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The AssaultCube Quotes Thread
yeah, that thread is fucking serious business.
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<18:58:34> "Oracle": what's long & hard & shoots out stuff
<19:01:11> "Oracle": a sniper rifle
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Shut the fuck up and post funny quotes.
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(26 May 13, 10:06PM)pweaks Wrote: Shut the fuck up and post funny quotes.
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(26 May 13, 10:29PM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: sh!t
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Xenon Wrote:stfu
ursopufe Wrote:Who STFU?
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(27 May 13, 09:52PM)vern Wrote: Bukz
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(27 May 13, 09:53PM)Nightmare Wrote:
(27 May 13, 09:52PM)vern Wrote: Bukz

<3 +1
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(27 May 13, 11:39PM)PhaNtom Wrote: Lets all start using shotguns and carbines in matches just so ExodusS will be happy. Remember, AC revolves around ExodusS.
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(27 May 13, 02:13AM)SirRicke Wrote: I can not enter a map created by other users!
(27 May 13, 10:11PM)Marti Wrote: /getmap ?
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(28 May 13, 06:47PM)PERROS Wrote: [Image: 3824013.jpg]
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[Image: npXDhW2.jpg]
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[18:06] <@X-Ray_Dog> I read that as he's a sheep
[18:06] <@X-Ray_Dog> damn you schaf
[18:06] <@X-Ray_Dog> <3
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DamDam Wrote:It's like saying using a food processor is cheated compared to using a whisk...no, it's just using the technology to your advantage.

Don't copy meh OpTic!
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(30 May 13, 10:02AM)DamDam Wrote: It's like saying using a food processor is cheated compared to using a whisk...no, it's just using the technology to your advantage.

My computer was lagging.
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Back on topic:

[13:14] <+Foxy-Grim> no, having no energy sucks B|
[13:14] <+Foxy-Grim> I used it all up in the shower
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(02 Jun 13, 11:56AM)Xenon Wrote: w00p vs oNe will 90% sure happen today sometime around 6-8PM GMT
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Dat 10% chance
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Next time 1% chance lol
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[00:17] * ShadowFlameZ has joined #PBClan
[00:17] * ChanServ sets mode +v ShadowFlameZ for #PBClan
[00:17] <+ShadowFlameZ> how'd i leave this
[00:17] <@B}Droid> rq
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(04 Jun 13, 10:42AM)ArminASOT Wrote: If woop has cheated and if they woud be expelld from tournoment my clan can take the spot if its possible
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beat me to it..
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[20:16] <+ShadowFlameZ> see you all in a week
[20:16] <+ShadowFlameZ> o/
[20:16] * ShadowFlameZ (~ShadowFla@ShadowFlameZ.grammarpolice.gamesurge) has left #PBClan (Leaving)
[20:16] * ShadowFlameZ (~ShadowFla@ShadowFlameZ.grammarpolice.gamesurge) has joined #PBClan
[20:16] * ChanServ sets mode +v ShadowFlameZ for #PBClan
[20:17] <@B}Nightmare> quick week
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<18:18:22> "Harrek": there is some perfume on my bread
<18:18:24> "Harrek": fuck this
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<03:39:35> "vanquish": why do i always lose to people worse than me?

<03:34:55> "DamDam": we thought marti, xemi & hosta would make it without too much problems
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(06 Jun 13, 10:25PM)Sanzo Wrote: <03:34:55> "DamDam": we thought marti, xemi & hosta would make it without too much problems

Just to replace this quote into the context. This does not mean we underestimated FD*, this quote was followed by "they're all 3 great players and gothic is a biased pick, so we thought they could definitely win this". ty gg
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[00:51] == LeXuS [webchat@a95-93-244-66.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #assaultcube
[00:54] <LeXuS> 201.29.91 = S0PA=JV=Vulture.. jv is hack and jv is blacklisted, and new ip is 201.29.91.. and he not bl?.. jv give me hack in skype, but I did not accept. he is forever hack. omg..he change ip, 201.29.91=jv
[00:54] == LeXuS [webchat@a95-93-244-66.cpe.netcabo.pt] has quit [Signed off]
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FD*armagedon and FD*Friteq are conversing in Polish:
Marti: dude
FD*armagedon: ja ide jesc
Marti: polish
Marti: wtf
FD*Friteq: teraz z shine.?
FD*armagedon: tak
FD*Friteq: k
FD*Friteq: nobody cares
Marti: friteq i bet u do
FD*Friteq: i o my love
FD*Friteq: do*
FD*armagedon: i gowno mnie to obchodzi marti
FD*Friteq: to ciota jest
Marti: ey
Marti: dont talk about me
Marti: in a language i dont understand
FD*Friteq: we are't
Marti: blablabla marti
Marti: was about me
FD*Friteq: marti means in polish "food"....
Marti: yea right
FD*Friteq: he said "i gonna ead food"
Marti: if its true
Marti: its pretty cewl
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(13 Jun 13, 08:50PM)jamz Wrote: FD*armagedon and FD*Friteq are conversing in Polish:
[Image: cat-on-keyboard-med-001.gif]
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