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Gold League Matches
xD :D :)
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sorry guys, 2 flags were bs, but either way, they would of have won without them
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Sure they played a lot more games than other teams, but |oNe| is in 4th place currently.
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(31 Oct 13, 11:11PM)Waffles Wrote: turnaround of the century coming
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jason, you failed us...
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Get them games done. <3
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(10 Nov 13, 06:09PM)Marti Wrote: jason, you failed us...

i know :'(
my team are inactive rusty cunts
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(10 Nov 13, 06:54PM)Jason Wrote: my team are inactive rusty cunts

You're inactive.
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hey oNe is the best so fk the rest
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Maybe in the Silva league xenon
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coming from dyH|, irony
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I see no irony at all
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I see flames.
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(12 Nov 13, 12:40AM)Waffles Wrote: coming from dyH|, irony

we make only the best of irony
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STK# 5 vs 2 .rC|

[Image: 20131117_175425_ac_mines_CTF_zps6352bbe0.jpg]

[Image: 20131117_181047_ac_mines_CTF_zpsf53ec5b1.jpg]

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gg guys , gl with rest of league !
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You didn't want to restart or pause the game when DamDam disconnected for 3 mins due to sound, obviously you'd win with the amount of flags you scored in that time spawnraping us 3v2. But hey, rules are rules, and we aren't the only team that this league has fucked over, so gg.
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Well played #STK, you scored 3 flags when I was disconnected because of sound bug. My client ( is bugging as hell and I have to restart it because the "reconnect" function does not work.
After 1:30 into the game, I disconnected from the server for about 50 seconds, and they scored the first 2 flags.

We then lost whole control & rythm of the game, when a 2nd sound bug appeared; I had to restart my client AGAIN, and STK scored their 3rd "lucky/unfair" flag.

Final score 5-1 to STK, where I can only call 2 flags being legit and us failing, because we were completly lost. In fact, we prepared a solid tactic and trained for this match, but when you're losing 3-1 and you're behind with such stressed events, you can't focus the same.

I can't blame STK for not stopping because the rules say so, but I could point out the fact that STK refused to restart despite them knowing the first 2 flags were due to my disconnects.

I can also only blame this broken game, where you can't play a 15 minutes game without having a sound bug. I'm really really really disapointed about this 2nd game, because we prepared and trained for it and we end up losing because of my client/sound bug.

Props to STK for the "deserved" win, and GL for the rest of the tourney. Just pls don't give them the "fairplay" award kkkkkkk
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rC is so lucky in tournaments...
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like you said rules are rules. Why are you using, thats your problem for not downloading
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Lol welp I think I have the latest version of which corresponds to, no?
I don't even know man, I'm lost in this sht... lol

Whatevs, I just find it sad that STK can't beat us in a proper game :) If they're actually better than us, then why play & accept winning in unfair conditions towards us :3
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{BoB} 3 - 3 #STK

CTF ac_power:

Round 1: {BoB} 2 -1 #STK
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?c9swl6ff21j3i22
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/2ibF2Ay.jpg

Round 2: {BoB} 1-2 #STK
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?g348e2dr4qs58bz
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/JL9XP4W.jpg

GG's #STK :)

Btw, rC, shouldve had a sub ready.
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gg , gl with rest of league : )
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no-one stopped when my players dc'ed
i'm afraid luck, and bad luck, is a huge part of the game, all games. in fact.

as for sound bug, if you were using the wrong version that is negligence on your part, as was not preparing a sub like enam mentioned. get over it.

it looks like the result has been distorted because of these happenings, but real life and our virtual ones too, just aren't fair obviously haha

now dave m8;
[Image: 59197_1.jpg]

i invite you upon my gallant steed;
[Image: fluttershy_is_brave__by_burningdevil24-d58ep38.png]

let us ride to the second world of cubes, !feed! on the blood of our enemies and reclaim what is rightfully ours!
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(17 Nov 13, 11:09PM)Jason Wrote: vanquish, just stfu and play sauer with me


(also fluttershy's hair is seriously messed up) :D
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Lightning Fluttershy ftw.
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hey i sense some major irony in this all
i was qq'ing because oNe didn't even play vs rC now they are qq'ing because they got fucked over by damdam getting anal raped by AC bugs
i think not huehueuheuh

(17 Nov 13, 08:25PM)DamDam Wrote: Whatevs, I just find it sad that STK can't beat us in a proper game :) If they're actually better than us, then why play & accept winning in unfair conditions towards us :3
could say the same

(17 Nov 13, 07:21PM)DamDam Wrote: Just pls don't give them the "fairplay" award kkkkkkk
could say the same

this is in no way an attack, just funny because it happened to me/some oNe members aswell :~))
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Wait, oNe played 3v2? :o
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larry isnt one therefore 3v2???
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(18 Nov 13, 12:07PM)Xenon Wrote: they got fucked over by damdam getting anal raped by AC bugs
i think not huehueuheuh

Xenon y u hacked my client m8 ? :(

Also why did Larry play with the oNe tag with Waffles & acid and oNe agreed to play for the B} league, if Larry isn't a member of oNe ?
gg oNe organization

PS : Xenoob go make a smurf on EUW to play with me/us, our servers are too good!
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