The AssaultCube Quotes Thread
After a very good post, he concludes with:

(12 Feb 11, 01:25PM)tipper|DES| Wrote: I’m a nice boy really but show me a ladder and I become a whore!

Thanks given by:
<14:38:45> "Sepehr": Vermi : What makes a man fap ?!
<14:39:31> "Shorty": his hand.
<14:39:34> "Shorty": DERR
<14:40:07> "legacy.Vermi.": his hand is very itchy
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[23:16] * Castiel hugs joe
[23:16] * Castiel hugs droid
[23:16] * JoeSmith rubs cas back
[23:16] * Maj feels lonly
[23:16] * Castiel family hug
[23:16] * Castiel including maj
[23:16] <+Droid> get off me Casteil
[23:17] * JoeSmith i didnt say i rubbed your back ( looks around the room )
[23:17] * Maj cries tears of joy
[23:17] * ikljo says O_O HOMOS?
[23:17] * Castiel pulls droid in tighter
[23:17] <+Droid> get off me
[23:17] * Castiel kicks ikljo in nuts
[23:17] <+Droid> u and your gunpowder hands
[23:17] * Maj touches droid
[23:17] * JoeSmith watches as a bro rap accures
[23:17] * ikljo OUCH!
[23:17] <+Castiel> :O BRO RAPE
[23:17] <+Droid> DONT TOUCH ME MAJ
[23:17] <+Castiel> wioejfiowejfojweiofjwe
[23:17] <+JoeSmith> lol
[23:17] <+JoeSmith> haha
[23:17] <+Maj> i didnt touch him there
[23:17] <+Maj> >.>
[23:17] <+JoeSmith> qutoes thread
[23:18] <+Droid> Maj is gay
[23:18] <+Maj> wast that your little finger
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[11:36:50] <DES|Robtics> and we should change the set, I cant work on douche
[11:37:04] <DES|Robtics> oh I mean douzè
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MorganKell Wrote:KH < w00p.

(15 Feb 11, 09:43PM)flowtron Wrote: was released Nov, 14th 2010 - that's 8113083 seconds ago, or 93 days - just over 3 months.

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Quote:<@V-Man> :/ I figured my fists were good shotguns
<@V-Man> but now one has to hold a baby
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[23:20] <@Fate> at the start i was terrible with it
[23:20] <@Fate> it felt too small
[23:20] <@Fate> but im used to it now
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[23:20] <@Fate> joe, get used using a tiny crosshair
[23:20] <@Fate> red dot, size 15
(17 Feb 11, 05:22AM)Joe Smith Wrote: [23:20] <@Fate> at the start i was terrible with it
[23:20] <@Fate> it felt too small
[23:20] <@Fate> but im used to it now

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23:41] <+Maj> quit it your making me hungy dicks :P
[23:41] <+Maj> hungry, dicks*
[23:41] <@Darkside_> XD
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[23:54] <@Darkside_> ahh the classic vending machine dinner
[23:54] <+Maj> lol
[23:54] <+JoeSmith> lol
[23:54] <+JoeSmith> always a good one dark
[23:54] <@Darkside_> doritos, a twix, and a coke xD
[23:54] <@Darkside_> a college favorite
[23:54] <+Maj> enjoy your twit
[23:54] <@Darkside_> o.O
[23:55] <+Maj> twix
[23:55] <@Darkside_> lmao
[23:55] <+Maj> i screw up too much
[23:55] <@Darkside_> quotes thread
[23:55] <+Maj> ...
[00:02] <@Darkside_> lol
[00:02] <@Darkside_> btw
[00:02] <@Darkside_> maj
[00:02] <+Maj> ya?
[00:02] <@Darkside_> this twit is amazing
[00:02] <+Maj> -_-
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Maj Wrote:Maj: Everyone thinks im Vaj.Hillis the gay terrorist T-T
Maj: Nooo waaay

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<DES|Bukz> hai
<ShadowFlameZ> how are ya
<DES|Bukz> good good, you?
<ShadowFlameZ> i'm good
<ShadowFlameZ> what would happen if i said hello to everybody in this channel?
<ShadowFlameZ> ;D
<ShadowFlameZ> hi bcfhaerkefiende des|bukz eihrul gibstick jack-is jamz randumkiwi cia-2 `rowan a_slow_old_man afr0 aight andrez|htc antrophobic aushack baditatipandsu bcfh|brett boeck` ccd des|anderson des|gendisarray des|robtics eq|maimeetur etch|3i| imacripple jonhuz kid_matthew luc4s macm mazellan musicman10 orava_ rytis sanzo seriffi skb slackie spamma`off subz and ymh|fiz
<eQ|MaiMeeTur> o.O
<DES|Robtics> good job :D
<a_slow_old_man> now everyone in here hates you....
<a_slow_old_man> xP
<ShadowFlameZ> lol
<DES|Bukz> jaj
<boeck`> qban
<Aight> wth
<BCFHaerkefiende> spammer
<MusicMan10> stop the fucking highlighting
<DES|Bukz> now do it backwards
<DES|Bukz> /:D
<aushack> hmm
<ShadowFlameZ> bukz made me do it
<Baditatipandsu> whats us bcfhaerkefiende des|bukz eihrul gibstick jack-is jamz randumkiwi cia-2 `rowan a_slow_old_man afr0 aight andrez|htc antrophobic aushack baditatipandsu bcfh|brett boeck` ccd des|anderson des|gendisarray des|robtics eq|maimeetur etch|3i| imacripple jonhuz kid_matthew luc4s macm mazellan musicman10 orava_ rytis sanzo seriffi skb slackie spamma`off subz and ymh|fiz
<ShadowFlameZ> its what's up
<ShadowFlameZ> fail
<Luc4s> lol
<Andrez|HTC> stop that crap, thanks
<MusicMan10> yes
<MusicMan10> fuck your shit
<eQ|MaiMeeTur> Lol yeah
<Baditatipandsu> lol
<Baditatipandsu> you'll get over it
<Baditatipandsu> ;D
<ShadowFlameZ> baditat get some originality
<Sanzo> stop spam plz
<eQ|MaiMeeTur> Mmmm... I'm having fried chicken for breakfast :D
<DES|Bukz> i said do it backwards
* DES|Bukz facepalms
<ShadowFlameZ> not my fault
* ShadowFlameZ is innocent
<Aight> daaaamn
<Baditatipandsu> sorry Bukz, can i get a re-do?
<Baditatipandsu> :P
<Baditatipandsu> indeed
<Baditatipandsu> he PM spammed me to do that
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You spammer
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only noobs post spams
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(19 Feb 11, 07:26PM)Brahma Wrote: only noobs post spams

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(19 Feb 11, 08:57PM)V-Man Wrote:
(19 Feb 11, 07:26PM)Brahma Wrote: only ****s post spams

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Quote:17:49 <Neon__> why is my name always in use
17:49 <Neon__> =P
17:49 <Gibstick> Cause someone has the name Neon__
17:49 <Gibstick> I mean
17:49 <Gibstick> Neon
17:49 <Gibstick> and Neon_
17:49 <Gibstick> and you're stuck with Neon__
17:49 <Neon__> yeah
17:49 <Neon__> but how many neon
17:49 <Neon__> 's
17:49 <Neon__> are there
17:49 <Gibstick> IDK, it's a big network
17:50 <Neon__> true
17:50 <Neon__> you know everything o.O
17:50 <Neon__> what am i thinking about
17:50 <Gibstick> your dick
17:50 <Neon__> :O
17:50 <Neon__> MAGIC!
17:51 <Gibstick> o rly
17:51 <Neon__> you read my mind across miles and miles
17:51 <Gibstick> that was just a guess
17:51 <Gibstick> but in retrospect
17:51 <Gibstick> You would be thinking about your dick because you think I wouldn't think about you thinking about your dick
17:51 <Gibstick> Type the alphabet backwards
17:51 <Neon__> mind blown
17:51 <Gibstick> z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a
17:52 <Neon__> :O
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(21 Feb 11, 01:49AM)Mael Wrote: I'd ban you for spamming 9.97 posts per day.

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[19:35] <HiSk> ello anyone?
[19:36] <@Gibstick> ellloooo
[19:36] <YMH|Fiz> ...
[19:36] <@Gibstick> :o
[19:36] <@Gibstick> my on screen dispaly died
[19:36] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> Hey
[19:36] <@Gibstick> *display
[19:36] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> I didn't know you had a dispaly
[19:37] <HiSk> xD
[19:37] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> Is it expensice?
[19:37] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> expensive*
[19:37] <HiSk> I feel like pwning Gibstick but know I don't have the skill required to
[19:37] <HiSk> that's going in the quotes thread
[19:37] <@Gibstick> on-screen-display

[19:40] <ShadowFlameZ> guys what does the clan SoD stand for
[19:40] <HiSk> Soldiers of Death
[19:40] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> Soldier's of Death?
[19:40] <@Gibstick> loool
[19:40] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> They wanted to recruit me
[19:40] <HiSk> me & Neon 2v2ed em once
[19:40] <HiSk> we pwned & owned
[19:40] <HiSk> then one of em rick roll'd us
[19:40] <HiSk> the other one started singing I believe I can fly O.o?
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Quote:B}Ronald_Reagan: anyways, do you want to do pubin?

Mael Wrote:Well next time I'll be sure to ask for your approval.
I lol'd.
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Talking about choosing clan-names:
Quote:[5:25pm] outr4ge: ill just make it decry > outr4ge
[5:25pm] outr4ge: or dc>outr4ge
[5:25pm] B}Ronald_Reagan: makkE it...
[5:25pm] outr4ge: nah that looks shit
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[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

V-Man, why do you edit my posts, I forgot what I originally put here :(
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Lantry Wrote:thanks for your contribution, bullpup. Intelligent and well thought out, as always :)
Thanks given by:
(23 Feb 11, 03:00PM)V-Man Wrote:
Lantry Wrote:thanks for your contribution, bullpup. Intelligent and well thought out, as always :)

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(23 Feb 11, 09:21PM)HyPEimacripple Wrote: 15:39 *** Masturbating|Crip joined #PBClan
15:39 +++ ChanServ has given voice to Masturbating|Crip
15:39 *** Masturbating|Crip left #PBClan

When will AC grow up 'certain' AC players grow up. :P
nothing meant by this post just for lol'z
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This thread is the shit :D
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I Wrote:[Image: unclesampointingfinger.jpg]

I would ban uncle sam for looking like he is saying this
"now look here, boy, you ARE going to pull this finger and YOU WILL laugh at my huge fart!"

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Uncle Sam is a BAWSE. He don't take shit from no one.
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<eQ|MaiMeeTur>    Bacl
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    Neon|B-Ball: I saw ya on the eQ server today ;)
    <Neon|B-Ball>    when
    |<--    Neon|B-Ball has left (Signed off)
    -->|    Neon ( has joined #xuclan
    <Neon>    sorry bout that
    <Neon>    i was devoiced in HyPE server
    <Neon>    =.=
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    Ah, it's al right :D
    <Neon>    :D
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    And earlier today, with Duckett/HiSk/Akiimbo/Dunes
    <Neon>    yeah
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    Was he whining about somethin?
    <Neon>    ofc
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    And also with Spooky
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    What was he whining about?
    <Neon>    he was crying about me pwning him
    <Neon>    :D
    <Neon>    and how i wouldnt join his clan
    <Neon>    yada yada the usuall
    <Neon>    yada yada the usual
    <Neon>    ya kno'
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    Rofl
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    Why won't you join his clan?
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    And what'd you tell him when he asked you to
    <Neon>    im applying to B} and he can suck my cock
    <Neon>    :D
    <Neon>    nah
    <Neon>    i said "i decline"
    <Neon>    then left
    <eQ|MaiMeeTur>    I might put that in the quotes thread...
    <Neon>    heehee
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He's way outta line xD, I never asked him to join my clan, & I was complaining that I had to use my PC cuz my laptop crashed xD
[18:36] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> You see, I sued U-Haul a very long time ago
[18:36] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> Yup
[18:37] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> I sued U-Haul a very long time ago
[18:37] <B}Ronald_Reagan> wha?
[18:37] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> Because one of their driver's wasn't watching and ran me over
[18:37] <B}Ronald_Reagan> What did U-Haul ever do to U?
[18:37] <B}Ronald_Reagan> ouch
[18:37] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> So I had to go to the hospital, and get surgey to fix everything
[18:37] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> Btw, I was 1 years old
[18:37] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> I think maybe not even that old
[18:37] <Duckett{RG}> TampaMike can't be trusted
[18:38] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> But so I got the surgery, few weeks later
[18:38] <B}Ronald_Reagan> :O
[18:38] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> I started crapping out of my mouth an nose
[18:38] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> because the accident scrambled my intestines
[18:38] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> So I had to have surgery AGAIN
[18:38] <YMH|Fiz> what
[18:38] <Misty> Duckett, show us your facebook
[18:38] <Misty> D:
[18:38] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> And so then I stopped crapping out of my mouth and nose
[18:38] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> And so we sued U-Haul, and I have 50 K sitting in the bank

[18:51] <ShadowFlameZ> POKEMON!
[18:51] <ShadowFlameZ> I wanna be
[18:51] <Duckett{RG}> xD
[18:51] <ShadowFlameZ> the very best
[18:51] <ShadowFlameZ> that no one ever was
[18:51] <Duckett{RG}> you can't ban me for postin b4 you
[18:51] <ShadowFlameZ> to catch them is my real test
[18:51] <ShadowFlameZ> to train them is my cause
[18:51] <ShadowFlameZ> I will travel across the land
[18:52] <ShadowFlameZ> searching far and wide
[18:52] <ShadowFlameZ> for each pokemon, to understand
[18:52] <ShadowFlameZ> the power that's inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:52] <Misty> epic. theme. song.
[18:52] <Duckett{RG}> SHUT THE FUCK UP
[18:52] <Misty> i used to know the whole lyrics when i was younger
[18:52] <eQ|MaiMeeTur> I love that song

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