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ac_douze CTF issue
(12 Dec 13, 05:20AM)1Cap Wrote: Cemer - Yes, but im improving ... nah..

you are a smart guy, but the problem is google translate makes you seem... more ignorant.

your english seems good (i hope), so i would aim to stop using translator services; you might actually be highly amicable
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ac_sniper_city was not a noob map :(
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So many whinny ass kids on here. Play the fucking game or don't! Quit crying children! Fuck your ctf douze and your fucking @noob maps! Enhance your fucking skill, then maybe you won't have to camp behind mapmodels to get kills, or rifle run to score a flag.

ctf ac_douze = overplayed
@noob maps = no skill needed

I wish i could personally bag each and everyone on here. Some good ole fashioned salty balls on your forehead.

gg wp nt
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(12 Dec 13, 08:22PM)vern Wrote: So many whinny ass kids on here. Play the fucking game or don't! Quit crying children! Fuck your ctf douze and your fucking @noob maps! Enhance your fucking skill, then maybe you won't have to camp behind mapmodels to get kills, or rifle run to score a flag.

ctf ac_douze = overplayed
@noob maps = no skill needed

I wish i could personally bag each and everyone on here. Some good ole fashioned salty balls on your forehead.

gg wp nt

Couldn't have said it better than myself. GG WP vern :)
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ty mate lol :3
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The players are using too much sniper in ac_depot .. as we will do to block it?
ac_arabian is so much fun!

ac_venison ... everyone is complaining about lag when playing the map ...we must remove this map 4 sure.

desert3 is totally unbalanced! and players do not stop playing! We have to do something about it. Let's remove the flags and everything will be ok in this map ...

Useless to try to force ... makes no sense ... are attitudes that disadvantage fun and make the game purely commercial.
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(13 Dec 13, 12:46AM)1Cap Wrote: are attitudes that disadvantage fun and make the game purely commercial.
Except that the game is free...
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I'm making so much money by being a dev for AC, I'm drinking castillo rum. Ballin'.
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/rip ctf ac_douze

F++k Twin towers, camper, sniper camp's maps or whatever.. I'm not going to say that I never play on those maps, I'm not an hypocrite, no.. I did and hate them.

I wonder why Twin towel is still here, map restriction is failing.. bad.

about ac_venison.. yeah, the map lag all the time, should be reworked imo.
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It's not just Douze CTF that was overplayed:

Tier 1:
Douze CTF
Des3 CTF
Shine CTF

Tier 2:
Depot CTF
Des2 HTF
Gothic CTF

@vern: You're also assuming the @camper players can actually shoot in @camper... Everyone I have ever played knows how ridiculous this looks: http://i.imgur.com/PFXEmNR.jpg
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yeah, remove all popular maps/modes/flags/etc, play only toxic and aqueous in TPF
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(13 Dec 13, 12:46AM)1Cap Wrote: too much sniper

There can never be enough snipers!
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you don't like Douze,OK but why do you deprive other players to have a good time,noobs more,they will find the other maps that will gather in their gangs
I like to play with strong players on other maps,when I can't see you,or are you going to your groups,away from noobs,I like play on douze
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Please keep bringing up the same arguments that have been refuted before. The intelligence just radiates off you.
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well, where are us to to you
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We're on different pages obviously. You think bringing back the noob maps will save AC, the developers that have been dealing with this shit for years know better. But of course you all are smarter than us, we're just busy counting all the money we make from dealing with this horse shit.
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I understand that that should not stand on a place,but why this map,there are other
I seems Douze a good map not only have a good time but also for the practice of play
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Lol read the thread.
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(13 Dec 13, 03:55AM)Morrigan Wrote: yeah, remove all popular maps/modes/flags/etc, play only toxic and aqueous in TPF

No, then THOSE will be overplayed. We might as well get rid of AC and start playing chess instead.

But seriously: Fun maps will be played a lot, but I like that there's no more douze CTF and less camper maps because we can play more than 1 map on 10 servers now.
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(13 Dec 13, 06:02AM)Bukz Wrote: Lol read the thread.

im a happy for u XD
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It isn't coming back Axel and you should know better than to argue by now. It was a long issue and you guys pretty much abused any 'right' you had to play ctf on douze.
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There are other maps that were modified.
What Devs are saying is they will do whatever they want with the maps and the game.
Do what you can.
What matters is that the arguments of the Devs are not consistent.
I'll simplify: There are many players having fun in this map. Many! So we will limit the map so they perhaps play other maps. (perhaps )
So funny.
The idea is to have a game like many others out there - Couter Stike, etc... ???
Restrict the maps is against the soul of the game

Look, I like ac_venison. But for many players it is lag.
Arabian? lol

Why these maps are in game? (in the future well have betters computers.. lol) (politics)

Everyone can deceive at some point. But recognizing this error, it is worthy of merit.
Great powers need big responsibilities.

Douze is the main map of the game. Traditional. Maintains the link with the origins of the game.
This map must have all modes.
He has 2 bases. Arguably, it is a map of team. CTF (simple and fun)

This is so transparent. What is the difficulty?

**Hey! Let's ignore those who talk thinking they are the owners of reason.
They can to be the owners of the game. But the reason belongs to the players. Always.
But let's be respectful. Peace

EDITED:Trying improve english... no succes...
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Welcome to AC, where you can't play CTF/douze, gemas, and huge maps because "no one would play this product anymore".
I wonder how many players left because of this, actually.
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"I'm making so much money by being a dev for AC, I'm drinking castillo rum. Ballin'." Bukz

" ...If that's the case, less players = less donations = less AC. ..."

Yes, AC is being driven by commercial thoughts.

Furthermore, tests in the game may be used in other commercial projects.

It would be interesting to do so: Create a thread where contributors ($) can give an opinion about the game. Pay and has voting power.

Limit editing maps, get off the AR jumping power, restrict, restrict, restrict ... modify, modify...

My opinion is that the Devs know how to program. End point.
And there is a strong commercial bias. thats it.

Well, Christmas is coming and it's not cool to cause trouble at this time.

(Douze CTF is very cool, and that we all know for sure)
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AC is not driven by commercial thoughts. It just like some, like me, have no revenue and spent hundreds and hundreds of euros (> us $) in this game.
AC is free... for its players.
however devs do spend time and money in this game and for some of them it's difficult
so yeah we do have to think about money at some point
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If AC is so commercial then why is it free?
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(13 Dec 13, 07:39PM)Andrez Wrote: Welcome to AC, where you can't play CTF/douze, gemas, and huge maps because "no one would play this product anymore".
I wonder how many players left because of this, actually.

It isn't illegal to play gema maps. I don't know how that ran across your head, and there's more than enough servers (and owners) at the moment who are willing to host these type maps/maprots.
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This game has more community input that almost any other OpenSource game.

Look at games like Call of Duty (not OpenSource) the people that play CoD have no input whatsoever in the game, yet millions still play it. This is because of the variety of features, game modes and detailed maps.

Now I know you can't really compare AssaultCube with a game like that but maybe an increase in variety will boost the amount of people playing because they won't get bored so easily and stay on 'noob' maps.

An increase of game mods across ALL maps and servers - des3 is a great CTF map and an equally a great TOSOK map (if you're into that sort of thing) yet absolutely no-one plays TOSOK on any map apart from ac_desert and ac_douze.

If there was voting restrictions, that you can't vote for a map while the game is being played, only after during intermission, this would vary the amount of different official maps played in various game modes. Private/match servers obviously wouldn't need this voting system but I believe I would help a great deal with map/game mode variation.

Most people are asking for less restriction from the DEV's but I believe that more restrictions should actually be put in place to make sure the community is playing good quality maps appropriate to the game mode. (LSS @ ac_power ftw)
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/ctf ac_shine ftw

stop crying, changes happens all the time. You are so dramatic about this. maybe you should find your next favourite map here.
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(14 Dec 13, 05:17AM)mpx Wrote: maybe you should find your next favourite map here.
nah those ones are too good to be popular
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