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TgS a Hack Posting Clan?
A member of TgS, Roadrunner distributing hacks on youtube......
link removed to prevent other noobs from cheating. Server owners and Devs contact through IRC for link and proof

Following are ladder Stats from November 2010. Some very big jumps in stats since video was posted
Hack posted October 25th by Roadrunner
==> 576 ~TgS~R0ad-RuN3r 4168 1h 21m 345 127 2.72 163
345 KILLS in an hour? yeah ok. Gibs before hack: 23 Gibs after hack: 87
1162 ~TgS~elite 2273 1h 53m 148 87 1.70 111 20
==> 1351 ~TgS~gagaclan 1978 0h 36m 58 26 2.23 0 1

==> 3195 ~Tgs~Xenon 725 0h 16m 28 10 2.80 18 3
Xenon went from 1.06 to 2.70 right after hack video is posted

3605 ~TgS~NoFear 605 0h 22m 64 35 1.83 44 11
4796 ~TgS~Nite=RM= 382 0h 9m 17 19 0.89 15 0
4919 ~TgS~KeViN~TgS~ 364 0h 32m 32 18 1.78 20 4
==> 5090 ~TgS~Praetor 341 0h 10m 38 12 3.17 37 0 2
5633 ~TgS~Night_RM 277 0h 28m 20 39 0.51 18 0 4
7034 ~TgS~Droid 162 0h 59m 12 34 0.35 13 0 0

you can kind of see which 4 would be suspected
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I know a few of their members. I wouldn't really call them hackers or at least the ones I know.

I don't know the ones listed in your post so I couldn't really say.
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Looks somewhat suspicious, but demos are needed for absolute proof.
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Finally someone says something about this clan and are already several times I hear about them and possibly cheat

A week ago I decided to visit their forum and read this post about what happened between Marreia and Praetor http://tgs-tourny.darkbb.com/results-f2/...ra-t50.htm and I think things speak for itself

Now in the game at first said this guy Praetor is a good player I would get to play well as him, but then I began to suspect after I have seen that people in the game said a lot of times to him things like:

You shot me 3 bulles and kill me? you move 2 times faster than all how you do? Are you using auto aim?

And not from Noobs but good players like #M|A#Alberich, #M|A#Atrimos,
Nocu, Marreira and some –FEL- guys

I personally do not mind playing against hackers in Pubs for me is a major challenge and even more fun, but in a match is another thing

Finally I think that if you accuse someone you need proof, and me being new to this community and playing AC for only a month and a half I think I can say little about them but had suspected before now with all this mmmm.......... What do you think?
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(29 Nov 10, 06:08PM)Zarj Wrote: Looks somewhat suspicious, but demos are needed for absolute proof.

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I think an official page on youtube with a download link and everything is enough. Especially since you can clearly see his name. And of course he is advertising these cheats :P
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Nvm my previous comments. This is some really questionable "proof".
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Thanks ...
It's like I always say, the time shows the truth.
Is that a gang ... The day I saw him player called praetor, I soon saw everything in it is abnormal ... The sight of it is centered on the opponent, do not spend more than 7 bullets to kill is the distance that is, ratio above 3.0 in the hi-skill, that to a player who came out of nowhere and claims to have 25 fps and plays in a leptop amazing.

No, Praetor I'm not God ... I'm just an honest player with good skills.
But you're the "Miracle Worker's Assault Cube"
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I dont know road runner well so I cant say anything really...I doubt he would But Droid and Nite DO NOT HACK. Thats pathedic. I know these guys...they aint like that! If you suspect one guy of something dont go accuse the whole freaking clan!

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I respect you and i've never met tgs members who are rude or unpleasent, they are all good guys (the ones i've met), but sometimes guys who just "ain't like that", are.
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If one person is hacking, then punish that person. Do not take the whole clan down for one person. I know Droid, Nite, Xenon, NoFear, elite and Praetor very well. I have played many games and spectated many fights and clan wars played by these guys but have never found one of them cheating. I do not know Roadrunner, but if he is hacking and distributing the hack, then take him down, and not the rest of the clan. These guys are professional players. They have smoked my ass countless times in games. ~TgS~ is a very professional clan, they take themselves seriously and take pride in how well they have developed their playing skills. One person's fault does not require the destruction of a great clan.
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Lol, sometimes yes, but not these ones.
Before anyone goes off to judge them all some freaking proof would be nice :/
BTW you wont find any. Not for nite...

Even if road runner had a vid on hacks that dosnt mean he used them in real games. I used to know guys who had two ac installations. Once for serious game play and one with hacks for pranking friends in priv games. Ive hacked games. All singleplayer but almost a multi player one once....for pranking friends..not real games. I wouldnt do it in ac.....ppl here take things to seriously and are far too judgmental.

Get a demo ppl!



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Let's not do this here.
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