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"Regen capture" into AC [unofficial WIP]
really, this is great fun, well done lucas
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This all looks epic!
Great job! King of the hill would be class!
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(26 Jun 13, 03:26AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: I tried testing it out with Foxy-Grim (who for some reason was having trouble with it) this evening.

I tried voting /regen ac_depot on your server, Luc@s, and got this error:

"Could not vote: the next map/mode is already set"

However, when I tried another vote /tdm ac_douze, it worked.

Any idea why this happened?
The same problem for me...
If some players can play together to set it, we will see how the gameplay looks in 6v6/8v8!
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Krayce, if you read my answer to ShadowFlamez, you will see i gave him the solution.
Just do /mode 22 then /map themap.
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Thank you, i just read about the latest version of the mod.
I will try it soon if some players are connected!
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By the way, i updated the package:
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(26 Jun 13, 08:39PM)Luc@s Wrote: By the way, i updated the package:

This patch worked for me. Thank you Luc@s for updating! :)
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looks like a really cool mode(though couldn't find a chance to try it with other players). [IMO] I guess the health and kevlar pickups can be eliminated from the maps in this mode. Also seems more exclusive maps for this mode will bring it one of the most popular modes in AC. Great Job.
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Where do players spawn if all bases are taken by the opposition (sorry for my stupidity)?
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in this case team spawns are used (same as TDM/CTF/HTF team spawns)
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if all bases are captured by one team for a certain time, the game should end no? nobody wants to be dominated for 15 minutes straight
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(27 Jun 13, 11:22PM)Waffles Wrote: if all bases are captured by one team for a certain time, the game should end no? nobody wants to be dominated for 15 minutes straight

This can go for every mode as well. Maybe a /surrender command in general for /mastermode 2 ?
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Would you care that much in pubs ?
But yeah, for a match, maybe the game should stop when one of both team have no chance to win.
Like, the game would end if |df| >= 4mn (with m = min. remaining, n = amount of bases and df = flag difference)
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In sauer, if one team gets all the bases (or if one team loses all their bases, I think it's the latter), then the game ends.
As waffles says, it's slightly pointless to keep going.
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I disagree. You can lose all your bases and still have a chance to win.
But if this situation lasts too long... Then the idea mentioned in my previous post would solve the prob.

Why stop the game if you still can win ?
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(27 Jun 13, 11:50PM)Luc@s Wrote: Why stop the game if you still can win ?
That depends on how many bases are in the map I guess.
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(27 Jun 13, 11:47PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: As waffles says, it's slightly pointless to keep going.

Yes, but more base you capture, more hard it is to handle them all.
If there are 4 bases to defend in 3 vs 3, well I don't think "0,75" player can defend a single base, especially if this player is alone against 3 opponents.
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I agree lucas, i like your idea better.
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It s very interesting
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great feature, add that shit in mastermode2
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Ok; so here are the changes i'll upload later today :
  • Integration into the scoring system ("score" column of the scoreboard)
  • For each flag, attributes the flags scored to who did the most for this base.
  • in MM_MATCH, the game ends when a team cannot win.

I've not tested the game with other players since i made this thread. I'd be please to have a testing session once i've released the latest patch ;)
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Good job! <3

(29 Jun 13, 10:58AM)Luc@s Wrote:
  • in MM_MATCH, the game ends when a team cannot win.

Why not add this for other modes? :O At least obvious ones like TKTF where the game can also be over mathematically.
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Ok done. My server is also now up to date.
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(im done with the code for now, so please make an effort and test it..)
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will try when i get the svn to work on my pc :D
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We need 10 players minimum for a public server condition.
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I can already hardly get 4 players.
If you can get a 5vs5 it's fine but... i had to make terrible efforts to get a few players last time.
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PM me on ts and if i'm available i'll always play.
if i'm online and don't reply i'm afk or playing LoL
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I created a branch on the SVN :

The branch : svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/actiongame/code/branches/capture
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This looks like a fun gamemode, I might test it sometime - if I'm not busy (e.g. studying, playing instrument) - something new to play other than CTF/DM/OSOK. Definitely would like to see this in 1.2 :)
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