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Care to explain me something?
So, ive been playing matches for quite some time now. I like to do that. Its cool when you can play against guys of your level and learn something from your opponent and improve your own teamplay. Much fun one would say. Now it has come to my attention that some people out there think its necessary to ask to play matches under alias. I know it happens for a long time, but I don't understand the point of it.

First of all: if you know that you can easily beat someone up (being w00p or MyS) what is the need of proving that by playing people that are not on your level?

Second: If you want to beat up some clan thats that, but at least unalias yourself when you ask them to play with you. They have the right to know against who theyre playing. Were not all keyboard warrioring out there. If you play a game of soccer you can also see who youre playing against so i wouldnt know why not in AC.

Third: I dont understand one other thing: if someone asks politely several times if youre really not under alias of some sort why would you lie? To continue having fun by playing against someone that is far under your level?

Thats why: I play for my fun, and i don't find it fun to play against aliased persons. Matches are interesting for me when you wont be completely washed. So please: do not ask me for your matches when youre aliased k thx bye
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This is why an average clan league would work.

whop, thats your cue.
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Excellent post YesWeCamp. I agree :)
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(21 Jun 12, 07:47PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: Second: [...] They have the right to know against who theyre playing.

No they don't that's just silly.
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(21 Jun 12, 08:36PM)redstar500 Wrote: Excellent post YesWeCamp. I agree :) Anyone doing so should be banned for life.
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I only alias as a clan is I am playing with someone outside of my clan for fun. It really isn't based on skill level for me. I don't mind losing, nor do i mind winning. Although winning is a lot more fun.
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I never alias anyway. lol.
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(21 Jun 12, 07:57PM)Cemer Wrote: This is why an average clan league would work.

whop, thats your cue.
Well dayum...I forgot about that...
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(21 Jun 12, 08:45PM)Mael Wrote:
(21 Jun 12, 07:47PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: Second: [...] They have the right to know against who theyre playing.

No they don't that's just silly.

I wouldn't know why not. If you play a 'clan'match you play versus a clan. So its logical, in my idea, that you know which clan you're matching against. If some people trick you into the idea you're playing some other clan its a case of false identity. I don't understand why its accepted that people do that. So If you think it's silly to think you have the right to know who you're playing with in a clanmatch I would like to know why.
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When you accept an offer to play a match, you are agreeing to play with whoever offered. Not whoever they change their name to afterward. It's dishonest to offer under another name.
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I think it's silly to say you have a "right" to know who you're playing against in a game with no registered names and no requirement to play under any specific name at any time.

Players have changed their names in the past, wishing to start over and create a new reputation. The admins of this forum will even facilitate it by changing usernames. There is no requirement that these players disclose their former aliases and it would be ridiculous for anyone to make such a demand.

Why is it any different for players that wish to play under an alias temporarily? We can't make the assumption that someone is aliasing so someone below their level will play with them.
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It is fine to change nicknames and create new reputations and I know that AC doesn't have any sort of registration, but do swindle someone into a match using an alias seems to be cheating. I understand what you're saying about there being no registration system, but general honesty seems like a fair thing to ask for correct? Nickname changes are fine. They are not fine when you are using them in a dishonest way. Do you think the admins of this forum would "facilitate" a way of tricking newbs into clan matches with elite clans? I think not.
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Im not against all types of aliasing. I don't see a problem for using different names and such. My critique is against people that ask you to play a clanmatch but do that under alias intentionally with all troubles coming along with that. I see that "right" sounds as if it was written down somewhere that you are not allowed to do so. What is more my want is that well respected clans would care about playing honestly and with fun instead of lying about who you are and playing useless matches against people that are not on your level while you know it. I don't understand anyway why people would want to play against clans that have a big skillgap but thats another discussion.

Quote:We can't make the assumption that someone is aliasing so someone below their level will play with them.
I didn't make this assumption I think, but even though I can't think of other reasons why these players would alias for cms.
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You're still making the assumption that people are actually doing this for that reason.

Find someone who will tell you they intentionally pick on weaker clans under an alias for an ego boost and I will join you in calling them an insecure twerp. But you haven't convinced me there's any need to disclose previous aliases just because someone asked me to. You haven't convinced me you have any "right to know" anything.

Aliasing and playing your friends or randoms in competitive matches used to be the thing to do. Fake clans were created on a near daily basis for this purpose alone. It wasn't wrong then, it isn't wrong now, and I think you're just coddling players that got stomped and couldn't take the heat of embarrassment.
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At least they do pick weaker clans for cms. Today for instance they kept their alias even after the first round where we got beaten badly and kept saying they weren't under alias.
And no I'm absolutely not the type of player that will ragequit because he is losing. I play for my fun as I said. What i don't find fun is when I think I will have a nice and fun match but get a useless match instead.
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we play against weaker clans because nobody else at out level is available or will play us, so we have to resort to playing people much worse than us for some kind of game(its better than nothing).
we've come to realize most of the time you don't want to play us, so some clans just alias to get a game going.
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its actually good for you to play aliased players ( if they are better than you ) you will get better by playing those that are better than you.

i will say that it is nice sometimes to know who a person is, not to run away when they reveal their name because you realize they are better than you and you will most defiantly lose, but to be able to chit chat or talk about the match later or 1v1 them again if you fell like you have improved enough to beat them. If they are aliased you cant go and find them another day to 1v1 them again.
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(21 Jun 12, 11:47PM)Undead Wrote: ...we've come to realize most of the time you don't want to play us, so some clans just alias to get a game going....
False statement.
Shouldve read :
We´ve come to realize how awesome we are, so some clans alias to get a pwn the n00bs game going, for the lulz.

Just as redstar said:
"When you accept an offer to play a match, you are agreeing to play with whoever offered.".
And, if wanna know who they are, and ask, its up to them telling! Asking again wont solve nothing, cause asking nice is just not a reason.
/whois them and you can make a false blacklist report check another day who they are!
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(21 Jun 12, 07:47PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: So its logical, in my idea, that you know which clan you're matching against. If some people trick you into the idea you're playing some other clan its a case of false identity. I don't understand why its accepted that people do that.

Because there are no strict rules in AC for clan matching. There is no fair play ether and humilitation of ur opponent is the main goal for quite a few kids that consider themselves elite AC players (bla bla bla). With time u will get to see all the cheap shots and u will get used to it, cause if u try to do something to change it u'll get trolled on. Sad but true, so the sooner u understand that the better. :) Also there are players that no one wants to play against so they use alias to (as undead said) get the game going XD.

I understand averige clans and why they don't want to play top clans. No one likes being raped match after match. Playing top clans WILL NOT help them improve if they get smashed every time. So league for averige clans that wanna go pro would be good start for improving the match scene in future.

One of the main rules imho should be: I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHO I PLAY AGAINST (for example, if someone doesn't like ex cheaters or suspicious ones, he has the right to choose not to play with them)
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@ Joe Smith
I think it's good to play some good clans from time to time to see where you can improve, but I'd like to keep the choice to myself if I want to play them or not.

And I understand that as Undead says that you do that because you want to keep the game going. But I feel it's unfair to your opponent to act as if you're less good, and then when the match starts you win easily. And for yourself? I mean: there will be much more chance your opponent will ragequit won't it?

And yes paulmuaddibKA, I do think asking if they're aliased is reason enough for them to admit it, when they are. I think its a matter of respect between players and clans.
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(21 Jun 12, 07:47PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: Second: If you want to beat up some clan thats that, but at least unalias yourself when you ask them to play with you. They have the right to know against who theyre playing.
Why even answer a aliased player when they ask for inter or clan match?
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How do you know they're aliased?
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(22 Jun 12, 03:44PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: Why even answer a aliased player when they ask for inter or clan match?

its generally disrespectful if you don't.

(22 Jun 12, 01:00AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: False statement.
Shouldve read :
We´ve come to realize how awesome we are, so some clans alias to get a pwn the n00bs game going, for the lulz.

stop trolling you're bad at it.
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Everything it's fun and games until someone is accused of cheating.
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(22 Jun 12, 03:59PM)Undead Wrote:
(22 Jun 12, 03:44PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: Why even answer a aliased player when they ask for inter or clan match?

its generally disrespectful if you don't.

(22 Jun 12, 01:00AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: False statement.
Shouldve read :
We´ve come to realize how awesome we are, so some clans alias to get a pwn the n00bs game going, for the lulz.

stop trolling you're bad at it.

Omg why you are always so unfriendly? Who do you think to be? Yes, probably you are one of the best players out of Assaultcube, but there's really no need to be so vain and arrogant because of that, it's just a GAME.
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(22 Jun 12, 06:38PM)Homer-J Wrote: Omg why you are always so unfriendly? Who do you think to be? Yes, probably you are one of the best players out of Assaultcube, but there's really no need to be so vain and arrogant because of that, it's just a GAME.

wtf are you talking about
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(22 Jun 12, 08:07PM)Undead Wrote:
(22 Jun 12, 06:38PM)Homer-J Wrote: Omg why you are always so unfriendly? Who do you think to be? Yes, probably you are one of the best players out of Assaultcube, but there's really no need to be so vain and arrogant because of that, it's just a GAME.

wtf are you talking about

you got it right
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/offtopic Im not good at trolling cause Im not trolling...
P.S: I love undead and all his kangorooshit XD
/ontopic @YWC I understand how you feel. I, for example, unalias when asked, but I respect that others wouldnt wanna. But I dont play clan matches , so what do I know...
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When I was a bad player we used to alias to play better teams. MyS was pretty sick of beating us after a few months. By legacy MyS was pretty sick of losing to us.
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Your best way to improve is by playing players far better than you.
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