Please try contacting your clan-leader for access -
trusted clans get their own hierachy for granting permissions to the wiki.
To make your application you need to provide us with your exact wiki-username and something to prove you're going to improve on the wiki. Giving us an example of your work - by using a site like - is the best way to prove that.
Just mentioning that you want to update your own single clan-page on the wiki is only enough if you're a clan-leader, actually this is only so because these wiki-Sergeants (manager) then take on the job of providing wiki-Corporal (editor) permissions to their clan members.
___ __ _
22nd June 2010:
The wiki is now accessible, all the old english pages are back - a backup exists,
so if someone wants to take charge of a certain language I can provide wiki-sources.
23rd October 2010:
This backup is now defunct.
If you are unaffiliated with a clan but feel the need to contribute you simply need to proove your worth for us to consider granting you access - just copy the page(s) in question you would fix up, write the corrections to the local copy and put them on a pastebin-website (like - make time till expiry be a month or over) and then post them in your request here.
In the future those clans that have established a good standing with the rest of the community will be brought to my attention and will thus be granted "Sergeant" permissions on the wiki.
Good standing means: If new clans pop up, that have no previous tie-in's with community they will first have to acquire that standing. Getting onto the wiki-clanlist is easy - just ask any wiki-editor (e.g. on IRC) - then fight a few matches in public, challenge willing clans or groups via or IRC to make a name of yourself - once you have all the content you need for a clan-wiki-page and some more interest in the wiki than just that page (because then you just need a working contact to an exisiting editor to make updates) you can link to your clan-homepage-member-list or wherever it says the likes of: BTW, this person is our leader and anybody checking here for wiki-sergeant application should grant it.
The "Sergeants" can assign "Private" (basic editor) and "Corporal" (a few more permissions) to people they trust.
But they should really be careful with that trust.
One misstep in half-a-year will be tolerated - meaning only the offending editor will be deleted - but one more and all of that Sergeants permissions will be revoked, meaning all the accounts he has granted permissions to will be revoked too!
Again: If a Sergeant falls from grace his protegees will lose their permissions too.
trusted clans get their own hierachy for granting permissions to the wiki.
To make your application you need to provide us with your exact wiki-username and something to prove you're going to improve on the wiki. Giving us an example of your work - by using a site like - is the best way to prove that.
Just mentioning that you want to update your own single clan-page on the wiki is only enough if you're a clan-leader, actually this is only so because these wiki-Sergeants (manager) then take on the job of providing wiki-Corporal (editor) permissions to their clan members.
You need to prove .. either ..
.. your a CLAN-LEADER.
Link to clan-homepage: member-list(*)
Link to clan-homepage: member-list(*)
meaning all images, wiki-sources, etc. - ready.
Use a pastebin-site.
meaning all images, wiki-sources, etc. - ready.
Use a pastebin-site.
You need to provide ..
.. your exact USERNAME on the WIKI
___ __ _
(*): Your clan needs to have existed on the wiki for at least 3 months to be elligible
___ __ _22nd June 2010:
The wiki is now accessible, all the old english pages are back - a backup exists,
so if someone wants to take charge of a certain language I can provide wiki-sources.
23rd October 2010:
This backup is now defunct.
If you are unaffiliated with a clan but feel the need to contribute you simply need to proove your worth for us to consider granting you access - just copy the page(s) in question you would fix up, write the corrections to the local copy and put them on a pastebin-website (like - make time till expiry be a month or over) and then post them in your request here.
In the future those clans that have established a good standing with the rest of the community will be brought to my attention and will thus be granted "Sergeant" permissions on the wiki.
Good standing means: If new clans pop up, that have no previous tie-in's with community they will first have to acquire that standing. Getting onto the wiki-clanlist is easy - just ask any wiki-editor (e.g. on IRC) - then fight a few matches in public, challenge willing clans or groups via or IRC to make a name of yourself - once you have all the content you need for a clan-wiki-page and some more interest in the wiki than just that page (because then you just need a working contact to an exisiting editor to make updates) you can link to your clan-homepage-member-list or wherever it says the likes of: BTW, this person is our leader and anybody checking here for wiki-sergeant application should grant it.
The "Sergeants" can assign "Private" (basic editor) and "Corporal" (a few more permissions) to people they trust.
But they should really be careful with that trust.
One misstep in half-a-year will be tolerated - meaning only the offending editor will be deleted - but one more and all of that Sergeants permissions will be revoked, meaning all the accounts he has granted permissions to will be revoked too!
Again: If a Sergeant falls from grace his protegees will lose their permissions too.