30 May 13, 07:23AM
Phantom you are not allowed to use that image..
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The end of the competition for ExodusS.
30 May 13, 07:23AM
Phantom you are not allowed to use that image..
30 May 13, 08:00AM
you couldve put some effort and removed his name
wtf dude
30 May 13, 08:57AM
Basically for the forum and making a point with your oppinion :
The real issue is the lack of objectivity ! The most topics in that forum would be very interesting to talk about. But mostly it turns out that people follow their own agenda in combination of pushing their own subjectivity, even trying to abuse the most little issues or details for their own advantage while mixing up facts with personal oppinion too. For every Problem there is a Solution. And Assault Cube is definitly not screwed, that you couldn't manage an ingame solution to it. That counts for all cases like Maps or Weapons (just to mention basic examples). There are enough match results to proove that ! Changes in a game also means, that you also need to leave your old patterns, that you need to be flexible as whole team and improve and calibrate your existing experience in the game. If you don't face and improve that facts, you struggle with them and that's what the complaining is about. Don't judge if it's good or not, that's about objectivity. Make your point, that's good. Let's think about, fine. Improve and fix that point as team ingame, that's a professional attitude. Of course it's very hard to stay objective when personal offense or intentional insulting plays into the forum and the game. This makes it very hard to deal with any argument, and to stay calm and objectiv. As developer, as leader, as player and also as reader. To loose objectivity makes things contraproductiv and the statet points get in the background, because we are humans and it's reasonable that no one will honor disrespect with more respect. That would be a very rare personality and is not often to see here. There are a few people which really do and i want say thanks to them that they still are like this even the limit is overused. That are the people to appreciate and which make the game to that good thing we all love. HAVE FUN (seriously)
30 May 13, 09:36AM
(30 May 13, 08:58AM)fundog Wrote: The most topics in that forum would be very interesting to talk about. But mostly it turns out that people follow their own agenda in combination of pushing their own subjectivity, even trying to abuse the most little issues or details for their own advantage while mixing up facts with personal oppinion too. I fully agree with your post, and if you double-check my first post (who is not speaking about rC, they just recognize themself into the behavior I described) you will see that I am mainly speaking about the position of the "fun" in the game, this is why I compared the old game with the new one, and I also compared the behavior of old and new competitive players. Now they "play to win" (I am not saying old players wasn't playing to win!) maybe they forggot the fact it's a game and they are here to play (I don't know what is the main signification for this word, but in French, "to play" is really near "to have fun"). I don't know if you have fun when you win a match on CLA ac_aqueous with AR against 3 other weapons and tons of scripts that gives you a load of almost useless informations, if you have fun in this case, let me say "what's your problem?", and if you had no fun, you can be sure the enemy team had no fun at all too. In all cases, the match was bullshit and pointless because it was so biased we could not know who was the best (wich is the main point of the match). But anyway, there are a lot of cheaters in matches, and I really wonder why they do that, are they enough stupid to have fun when they win?
ExodusS, do you even know what kind of scripts those "cheaters" are using ? And what do those scripts provide?
Because you keep on criticizing and repeating everyday that scripts are unfair, but you're not giving any examples.. There is nothing from the scripts that are used which can't be done with your brain. It's just an easier way to get the info using the cubescript. Whether it's damage script (counting the hitsounds) or respawn script (counting from 5 to 0) or changing nickname (/name but is that really a cheat? lol), there is nothing looking like a cheat. (+ those scripts were made public sp it is no more unfair) It's like saying using a food processor is cheated compared to using a whisk...no, it's just using the technology to your advantage. Don't stay in the past ExodusS, think have changed and will keep on changing, we can't/won't go back, you must go forward and deal with the fact that the game has changed and there are new ways of playing the game, whether you like(/bitch about) it or not won't make much of a difference except you're excluding yourself out of the game and its players.
30 May 13, 10:08AM
30 May 13, 10:24AM
(30 May 13, 10:02AM)DamDam Wrote: ExodusS, do you even know what kind of scripts those "cheaters" are using ? And what do those scripts provide? I was speaking about wall-hackers, aimbotters, hitbox switch etc... Because there are competitive players who were caugh using those shits, can you tell me why? (30 May 13, 10:02AM)DamDam Wrote: Because you keep on criticizing and repeating everyday that scripts are unfair, but you're not giving any examples.. The answer is in your post, it's easier, and I won't quote myself again, just watch my previous post you will see I said "tons of scripts that gives you a load of almost useless informations", are those words "almost useless" enough for you? Of course I'm not saying those scripts give you a strong advantage...
30 May 13, 10:33AM
If you mean hackers, then trust me I dislike them as much as you, I'm not encouraging hacking... at all. And the fact that our clan has forgiven ex-cheaters, doesn't mean we're a "cheating-clan" or that we support cheaters.
We simply believe in forgiveness & trust. When we accepted them in our clan, we wanted to make sure they were trustworthy and would not cheat again. (which none of them did) I can not explain why some players "use those shits", but most of them gave an answer to why they cheated (to test, to become stronger, to see what it felt like...). Maybe asking them the reason why they did it without insulting them would be a good way to know? :) As for the scripts, if you find them useless, you're not forced to use it, you can play default. But if it is "almost useless", why do you bitch about it being unfair ? What do you exactly want? Players playing like in 1.0, without scripts and with old weapon balance ? Nobody will adapt to you, you can either use scripts or not but in both case you have to accept that players are now using these scripts and there will probably be more and more of those to come.
30 May 13, 10:39AM
(30 May 13, 10:33AM)DamDam Wrote: Players playing like in 1.0, without scripts and with old weapon balance ? You mean when it was about 10x easier to cheat, brightskins were ridiculously OP, and there were things like the auto pistol switch script and borderless sniper scope circulating? All of which is fixed in the current version? 1.1 really isn't that bad, is it? And for the love of god this thread is getting boring now.
The difference between your posts is, imo, that Exoduss is exposing the politic (stating it in every match by practicing it hard) and the others playing the game as best way it is (prooving their best advantage in every match as hard as possible)
if that makes sense The question as CLAN is, are you going to make politic, or playing the game as it is given ?
30 May 13, 11:05AM
Btw , the AR is still allowed , if you don't the use the AR , it's your problem. As you say the AR is a easy weapon yeah We saw it against CoE.
stop talking about trolling , you are the first troller here , every match you win , you say " easy game " and insulting when u are loosing. And same for your friends. 95% players hate you just ask you why. I come in peace <3 kiss sorry english fail
30 May 13, 11:19AM
loses against coe.
quits competitive ac. blames larry. blames the ar. standard exoduss.
30 May 13, 02:41PM
(29 May 13, 06:33PM)PhaNtom Wrote:(29 May 13, 07:31AM).ExodusS* Wrote: And honeslty, since you cheated for the previous logo poll, I would not open my mouth if I was you. Just because your english teacher taught you that it doesn't mean it goes like that in the real world. (27 May 13, 09:54PM)m@C Wrote: Chillout Exo, scripts are allowed. Music is for people and do not like do not listen. you're the opposite of fearles You want to make sure everything revolved around you. And You and Lucas sit on TS and pissed off ppl kick or ban them because they just play this game and none of them troll. And one more, that was how behaves admin / dev :By the way, if you play public server... ...don't abuse admin without any reason like your friends. ![]() ![]() If you dont like this game, let others players have fun! PS: The time remaining is not a script Exo ;-) (30 May 13, 01:50PM)kingCHUBBY Wrote: ... (30 May 13, 02:41PM)pweaks Wrote: ... If you two are still in |oNe|, I'd like to see you both play the summer cup together and get farther than exo's AW. pweaks/chub/undead. exo, I agree with most of your points. I'd be happy with a locked down game that denies anything outside of akimbo dev-approved changes, like some commercial games do. And the AR is the reason I win any CM's, it's true.
30 May 13, 04:30PM
30 May 13, 04:35PM
(30 May 13, 04:06PM)Nightmare Wrote:(30 May 13, 01:50PM)kingCHUBBY Wrote: ... What is you problem? Why are you mad? In which post I have downplayed Exoduss and his achievements in summer cup?
30 May 13, 04:47PM
(30 May 13, 03:52PM)-xW-#KrAyC3* Wrote: ??? What is your problem here, you are just showing pics of someone beeing banned by "my friends" and you dare to use it against my arguments? Maybe it was on his own server, if it's the case, your arguments are invalid and anyway this is invalid in any case, please go make some memes but this time add sence to what you put into. (27 May 13, 04:05PM).ExodusS* Wrote: ???Are my arguments useless ? Do you talk about AC in this day and age or do you just say bullshits ? The reason I’m posting on this topic today is because we cannot play peacefully on public servers ! This game is effectively, more boring as you said… (Post edited).
frenchies conversing in english
gotta love 'em
30 May 13, 06:19PM
30 May 13, 06:44PM
30 May 13, 06:51PM
return of the grammar nazis
30 May 13, 08:34PM
grammar vichy
30 May 13, 10:46PM
(This post was last modified: 30 May 13, 11:09PM by kingCHUBBY.)
(30 May 13, 04:06PM)Nightmare Wrote:(30 May 13, 01:50PM)kingCHUBBY Wrote: ... don't know why u even mentioned pweaks. I'm still in oNe as i used to rip up ac in my prime. i stopped playing well and competitively months ago. u and exoduss, on the other hand, have never been on the same level as i've been on, yet talk alot of shit (30 May 13, 04:06PM)Nightmare Wrote: And the AR is the reason I win any CM's, it's true. no. u win CM's because u play shit players
30 May 13, 11:32PM
06 Jun 13, 09:08PM
I was waiting this time till I know you.
Finally you leave ! How we say in french : bon vent ! P.S : I still dont understand how a topic about Exoduss can contain 4 pages ! Leave him alone lol |
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