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Please remove PSY server from server list.
This server have a lack of admins. Its a house for cheaters and teamkillers.
You can go to spect and back to respown in 1 second.
etc. Its not good setup server.
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Proofs? Demos? Screenshots? IPs? Nicks? Ok, think it's house of cheaters, why you play there? Also spawn cheats are usual and unpredictable and un-avoidable ... so?
For that, you need to collect too many demos in short time.
Removing these old servers without having good proofs means lack of moderation and if you collect lots of demos and find other players have this problem too (and they should have demos too) then we expect master admins to make a serious decision
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Old server: Its not about time .. This is about having a fun server experience.
It works like this: If you think I'm wrong, go to the server and play. Draw your own conclusions and share. Do not doubt someone without proof ... that's not cool ... imo
Learn to add to a post, do not try to find hidden details to use it in a non-constructive way. See the general look and feel in an adult and constructive way. Do you know Marti? Just curious ...
Understand that none of what you wrote is new to me or to the vast majority of active members of this forum ...
My posts are my choices ... respect;)
PSY servers are a problem atm. Bringing a bad game view.
gogo 1 x1 ac_alcova dm?
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"Please remove 1Cap from forum"
"Reason? Proof?"
"Go look yourself. Draw your own conclusions."
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13 Mar 18, 03:32PM
(This post was last modified: 13 Mar 18, 03:33PM by Marti.)
I support removing 1crap
Edit: i agree psy servers are shit. Last time i mentioned it to a psy member i got blacklisted on their servers lol
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16 Jun 18, 07:25PM
(This post was last modified: 16 Jul 18, 05:18AM by 1Cap.)
PSY servers are better now to play in. Thx all admins. (not all) GG
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Unfortunately it's not enough just to have an in-game admin. It is necessary that this admin is not lazy.
What would be correct? This teamkiller was already messing up the game .. everyone knows him .. Teamkill, flagkill, ... Impossible to play this way .. And what does the admin do? Nothing!
Do not interrupt the vote to ban me ...
The problem is the players? They must accept to be killed by trolls, by Tk's?
What good is a lazy admin like that? To just help your own friends? To vote "Gema" maps on the server? Have admins banning new players who do not know what "gema" maps are and kill?
Being a server admin requires responsibility ... It requires discipline and especially, it requires you want to do something good for the server and the game.
Demo - Lazy Admin
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(16 Jul 18, 05:17AM)1Cap Wrote: ac_village 15min
1 of ways to capture a troll is letting him to show himself during play and take the demo to report, and your post only has 1 good point and it is the demo ( proof of bad behave). Vext lets that guy to stay on server because he wants to have a good reason to ban him, he is not like you, you will shout all over ac " Mr.X trolled Mr.Y" with no strong proof while you are feeding trolls ( I think yourself asked us to don't feed trolls LOL)
OK my 1st proof of calling 1Cap "idiot" is this post, there are lot other in forum too. like when you told "Undead=1Cap" XD
Calm and think before act , i know you can't but try.
Note: if you think my claim about " letting trolls to destroy themselves and ban them with strong reason" is bullshit, you can ask any admin you trust in... if you trust Medusa, ask her how many times she didn't ban or blacklist a troll while she was sure about him and she waited for a strong reason to make ban/blacklist ( The good examples are Norman and Mayer) ... A&D_Jamz don't care much about bad behave so he will kick out the bad guy when he see it's necessary.
If you don't trust any admin, it's better for you to cut the bullshit and gtfo since we don't care mcuch about vote spammers like you, 1st proof is the demo you sent, i hope you send more.
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(16 Jul 18, 03:35PM)mhsaleh Wrote: (16 Jul 18, 05:17AM)1Cap Wrote: ac_village 15min
I throw all my 11 pair of shoes at you. Reason being, it just has to be done.
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16 Jul 18, 07:05PM
(This post was last modified: 16 Jul 18, 07:06PM by |HP|.)
(16 Jul 18, 04:40PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: (16 Jul 18, 03:35PM)mhsaleh Wrote: (16 Jul 18, 05:17AM)1Cap Wrote: ac_village 15min
I throw all my 11 pair of shoes at you. Reason being, it just has to be done.
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PSY server. That's what these posts are about. This happened on this server, so I wrote it here. It's not personal. This server is on the masterserver, so I believe it belongs to everyone who wants to play on it ... That's my opinion, that's how I think.
This "Infernal" player is a know teamkiller, ban evade guy and a troll. 99% of AC players know this. this admin in the demo knows this too. Surely he knows.
-----------I am wrong? Do you prefer to play with teamkillers and trolls...?
What is the purpose of an admin on the server if it does not act like he should?
In the basic of how to be a server admin is know how to act against this toxic type of player. Do not know what to do? Doing nothing is not an option.
And for what reason I was banned .. this was not fast, he could have canceled the vote. But he did not cancel. I'm calling him lazy. But maybe it's worse ...
You insist on a community where there are kings and only the king's friends have privileges ... Go back to the basic rules of this game. Do not accept TK's, impersonators, trolls, cheaters .. DO NOT ACCEPT.
TK's, impersonators, trolls, cheaters .. they always destroy online games .. always ... DO NOT SUPPORT THAT KIND OF PLAYER.
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16 Jul 18, 09:09PM
(This post was last modified: 16 Jul 18, 09:27PM by mhsaleh.)
OK so lemme see i can be 1Cap or no: "I see trolls and tkers and cheaters on all servers. please take all of them down must be true, have doubt on me?"
I'm tired idk you realize this speech goes nowhere or no so i don't care about the result too since it had and it has no result.
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18 Jul 18, 12:28PM
(This post was last modified: 18 Jul 18, 12:30PM by nisde420.)
1cap i saw you vote-ban players for teabagging you lol why are you so sensitive ? chilll,it all good
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Is impossible to play in Psy servers yet... ;(
Lot of impersonators, teamkillers, etc.
I wish you can get Ips ant ban this guys... (p.ynk) really?... hes an impersonator and server admin?
Demo -- Right now - Psy server
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probably several people who saw this post care about what I described.
But CERTAINLY at least one person cares very much ... that person is you. This is because spending your time writing here is irrefutable proof that you really care. ;)
Do not worry ... you're not alone ...
A new clan has just been born. eLS .... soon more news!
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28 Jul 18, 10:16AM
(This post was last modified: 28 Jul 18, 11:42AM by mhsaleh.)
1-eLs is not that new
2-Only reason i intersted in replying is you bro, you are really pro in pissing yourself.
3-I'm only intersted to know usage of masterserver while i know they are proud of maintaining this shit, its only 2 list : 1- server list ( not that usefull ) 2-blacklist ( not that usefull too, also server owners can have their own blacklist ) ...idk why you suck balls of dev and ms admins by these posts and asking them to take down these servers.
4-Marti is afk, also if he gets back, i like to know his opinion about blacklisting Hosta while undead is free ( if you are confused wtf i am talking about, ask jamz or grenadier )
5-Lots of dreams 1.6Cap but i hope you realize you can't do anything special here, like others ... .
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No more admins around? So, who are the admins there?
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14 Jan 19, 06:11PM
(This post was last modified: 14 Jan 19, 06:15PM by SamGamgee55.)
If you don't like the server then don't play on it! Use your brain.
I believe you're just a troll, trying to stir up drama to kill this already dead game. And about "cheaters", I've only seen one, yes ONE cheater in my entire time playing AC. So I think you're just really crappy or we are playing different games. Trolls? Ignore them and get some popcorn while the troll tries to arras another person. Teabaggers? Take it as a complement, and know that you're doing your job.
Stop trying to be the victim "1Cap" because I see straight though your tactics.
P.S And for the last image the admins can't be on 24/7, they have a life of their own. Also, there might be an admin who hasn't claimed the status yet. "I've seen this a couple times"
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I disagree.
See, for example, how the arrangement of admins and moderators works here in the forum. There is an agenda where, most of the time, there is always a moderator available. The same thing happens in Discord. Most of the time there is an admin or moderator visible and available online. Not 100% i know..
How many admins exist for Psy server? How were they chosen? What is their timezone?
Your thinking is a lazy thought ... unfortunately ...
If you want to have a server available on the masterserver, then take care of it.
It would be much better 10 well-managed servers than these dozens of poorly maintained servers, right?
The servers need to have some independence, I agree with that. But above that comes some important rules!
We should not support impersonators. We should not support cheaters. We should not support trolls.
If the server is public and is in the masterserver then it should follow these rules!
A server admin can not support a player who is permanently banned! Banned by cheater, banned by troll, banned for using the tag that does not belong to him ...
There is intense work to ward off harmful players from the game. So these awful server admins simply support them on their servers? This is ridiculous! This is serious. Servers that support banned players must be removed from the masterserver!
It is not always possible to know the real ip of the player because of the VPN. But it is often possible.
The work of a server administrator is not easy. But it must be done. But the current admins are lazy and biased.
I do not want to give the names. But if need be I have many demos to post.
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16 Jan 19, 11:38PM
(This post was last modified: 16 Jan 19, 11:40PM by SamGamgee55.)
(14 Jan 19, 06:37PM)1Cap Wrote: I disagree.
See, for example, how the arrangement of admins and moderators works here in the forum. There is an agenda where, most of the time, there is always a moderator available. The same thing happens in Discord. Most of the time there is an admin or moderator visible and available online. Not 100% i know..
How many admins exist for Psy server? How were they chosen? What is their timezone?
Your thinking is a lazy thought ... unfortunately ...
If you want to have a server available on the masterserver, then take care of it.
It would be much better 10 well-managed servers than these dozens of poorly maintained servers, right?
The servers need to have some independence, I agree with that. But above that comes some important rules!
We should not support impersonators. We should not support cheaters. We should not support trolls.
If the server is public and is in the masterserver then it should follow these rules!
A server admin can not support a player who is permanently banned! Banned by cheater, banned by troll, banned for using the tag that does not belong to him ...
There is intense work to ward off harmful players from the game. So these awful server admins simply support them on their servers? This is ridiculous! This is serious. Servers that support banned players must be removed from the masterserver!
It is not always possible to know the real ip of the player because of the VPN. But it is often possible.
The work of a server administrator is not easy. But it must be done. But the current admins are lazy and biased.
I do not want to give the names. But if need be I have many demos to post.
Why do you not want to give names? If you have "demos to post" then do so!
Mods are only human, they need to eat, sleep and work. You don't expect them to be online 24 hours a day! In addition, you completely disregarded what I said about admins who don't claim the status in the server. I've seen this a couple times to ban someone who is afk or teamkilling too much.
And please...elaborate how leaving a server because there is a "troll" is lazy.
I believe that yes, 10 well-kept servers are better than 40 trashy ones.... but where are the "trashy" servers? Just because PSY owns most popular servers doesn't mean it's trashy. Think of it like this: A troll sees 3 servers, one with 5 players, one with 2 players, and one with 15 players. Which one will he pick?
You see... it's not moderation, rather it's a popularity based thing. Want to avoid trolls? Go to a less populated server! It's THAT simple.
Again, I am more and more convinced that you are a troll looking for trouble... so I shouldn't take you too seriously. You most likely don't have any names/demos to post. If you post "I won't give names/demos if I have to", that confirms you are a troll and I'm not going to feed your trolling crap any longer.
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Still no answer.
Cut the trolling BS, would you?