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Feedback/Bug-Reports for AssaultCube v1.1
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You got foot gibbed!
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Supermario technik
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tempest: That pretty much sums it up. Even if the setnext vote fails, the voted map/mode is played in the next round (assuming the current round isn't changed before then).
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LMAO. I had a feeling I knew about that problem...
Quote:r6250 | sireus | 2011-04-16 00:13:33 +0200 (Sam, 16. Apr 2011) | 1 Zeile

fixed setnext bug (thanks to RR and Jack for filling me in)
So yeah, it's fixed already.

In case someone wonders WTH is funny with this: sireus is me ;P
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@exodus: I have seen similar things happen, where the grenade goes off far away, yet it still damages/gibs you. Also, I have seen grenades explode right under my feet, but I took no damage. These only occur rarely, and I believe the first is related to lag, but that is just my speculation.
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(02 Jun 11, 02:40AM)Nightmare Wrote: http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr356...us_TDM.jpg

Very minor thing.
The carbine is called TMP M&A

on the bottom, left of the ammo count, it has it as TPM AM.
Still like this in the SVN. :D

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(14 Jun 11, 05:34AM)Lantry Wrote: @exodus: I have seen similar things happen, where the grenade goes off far away, yet it still damages/gibs you. Also, I have seen grenades explode right under my feet, but I took no damage. These only occur rarely, and I believe the first is related to lag, but that is just my speculation.

In fact , it happen only when the nade bounce.
The model bounce but you get hited by the "grenade hit" who isn't on his model.

It's rare but it's as the sniper heardshot/fail , it should be fixed.

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Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the maximum possible damage caused by a grenade is? I've killed Undead with 100 - 75 with one grenade.
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200 is. You have to figure in armor in there somewhere, armor isn't straight health.
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Well, isn't 200 high enough to kill you with 100 armor? So if you hold a grenade until it goes you die regardless of armor?
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Quick Question, was the snipers damaged re-reduced to 80?
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(15 Jun 11, 09:10AM)Duckett Wrote: Quick Question, was the snipers damaged re-reduced to 80?
Re-reduced to 80? It is currently 80. In version 1.1.1 it will be 85.

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(15 Jun 11, 04:47AM)Viper Wrote: Well, isn't 200 high enough to kill you with 100 armor? So if you hold a grenade until it goes you die regardless of armor?
Only if it hits you right in the sensitive bits.
Get full armour, throw a grenade straight down and then crouch on it ;)
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I've tried suiciding by holding the nade until it explodes, with full health and armor, and I do not die. It's kinda weird, it doesn't really make sense that you can survive that.
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(15 Jun 11, 09:51AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote:
(15 Jun 11, 09:10AM)Duckett Wrote: Quick Question, was the snipers damaged re-reduced to 80?
Re-reduced to 80? It is currently 80. In version 1.1.1 it will be 85.
Nope, it's back to 80 now.

(15 Jun 11, 10:24AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: I've tried suiciding by holding the nade until it explodes, with full health and armor, and I do not die. It's kinda weird, it doesn't really make sense that you can survive that.
Did you test that with the SVN version? I believe it was fixed in the meantime.
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I did it and died O.o
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(14 Jun 11, 12:27PM)Nightmare Wrote:
(02 Jun 11, 02:40AM)Nightmare Wrote: http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr356...us_TDM.jpg
Very minor thing.
The carbine is called TMP M&A
on the bottom, left of the ammo count, it has it as TPM AM.
Still like this in the SVN. :D
it's now fixed (thanks to jamz ;))

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(15 Jun 11, 05:01PM)Luc@s Wrote:
(14 Jun 11, 12:27PM)Nightmare Wrote:
(02 Jun 11, 02:40AM)Nightmare Wrote: http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr356...us_TDM.jpg
Very minor thing.
The carbine is called TMP M&A
on the bottom, left of the ammo count, it has it as TPM AM.
Still like this in the SVN. :D
it's now fixed (thanks to jamz ;))
Good job, Jamz.

Nightmare Edit: Yay you even got the dash and the & correct. Clearly the best bug fix of the next release!
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It's the little things that count.
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^ Not what she said.

On a more relevant issue, I'd like to express my gratitude for the /break command.
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(15 Jun 11, 10:24PM)Viper Wrote: I'd like to express my gratitude for the /break command.
Which is...?

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(15 Jun 11, 11:15PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote:
(15 Jun 11, 10:24PM)Viper Wrote: I'd like to express my gratitude for the /break command.
Which is...?
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changelog Wrote:[*] break - Jumps out of a loop created with the "loop" or "while" command.

Ah you beat me to it :D
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Update the game for a new version plz
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This is my idea for next version
instead of UNDER the 6,000, 100% must be under 30 cube height limit

they should do this
10,000 cube TOTAL - 6,000 cubes that is on the map cant be 30 in cube height or more
8,000 cube TOTAL - 4,800 cubes that is on the map cant be 30 in cube height or more
6,000 cube TOTAL - 3,600 cubes that is on the map cant be 30 in cube height or more
4,000 cube TOTAL - 2,400 cubes that is on the map cant be 30 in cube height or more
2,000 cube TOTAL - 1,800 cubes that is on the map cant be 30 in cube height or more

one of camper map have 3,636
for that, they cant have 2,181 or more but they have at least 3584 that is 30 or more
It will be rejected to play in non-coop Game modes :D
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What do these numbers mean?
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Today i was playing arctic SURV with the_andyman and a weird thing happened. Although i was using the AR, 6 hits got registered in one round... Is this is known/fixed issue?
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(27 Jun 11, 06:50AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: What do these numbers mean?

It means no more maps over nine thousaaaaaaaand.

@Titi: HAX
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Was trying to said cube height
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