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Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion
If you get a headshot with a chaingun does that count as 1.5?
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I like the changes, i'd approve it as fast as possible as the newest realease. since we all lose our skill while that unbalanced version
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i would want the shotgun to be like a shotgun and not a bloody NOOB TUBE. less range, more spread.

maybe the sniper damage increased, but apart from that, all is well.
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I agree that the Shotgun is WAY overpowered. If it wasn't, then why is everyone be using it in anything but OSOK? I think it would be nice to have the scope on the sniper rifle stay when you right-click, not as long as you hold the right mouse button down, IMO, but I probably need more practice on my part. ;) And the chain-gun idea is PURE BRILLIANCE!!!
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noooo i hate the chaingun idea. you think there are already noobs that can't aim and have to use a shotgun? wait till they start using a chaingun- faster, more powerful, bigger range.

i think just decreasing range would be better. like say, it can only do from 60dm to 105dm, but anything that used to do lower amounts of dm would not be a hit anymore.
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That "chaingun idea" was a joke... :S
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Ok, so I was being sarcastic. I know this is just my crazy opinion, but compared to other games, the SMG is broken. It has way too much recoil, and the range is very unrealistic. My re-balancing would be: drop recoil, drop range a lot, slightly drop damage, and buff the ROF quite a bit. But that's just my crazy opinion. Also, I think that the AR's first shot accuracy might be increased just a little, to allow for tap-firing over long range.
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(24 Dec 10, 07:57PM)mogthor Wrote: Ok, so I was being sarcastic. I know this is just my crazy opinion, but compared to other games, the SMG is broken. It has way too much recoil, and the range is very unrealistic. My re-balancing would be: drop recoil, drop range a lot, slightly drop damage, and buff the ROF quite a bit. But that's just my crazy opinion. Also, I think that the AR's first shot accuracy might be increased just a little, to allow for tap-firing over long range.
The SMG recoil right now is already terribly low, what do you mean of "too much recoil"?
With AR you can tap-fire and kill people easily already. We don't need to do anything to "allow" it to be done, it is already done and possible.

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Quote:...what do you mean of "too much recoil"?

when firing uncontrolled, by the end of the clip you are shooting the sky. I'm thinking the SMG should be like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yShd-Ciseww the shooting at 0:08 is the uncontrolled recoil.
but that video is from a game I'm used to, so the reason of my feelings might be my needing to get mor skilz.
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(24 Dec 10, 09:31PM)mogthor Wrote:
Quote:...what do you mean of "too much recoil"?

uncontrolled, by the end of the clip you are shooting the sky. I'm thinking something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yShd-Ciseww at 0:08 is the uncontrolled recoil.
but that's from a game I'm used to, so its probably me needing to get mor skilz.
I asked what you meant by "too much recoil" since the SMG recoil is already low enough.
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Post fixed and clarified. Read again.
Quote:by the end of the clip you are shooting the sky
^^^ that's what I mean by too much recoil.
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One thing to note is that you cannot drop range. There is no range stat in guns.
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SMG needs to be beefed up?
Noobs already accuse me of cheating, what'll happen if my SMG is suddenly even MORE deadly?
mogthor Wrote:
Quote:by the end of the clip you are shooting the sky
^^^ that's what I mean by too much recoil.
It doesn't take too long to learn how to control the recoil by moving the mouse back at a steady(ish) rate.
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On the SVN the sensivity is strange and i don't know why.
Impossible to scope cause the sensibility changed again ,and again ,and again...
Like a smoothmousse out of control.
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then change it lol
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I recommend there to be more weapons like AK-47, M21, M16, M4-2000 it will make the game more interesting with more primary weapons.
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(25 Dec 10, 06:25PM)nelsonnpandas1997 Wrote: I recommend there to be more weapons like AK-47, M21, M16, M4-2000 it will make the game more interesting with more primary weapons.
Doing that will just make the game more CS-like. I don't know how long you have been playing, but AssaultCube has been made to be very simple with no advanced tactics like smoke grenades, nor too many realistic weapons. If you click the B key in-game you can see the models for each weapon aren't real. Such models as the MTP-57, AD-81, or the A-ARD 10 are examples of models of the weapons used, though none are real.
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(17 Nov 10, 01:31PM)Dark$aint Wrote: Is it possible to put a scope on the Carbine?
But make it a constant scopefov 45 or something?

I'd really like this. I'd use it in T/DM.
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(26 Dec 10, 11:37PM)Dark$aint Wrote:
(17 Nov 10, 01:31PM)Dark$aint Wrote: Is it possible to put a scope on the Carbine?
But make it a constant scopefov 45 or something?

I'd really like this. I'd use it in T/DM.

You can just use an ironsights script of sorts (an example can be found here on the forums) to achieve a similar result.
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BTW, how exactly does that script work? I couldn't find a key/action that would activate it :/
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|BC|Wolf, it would be /bind [key] sauerzoom.

mod edit: linked to sauerzoom
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One nade, and at its current power and radius is fine. We don't want nadefests over more skillful gunfests :D
with these, you basically have to throw it in their mouth to kill them so its cool.

A hundred more guns would be great also :)
The Devs could handle it!
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(Thanks for fixing my post Gibstick :) )

No, we don't need any more weapons. AssaultCube is meant to be simple. As long as every role is fulfilled it's fine--in fact, we can probably already handle with just the SMG, Shotgun, Sniper, Pistol, and Knife.
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Copy over from my old post:

Hello All,

These are just my feelings about game balance, and, more specifically, the in-game guns. Even more specifically, the sub-gun and the Assault-rifle.
Basically, there is no difference between the two. They both have the same DPS and range. The only (minor) differences are that one has 30 ammo, less damage, but with higher ROF. In the hands of a skilled user, both weapons are equally deadly. So in a game where there is no weapon that is the same, this makes no sense at all. There is the carbine, which is very unique, the infamous shot gun, and the sniper, not to mention the pistol and the akimbo power-up. All these weapons are unique/are specialized. All, that is, but the Sub-gun/AR. In my opinion, there SHOULD be a difference between the two, besides the fact that you can rifle sprint/jump with one. Realistically, there are major differences between the two. From Wikipedia: "Assault rifles are categorized in between light machine guns, which are intended more for sustained automatic fire in a light support role, and submachine guns, which fire a pistol cartridge rather than a rifle cartridge." And: "An assault rifle, in contrast [to a SMG], uses an intermediate-power cartridge with more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle [which would be the carbine in AC]." Also: "Submachine guns are highly effective in close quarters[...]" In AC, a skilled user can shoot at a person with a SMG at long range and get a kill. In my opinion, the guns need to be re-thought, or merged. There is no point in having two of the same guns. All of this is, of course, my opinion, and I am not responsible if you are offended in any way by what I have said, though I hope you are not. Neater do I want to start a flame war, or anything like that. I am just posting my opinion for review and discussion. Comments and discussion are appreciated.
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Skilled player can earn a kill from distance with shotty even(try it in CoD for example). Weapons aren't real but they are unique somehow. AR is good for distance. SMG for mid-distance, Shotty for close combat, Carbine with two-shots-to-kill-you-miss-you-die system and gibbin headshot sniper. It's simple and that simplicity is fun.
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But my point is, even though the SMG was intended for mid-range, it is currently not. It has, I think, the same range as the AR.
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they are kind of similar, but both have noticeable differences for me.

Still say we could use a lot more weapons, and it wouldn't kill the simplicity.
or 1-2 more per class/category
another AR with more damage, slower fire rate.
another smg with weaker damage, better fire rate. another shotgun with semi-auto but less damage and more spread. semi-sniper with weaker damage, etc.
Its nice to see diversity, and to say "this is MY GUN" and not have half the community using it as well. <3 Assault Cube either way though.
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I don't agree in the fact that there are differences between the AR and the SMG, but I do like your idea of more weps. More importantly, make a bolt-action sniper, like the AI AW, and drop the power of the current one, and make it more like the M110. The bolt action should have a very long time between shots, no no-scope ability, and be able to OSOK anywhere on the body.
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Yes, adding one or two additions to each class(AR/smg/etc) with simple balances like
+rate of fire

-rate of fire

or screw around with range and spread too. and yes the bolt action idea :)

would be simple additions that shouldn't in theory affect the balance or simpleness of the game at all. It would just let people use what they prefer, and greater diversity would appeal to more non AC-players.(I for instance have a few friends who won't play it due to lack of weapons)
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Understand that any more weapons won't be added right now. Carbine was just recently added, get that in your heads.
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