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Are there any competitive players left?
I understand, it isn't my intention to try and tell you how to run your clan. But the majority of competitive clans don't operate this way, and thus many may feel resentful. This is all I was trying to say in my OP, maybe I just expressed it too harshly. Despite what you may think, though, it wasn't and isn't my intention to try and offend you/anyone. Sorry for taking this thread slightly offtopic.
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When FD* did play the other most skilled clans more often, they'd get QQ'ed at about cheating.
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(31 Mar 13, 03:15PM)Nightmare Wrote: When FD* did play the other most skilled clans more often, they'd get QQ'ed at about cheating.

Tbh this isn't just about FD*.
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(31 Mar 13, 02:38PM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: and thus many may feel resentful.

As a high level clan you can feel resentfull if they send you the rookies of their clan. So what's the sense of asking them ?

> free win > competition ?

At least we check back, and if we can, we play. Aslong we don't need to deal with the things i said befor. When i already get offended while they ask, what kind of answer they expect ? That's the only priority list we have. In Skype i never read "oh they are too strong", it's always about their behavior connected to, if it will be pleasure and fun to play them or not, based on the experience we made befor. And seriously, who wants to play a match, when you leave the game, you are done with that people personally, because they can't behave and wearing it around for decades everywhere, making it up to their badass image they work so hard for. You play again with people without fun or spending a good time ? me not, ty, then i am served for a while, and some reached the point where i am done forever, because i already know what it will lead to... like the hundreds of times befor. That triggers the limit of the people, and that makes them not to want to play.
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Hail St.Fundog, the moral god of AC
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Fundog you shouldn't care so much about "free wins." This is a game, you can't be that proud.
If they don't play matches, then how will they get the experience necessary to be able to compete?

(31 Mar 13, 04:52PM)C4rma Wrote: Hail St.Fundog, the moral god of AC
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(31 Mar 13, 03:46PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote:
(31 Mar 13, 03:15PM)Nightmare Wrote: When FD* did play the other most skilled clans more often, they'd get QQ'ed at about cheating.

Fact...even asked him about it in his interview. :3
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Plenty of competitive players left; maybe some have just grown tired of playing with egotistical children. ;)

FD has the right to manage their clan however they want. Its not their responsibility to keep the rest of you entertained.
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(31 Mar 13, 04:52PM)C4rma Wrote: Hail St.Fundog, the moral god of AC

Befor you judge me that way, you should be aware to use such expressions. It's about how to treat people to keep it nice, which affects definitly people and clans are a social interaction of people. So don't come here and make the bad example please. You can talk normal to me.

(31 Mar 13, 05:20PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Fundog you shouldn't care so much about "free wins." This is a game, you can't be that proud.
If they don't play matches, then how will they get the experience necessary to be able to compete?

As first i am leading a clan, and i am responsible to take care that our members get leaded to a good spare time with a good quality of gaming on a high level (if they want to), because they haven't the time for taking care of that things. That doesn't work if others have the only intention to destroy that quality.

Don't mix up a serious organized clan which exists for more than 10 years experience in claning, with a group of people playing a game because they are allowed here to act like they please on expenses of others (others pleasure of participating a game in their spare time).

You can organize your clan, like every halfway working clan is doing, and train inclan, like we do.
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(31 Mar 13, 05:20PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Fundog you shouldn't care so much about "free wins." This is a game, you can't be that proud.
If they don't play matches, then how will they get the experience necessary to be able to compete?
I guess they play a lot of intras and they are probably playing mid-skilled clans. There's no experience in getting raped by a top clan
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^I understand that, and I don't have an issue with the fact that he says no.
It's just the fact that they don't want to give up the "free wins" that irks me a bit.
But again, this is getting too involved with FD* than the entire clan scene on the whole.
There are other clans that rarely accept CMs anymore, not just FD, regardless of their reasoning.
Rather than focus on one clan's supposed flaws, we should do more to fix the whole picture.

The point is, there are still clans looking for CMs (rC, LC, oNe, and more), but for some reason none of them are playing.
Why not try to organize some legit competition?
The Weekend Cups were a strong example of this, but for reasons unknown to me they no longer happen.
Why not get these started again?

Also, why is this in offtopic? This should go in "Clans & Wars" section, imo.
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i tried to explain which indicators are important to keep the clans playing in a longterm view (and what we don't need as human person).

It's not only about a game and a bunch of people using some letters in front of their name. Of course i only can tell about FD* because it's specified my clan.

I would like to read other clans impressions, Because that topic "no one plays matches" doesn't get fixed just by making others feel less worth and beating that into their faces to death, like some thinks that works.
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(31 Mar 13, 05:57PM)Bukz Wrote: Plenty of competitive players left; maybe some have just grown tired of playing with egotistical children. ;)

i too had come to the same conclusion as you bukz, but i found a flaw in such an argument.
i am the most egotistical person in AC, i am the greatest and most glamorous, but as soon as i stopped playing clan matches, they came to a complete halt.
i don't get it.

(31 Mar 13, 01:10PM)fundog Wrote: (Like joining a running matchserver with admin and spawning in the middle to a team for teamkilling them)

i don't exactly remember why i did that, but i think it was because you parred us out of a match with nobody else to play, so we decided to disrupt your gameplay, which i thought was highly amusing. i thought it was a fair reaction and still do, considering how insulting your actions were. i left it there but you decided to take it personally for some reason. there is no reason to be upset.

fundog gets a boner off taking the moral high-ground in a video game. perhaps you are the child masquerading as a big boy.

(30 Mar 13, 02:36AM)lucky Wrote: So what else do you guys play? I'll play too cause I can

i play league of legends in my spare time
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If you take a No as insulting, because we play another clan which asked first, ...

If you consider interrupting a running match where people are actually playing a clanmatch by joining a closed server with admin and teamkilling, it's definitly anything else than glamorous or a "fair reaction" (also not toward that other clan which was completly innocent). It's a reason to be blacklisted if you take competition with his full rules. (the part you are complaining about and at the same time destroying for others) You could have wait until the match is over, and we was warmed up by this match, what it was supposed to be.

It's also not a "fair reaction" to come back with cheats when you lost.

Also that story on ESL when you lost and after you just picked someone else and played him, (because you did think that's him you lost befor) to produce a demo and post it as cheater and spamming me to ban that player,... the wrong one. I was also on place at this time, and right after the match it was posted 1 min later on Forum, without even you watching the demo or making sure you have played the right player this time for your "proove" of an innocent player.

That is what i call insulting, and that is what makes people not to play anymore the game, beside some other ugly facts in your clanhistory which is causing trouble on every level.

(31 Mar 13, 06:22PM)Undead Wrote: fundog gets a boner off taking the moral high-ground in a video game. perhaps you are the child masquerading as a big boy.

here we go, that's the next NO
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Undead Wrote: i play league of legends in my spare time

One of the first that I have heard from. Sad that you are from another region.
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Well your behavior in the competitive scene isn't that good for you too, FunDog.

Quote: <18:31:46> "M4chIn3.": 2vs2
<18:31:49> "M4chIn3.": 3vs3
<18:33:45> "fundog": with who you play ?
<18:34:05> "M4chIn3.": with my mates
<18:34:35> "fundog": you and ?
<18:35:20> "M4chIn3.": exoduss
<18:35:25> "M4chIn3.": frolon
<18:36:24> "fundog": let me check your last clan entries
<18:37:14> "fundog": so which server you want play ?
<18:37:29> "M4chIn3.": 2vs2? or 3vs3?
<18:37:43> "fundog": 2vs2
<18:37:56> "M4chIn3.": ok
<18:38:21> "M4chIn3.": hlin 9
<18:38:41> "fundog": you want play on unfixed servers ?
<18:38:50> "fundog": where the hits drop ?
<18:39:00> "M4chIn3.": come play
<18:39:26> "fundog": we want play on ac.fd.tc
<18:39:39> "fundog": fixed server without lags
<18:40:49> "M4chIn3.": we have a fucking ping
<18:40:59> "fundog": http://fd.tc/include.php?path=popup&mode=images&id=1181
<18:41:06> "fundog": you have good pings (the screenshot is from hlin servers LOL)
<18:41:45> "fundog": it's a 1gbit uplink, what you want more ?
<18:42:04> "M4chIn3.": that is on hlin 9
<18:42:06> "M4chIn3.": cmon man
<18:42:17> "fundog": if we can't agree for server, we dont' play
<18:42:39> "M4chIn3.": http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/15/62/73/68/20120117.jpg
<18:42:43> "fundog": deux, ferric, bcubed, fd server, choose one of them
<18:43:06> "M4chIn3.": mys server
<18:43:09> "M4chIn3.": ok?
<18:43:31> "fundog": that's fine
<18:43:45> "fundog": which number ?
<18:44:14> "M4chIn3.": uk.myys.tk 8888 match
<18:44:19> "fundog": ant this time don't set fps 10 to fool us for pings
<18:45:03> "fundog": 1 min, and we are there

Average ping on their servers: ~92
Average ping on Hlin servers: ~45
And the hit drop was already fixed on Hlins, problem?
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FD have cheats installed on their servers, everyone knows that...
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I see the same problem, poor behavior that people take really seriously that turns people off the game and those other people. On one hand, dont play online games if you dont have seni thick skin. On the other, dont be a jackass if you actually care about the competitive scene. From the games ive observed at comprtitive levels in other games, rarely is there such shit talk as ac.

So, ill not say that oNe is particularly good about behavior, but also they aren't asshats for no reason. If everyone calms the fuck down and plays a game with some friendly trash talk, theres no reason it cant be agreeable. I talk more shit to my team than the enemy usually. Undead is similar.
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undead and waffles are faggots
can confirm
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I can drink you all under the table. Your arguments are invalid.
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(31 Mar 13, 06:39PM)fundog Wrote: Also that story on ESL when you lost and after you just picked someone else and played him, (because you did think that's him you lost befor) to produce a demo and post it as cheater and spamming me to ban that player,... the wrong one. I was also on place at this time, and right after the match it was posted 1 min later on Forum, without even you watching the demo or making sure you have played the right player this time for your "proove" of an innocent player.

take some english classes, then reword what you just wrote, because i have no idea what you are fucking saying.

(31 Mar 13, 08:05PM)lucky Wrote:
Undead Wrote: i play league of legends in my spare time

One of the first that I have heard from. Sad that you are from another region.

nah, im on NA, you are on NA. same region.
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If you post pieces from talkings, then you should let know the people the whole story. (From 1 year and 3 month ago) You came to our server befor, setting fps to 10 and telling us you have a bad ping on FD servers (800), while all others was fine there. So if matches have only to happen when you want, the way you want, and on the places you want (wrong places), the unanswered question is why you insisted permanently to play on a server with hitdrops.

(01 Apr 13, 02:00AM).ExodusS* Wrote: <18:31:46> "M4chIn3.": 2vs2
<18:42:43> "fundog": deux, ferric, bcubed, fd server, choose one of them
<18:43:06> "M4chIn3.": mys server
<18:43:09> "M4chIn3.": ok?
<18:43:31> "fundog": that's fine
<18:43:45> "fundog": which number ?
<18:44:14> "M4chIn3.": uk.myys.tk 8888 match
<18:45:03> "fundog": 1 min, and we are there

(01 Apr 13, 02:00AM).ExodusS* Wrote: And the hit drop was already fixed on Hlins, problem?

2012.01.18 back then hlin was not fixed (fixed in may 2012, 4 month later) :

We offered you several legit Servers to play on, which was fixed back then, included FD Servers. As a competitive player you should understand that the difference between 50 or 90 ping is less relevant than hitdrops caused by the server.

(01 Apr 13, 03:18AM)Vermi Wrote: FD have cheats installed on their servers, everyone knows that...

So as first you just called Ronald_Reagon from PB to have provided cheat binaries for servers, because he was the one giving me the first fixed binary. Identically to deux, ferric, bcubed servers back than.

As second you just called rofl from oNe to have provided cheat binaries for servers, because he was the one giving me the second and actual running fixed binary.

Since two years you are slandering every FD* on every level, whenever you can. It's not about thin skinned, it's about the permanent and constant deformation of a fair playing clan you can't take a simple lost. Even not two years later. It's not funny, to join a full public server and the first thing i hear is, "FD* is a cheat team", "We all heard about FD* wallhack", "Milandrag told me you share cheats with him" for years whenever an FD* shows up.

Quote:[08:25] <+vermi> I'm not trying to get you banned
[08:26] <+vermi> just slandering your name
[08:27] <+vermi> w00p oNe and mys all think you cheat
[08:27] <+vermi> so there is no point

The only thing i expect from you is an appologize here.
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Oh yes go on please post more

*le me takes a seat to enjoy this all
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Quote:[08:25] <+vermi> I'm not trying to get you banned
[08:26] <+vermi> just slandering your name
[08:27] <+vermi> w00p oNe and mys all think you cheat
[08:27] <+vermi> so there is no point

I never said that? lolwtf
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(01 Apr 13, 10:43AM)fundog Wrote: You came to our server befor, setting fps to 10 and telling us you have a bad ping on FD servers (800), while all others was fine there.

Don't lie.
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fundog u r the one that's being slanderous with these ridiculous claims
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(01 Apr 13, 11:29AM)Vermi Wrote:
Quote:[08:25] <+vermi> I'm not trying to get you banned
[08:26] <+vermi> just slandering your name
[08:27] <+vermi> w00p oNe and mys all think you cheat
[08:27] <+vermi> so there is no point

I never said that? lolwtf

fundog u r the one that's being slanderous with these ridiculous claims



It wasn't you ? Just come here and tell me now, it was your little sister saying it.

We don't need people like you, insulting day and night everyhwere in public, ingame, and forums. Same above what you said about our servers, you just keep doing it.

It's not like we need people or clans which barely can show just one member which wasn't already blacklisted for cheating. And if you win them you have to be slandered and treated like a piece of shit for years afterward. And you got such a peak that it is almost impossible to play for us anymore without beeing accused everywhere.

I hope that makes you happy, because that obviously was your goal and intention. Never come here again, and whine why no one wants play one of you. You are the ones destroying for people public gaming, the competitive scene, getting rid of the competitive players, trying to dominate in your unaccaptable way.

I am still waiting for the apologize.
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This thread is funny.
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Vermi never cheated.
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He got banned for cheating? Show me please.
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