29 Mar 13, 01:56AM
fuck it, i'm going to quake
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Are there any competitive players left?
29 Mar 13, 01:56AM
fuck it, i'm going to quake
too many speds with too much influence round here....
29 Mar 13, 05:39AM
I'm still competitive and have a server!!! If you guys want to come for a knife fight or any kind of fight, come to my server when I'm on!
29 Mar 13, 07:25AM
FD* is active, playing pubs and inclan matches daily. We're always open to CM. We may not have the appropriate members available to CM certain clansat a given time but feel free to ask anyway, anytime.
29 Mar 13, 09:17AM
The last time an FD* member agreed to play me was before Christmas...regardless of how active you are, it's hardly helping the competitive side of AC if you always turn us down. The only clan that would consistantly always play us were oNe, now even they've lost interest.
29 Mar 13, 09:44AM
waffles your shit brah, #1 railgun eu i am
FD always denies us aswell whenever we asked, even more so than rC
29 Mar 13, 10:42AM
it is the Blizzard's tactic, the players are waiting, waiting, waiting .... and it works, people pay for their games. :)
29 Mar 13, 12:35PM
29 Mar 13, 02:46PM
AC need a fking fast update, not only a new version, also more tournaments/ leagues and something like awards and titles which are recognized, for instance SWL in Sauerbraten. Like Vanquish said, this will motivate players.
Look back to 1.0.4, when AC had his summit. Also public games on hi-skill and wotan fragland were awesome, even it was hard to get a free slot. AC need a better organisation, a website for leagues / tournaments moderated by the admins and devs of AC. This would be also a great advertisement for new interested players. But be aware of cheaters and scenarios which are not clarified by the rules. |#LC*| is still active, we are searching for inters / clanwars and so on, just find us on w00p ts or visit our website: www.legendary-cubers.tk !
Just curious to see what most players would pick here.
It's a one-question poll, please take the time to vote. Click disable safe mode in the link, and the poll pops up. http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/577431 Just for fun research, this has no official consequences of course.
Doesn't work for me... do I have to sign up?
edit: wups... reread ur post and it said that I should disable safe mode... not able
29 Mar 13, 11:09PM
Nope, don't have to sign up. Others tell me they had no trouble. What is the error/problem? :(
29 Mar 13, 11:41PM
(29 Mar 13, 09:17AM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: The last time an FD* member agreed to play me was before Christmas...regardless of how active you are, it's hardly helping the competitive side of AC if you always turn us down. The only clan that would consistantly always play us were oNe, now even they've lost interest. (29 Mar 13, 09:44AM)Xenon Wrote: waffles your shit brah, #1 railgun eu i am Please keep asking. If we stop asking, nobody will ever play a CM. At the moment we play aK and other Brasil players often because they have a strong presence in-game. I'll make sure to be on w00p ts as much as possible.
30 Mar 13, 02:36AM
So what else do you guys play? I'll play too cause I can
30 Mar 13, 02:58AM
i like cs:go. ill join the aus team hausausausausaus
no but seriously. i love ac, but its just not active enough
31 Mar 13, 02:14AM
31 Mar 13, 09:00AM
This problem has a clear and easy solution. AC just needs more map restrictions. If only we can stop all these n000bs coming to the game and playing whatever maps they like, the pros will appear and everything will be good again.
Seriously though, 0.93 was the best, uber-ridiculous smg aside.
31 Mar 13, 09:25AM
i'll re-install tonight, just play a game or two and get stomped, but i do plan on playing you FD.
(31 Mar 13, 09:00AM)Bloodsport Wrote: If only we can stop all these n000bs coming to the game and playing whatever maps they like, the pros will appear and everything will be good again. (30 Mar 13, 02:02PM).ExodusS* Wrote:(07 Mar 13, 01:33PM)Nightmare Wrote: My main point was stop letting new players control AC. Those noobs are just on the wrong game, but AC gameplay fits with those "n000bs" maps like you said.
31 Mar 13, 10:41AM
(This post was last modified: 31 Mar 13, 10:43AM by Bloodsport.)
I was actually trying to be sarcastic.
Less restrictions -> nooby maps + lots of players -> some skilled active players. More restrictions -> bad, ugly, nooby maps + few players -> no skilled active players. People are going to make nooby maps either way so long as there is an in-built editor. We might as well have nooby maps that don't look like absolute turd in an attempt to evade the restrictions. I see a striking parallel between Assaultcube and the music industry. Give people what they want, or they will find other ways to get it. (29 Mar 13, 09:17AM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: The last time an FD* member agreed to play me was before Christmas... I don't know in which country you are living, but we celebrate christmas in December, not February : Last match against rC : 2013 02 13 / 21.52.11 Last match against oNe : 2013 02 22 / 13.01.45 http://fd.tc/include.php?path=war Considering by 2081 official played rounds in matches, FD* is definitly activly playing matches : http://fd.tc/include.php?path=war_statistic (latest posts of matches in delay since 10 of march, because of surgery)
31 Mar 13, 12:19PM
ok it's been 1.5 months since oNe/rC have played a CW against you! and of that 40 or so days 20 or so days one of us atleast would of asked you, and each time you always said no and preferred to play the brazillians.
31 Mar 13, 12:22PM
(31 Mar 13, 10:41AM)Bloodsport Wrote: I was actually trying to be sarcastic. So true .. so true xD
31 Mar 13, 12:25PM
FD, hahah that's funny
Why you think everyone is inactive, if they don't play against oNe ? It's not all about you.
We don't have a priority list who to play, if we want to play clanmatches. (Which is still our decision not yours) Let's make a clear Statement: FD* is different. The matter for us is a players history, behavior and intention. That's what you can expect from every FD*. Players which are friendly, playing serious and fair. You asked lately more intensly than usual, true. The Point is : You forget, that in FD* the most people are around 30 and by the terms we look for people in our clan, they wont deal with immature insultings, childish behavior or the intention just to mess up a match. We made expierences we wont deal with it anymore again. (Like joining a running matchserver with admin and spawning in the middle to a team for teamkilling them) that's not funny I want have a good time and pleasure with gaming and not spend my spare time with people destroying every fun of it. Also i will not participate and waste my time for the noticable growing fanbase for that. It seems to be the time of beeing legit like this. It's not, not for me. From time to time we feel like things could be fine and it could be a good match, but then we get teached again another lession. And i am tired to waste my energy to check again and again over years, if it's probably possible to play 15 mins without beeing insulted or offended, listening to immature young adults or watching silent our terms getting abused. Also facts like blacklist entries of your your clan makes us slowing down to play against you, we lost completly every trust that you play fair, and your behavior doesn't help us to fix that trust. Keep the game nice, and take a bit more care to each other, or you are the only oNe which doesn't play matches.
31 Mar 13, 01:16PM
fundog, lrn2read.
(29 Mar 13, 09:17AM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: The last time an FD* member agreed to play me The last time I have played FD* was on the 24th December. It's irrelevant when you have played my teammates, although even that was over two and a half months ago. I don't know "in which country you are living", but in England that's considered a fairly sizeable amount of time, and I wouldn't consider a gap of ten weeks without playing us to be active pursuit of matches within a game, especially considering that I idled on your TS every day for months and have played you maybe, five times (?) since rC started up almost eight months ago. Sorry if I seem rude, but please don't try and act as though you're an active team. The game's stagnated badly in the last six months anyway, it's hardly something you should be embarrassed about.
Clanmatches aren't you alone mister, understand the word team = rC in your case / FD vs rC played last time in February.
The last 6 monthes FD played in summary against 36 different active clans. The reason why it looks for you like this, is not to find on the game itself you blame for. There are too many people freezing out ambitioned clans, in a very disgusting way. Instead beeing friendly, and having a behavior which invites others to play again. Clans are also responsible for the reputation of the game and should act as good example to advertise the game and not only act for egositic advantages and reasons. That sadly is not happening anymore, if you read the forum, every second post is about how bad everything is. It got already like a challenge to be as destructive as possible instead beeing usefull and helpfull and or to bite the tongue if you haven't to say something good or usefull. If i would read the Forum the first time befor i play the game, i would never touch it. (let out the fact of the ingame experience) Think about
31 Mar 13, 01:51PM
Well, I said "me" not "us", so my statement wasn't meant to be generalized in such a way.
I see EndGame on TS3 a lot, and I like him, he's a great guy for sure, but he just won't play us. It's not just him though, many other FD's don't play us and it's the same story with them playing oNe, LC and I'm sure there are other teams. I don't want to turn this into a "let's bash on FD" thread but competition means intense matches whereby losing is a possibility and thus wins mean something. If you only play teams you think you can beat, you aren't competitive (there's nothing wrong with this btw, but you can't claim to play for competition if you're scared to lose). Many FD* players are more than strong enough to tackle top teams, so why shouldn't they? I don't want to argue, just think about it for a sec. (I agree about your last paragraph btw).
We have players on every skill level, from rookies to fun players up to pro levels, if we can't make the lineup we sadly must say no to the match.
you can easy check that here : http://fd.tc/?path=war_squad The squads are assigned to the clans, which you can check in the clan details. (There are additional internal terms about lineups) So if EndGame says no, he couldn't make the lineup at this moment you asked. As one of the rare clans which is posting every played round (doesn't matter if won or lost) FD* is not that kind of clan which makes a big deal about a lost match. But we pull our full potencial into a match depending on the skill level, and that we are allowed to take care of. Competition doesn't belong to the skill level, it also can be a competition to win a match for someone which plays the first time. On which level the competition happens is another story. So it's only logic that on the high level the matches are more difficult to find. That's why it looks different for us (the amount of matches and clans we played lately), because we host and play matches on several levels. You can't reduce matches or competition to your level only. It's a own world on that level, and very little, but i have the pleasure to see the full bandwidth of it, because of the setup of our clan. (I don't take it as bashing aslong we can debate constructiv. That kind of discussion i can stand for, np) |
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