doing this in, right - just double-checking - and you don't have any problem with the radar or showmap, right?! What happens with any regular screenshots you create? Also, please try to think back when you last could properly create such a mapshot and what you've been installing/deinstalling/upgrading on your system since then.
13 May 11, 05:44PM
I've been testing in the SVN version - but after trying it on 1104, I notice it's happening there too. Starting to sound like a problem on my end somewhere.
02 Jun 11, 02:40AM
Very minor thing. The carbine is called TMP M&A on the bottom, left of the ammo count, it has it as TPM AM.
I think there's a bug with the maprot.
kuz i have a coustom server that has lots of maps and ive set them at 8 min for regular maps an 12 for gemas, but sometime on specific maps (i think) or maybe when i type in /gonext, either way the time limit isn't set to what i setup in my maprot. very few maps would show either 10 or 15 min when in my maprot i have them set for 8 or 12 min.. I think this is a minor bug, if not any ideas?
11 Jun 11, 06:24PM
Could you confirm if this happens with /setnext as well? I assume it would but haven't tried it yet.
/setnext doesn't work in 1104...
---------------------------------------------- Also on another subject, Im testing the svn and it all works smoothly, i like the new stuff in the menus, wepon balances, and ive noticed pistol bullets upgraded to ten bullets instead of 6 or 8 watever it is.. Though I hate maprestriction.. Anyways, one minor bug-problem in svn, when I go to the keyboard menu and I bind the weapon menu to right shift, there's no reaction when i press right shift :/
11 Jun 11, 09:34PM
Quote:I play AC with a trackpad. I can scope with the Sniper Rifle. However I can't shoot while scoping. Needless to say this really stinks. However the good news is I am good with no-scope. It doesn't work with all lvls though. You can go to the menu, then Keyboard settings and set a new key for Special Action, then you scope with a LETTER and you shoot normally, thats how I do, and I can still aim some good HS, have been using it for 2 months ;) If you use MacBook Pro, I found the letter E in the best position to quick scope, then you can just reset the keys when you want to coop, or change the letter for cooping mode. Hope I helped ;)
11 Jun 11, 11:04PM
11 Jun 11, 11:15PM
Odd, I wonder why it never worked for you. Can't find the place where people say it's not working at all, but what I meant was that, even though it works, it has a bug that makes life difficult. XD
12 Jun 11, 02:19AM
:P I'm referring to time, not how it works, and yes I know what you're saying XD
12 Jun 11, 04:00AM
@setnext: Are you specifying mode? I have habit of typing
/setnext camper@camper instead of /setnext lss camper@camper If you don't set a mode it fails without any sort of error message.
12 Jun 11, 04:56AM
(12 Jun 11, 04:00AM)Frogulis Wrote: @setnext: Are you specifying mode? I do like /setnext dm ac_desert log out of server and log back in on a different map other then dm ac_desert then i do /setnext ctf ac_power and in the console it gives me an error saying that a map is already set and i cant set another map or am i supposed to wait the whole game to finish so i can i see my setnext results next game? O.o
12 Jun 11, 05:00AM
Huh. Does it succeed if you put only a mode?
12 Jun 11, 05:19AM
(12 Jun 11, 05:00AM)V-Man Wrote: Huh. Does it succeed if you put only a mode? lol XD whats the point? I don't have a map called tdm dm pf lss or what ever mode there is >.< /setnext only works if u do /setnext mode map I just checked my above question, and doesn't even work if i wait the whole game in order to see me set map next game :/ Quote:Odd, I wonder why it never worked for you. Can't find the place where people say it's not working at all,I proved u wrong, i win, u owe me a cookie :B
12 Jun 11, 06:31AM
Huh? V-man, what you on about?
And it seems that you can't change a setnext vote.
12 Jun 11, 06:32AM
not being able to change a setnext isn't the bug :P
Its the fact that it never fails.
12 Jun 11, 08:54AM
Yes and oh I see.
I actually don't mind that feature/bug. It makes going onto @camper servers and setnext-ing an official map so much more fun :D Here's a suggestion: setnext fails: the setnext mode/map gets played next, but it can be setnext-ed again. setnext succeeds: the setnext mode/map gets played next, and the next game can't be voted again.
12 Jun 11, 03:09PM
Could you please give a somewhat more exact description of this bug? So, if I understood you correctly, the setnext vote always has an effect, even if it seemingly fails?
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