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Gold League Matches
why did you agree to play vs Stk when you knew you didn't have a sub or may of had issues (;

lolno fuk dat 4000 ping
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(18 Nov 13, 03:32PM)DamDam Wrote: PS : Xenoob go make a smurf on EUW to play with me/us, our servers are too good!

can i report this for LoL spam? :D

inb4 LoL fanboys start hatin' on me

OT: xenon i guess damdam didnt know he would be buggy
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(17 Nov 13, 11:17PM)Vanquish Wrote:
(17 Nov 13, 11:09PM)Jason Wrote: vanquish, just stfu and play sauer with me


(also fluttershy's hair is seriously messed up) :D

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For gold & silver. If teams don't want you spec'ing, please leave. Penalties will occur for your team next time.
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{BoB} 2-1 FD*


Round 1 {BoB} 0-1 FD*
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?4r88jk7gvxm4dqn
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/O4Kc0nz.jpg

Round 2 {BoB} 2-0 FD*
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?s7b860pk3s1pj34
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/BvkyaoH.jpg

GG's FD* it was a really fun game!

Btw, 2 STK# specs, Condy. and IGC were there when we didn't want them to spec. they didn't leave, returned after kick and used proxy to evade ban. We wasted a lot of time waiting for them and they were annoying. They broke the rules.
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Quote:Btw, 2 STK# specs, Condy. and IGC were there when we didn't want them to spec. they didn't leave, returned after kick and used proxy to evade ban. We wasted a lot of time waiting for them and they were annoying. They broke the rules.

used proxy , if ur server is a shit it's ur problem and FD* don't said nothig if we could be spect , so just play and stfu , and i thought that u guys won for luck ... but ok. GL with the rest of cup !
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Evading bans and using hacks; Brazilian culture.
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(19 Nov 13, 10:29PM)Sacerockin Wrote: Evading bans and using hacks; Brazilian culture.

yeah hacks ... ur server is a shit and end '-'
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Play nice.
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(19 Nov 13, 10:29PM)Sacerockin Wrote: Evading bans and using hacks; Brazilian culture.

Fuck you Sace :-D
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ggs gl with the rest of league! :-D
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(19 Nov 13, 10:29PM)Sacerockin Wrote: Evading bans and using hacks; Brazilian culture.
STK never want spect in their match , but when bob don't want , they use proxy.
ggs stk.
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(19 Nov 13, 11:27PM)ReDBuLL Wrote:
(19 Nov 13, 10:29PM)Sacerockin Wrote: Evading bans and using hacks; Brazilian culture.
STK never want spect in their match , but when bob don't want , they use proxy.
ggs stk.

Maaaan proxy ? are u crazy ... server their is a shit !
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Quote:Sacerockin' """Su Majestad.""" lol - You guys could see what I mean?
---Evading bans and using hacks; Brazilian culture.---

This type of anger is not moderate?
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(20 Nov 13, 12:33AM)1Cap Wrote:
Quote:Sacerockin' """Su Majestad.""" lol - You guys could see what I mean?
---Evading bans and using hacks; Brazilian culture.---

This type of anger is not moderate?
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STK, we don't want specs in our server so why you keep coming back? Doesn't matter if our server is shit and you can come back, we don't want you spectating so why you keep breaking the rules? What don't you understand...
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(19 Nov 13, 10:24PM).condy Wrote: used proxy , if ur server is a shit it's ur problem

"Hey, this event I'm going to IRL doesn't have any security guards, I should beat everyone up because the event organizers were stupid enough to not hire security."
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They'll never understand. -- I better edit.
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(19 Nov 13, 10:20PM)Nightmare Wrote: For gold & silver. If teams don't want you spec'ing, please leave. Penalties will occur for your team next time.

i get that the brazilians are laughed at and you guys want more "respect" (you have a lot already), yet how can you demand respect when you pull shit like that condy? you guys already have a stereotype; dont promote it.
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they dont want people getting demos of their sick teamplay. as if that exists
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It's a god damn rule, they followed it and asked so it is ok if they don't want spectators. Now STK should have left because you guys requested they leave. STK was right in the first argument, they were wrong in the other. So lets move on and focus on the damn tourney

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major beef
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kick them from the leagueeeeeee kkkkkk
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AC drama, stop the press!
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(20 Nov 13, 05:02AM)Waffles Wrote: they dont want people getting demos of their sick teamplay. as if that exists

Ahaha, IGC sitting behind a box during 15 mins, condy pushing 24/7, Piton doing w/e he can. #teamwork2stronk

I agree with Marti, I think STK should get kicked, also they hacked my client so I disconnect... iz unfair friend!
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i feel bad for nightmare tbh
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don't disqualify STK they feed oNe kkk
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I think w00p is looking for a match friday/saturday
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Good luck w00p '-'
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(20 Nov 13, 10:45PM)DamDam Wrote:
(20 Nov 13, 05:02AM)Waffles Wrote: they dont want people getting demos of their sick teamplay. as if that exists

Ahaha, IGC sitting behind a box during 15 mins, condy pushing 24/7, Piton doing w/e he can. #teamwork2stronk

I agree with Marti, I think STK should get kicked, also they hacked my client so I disconnect... iz unfair friend!

with this teamwork that we wins u damdam , but gg ! " they hacked my client " ? , why u play with this version ?
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