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AssaultCube Beta release
(16 Dec 12, 11:47PM)M__Stayla Wrote: That's not what I was on about. Of course noone can be expected to headshots 24/7. All I wanted to mention was that the sniper has the abillity to kill with only 1 bullet, on close range, on long range, with 0 armour, with 100 armour. And it is the only weapon that has this abillity. So considering that, there have to be some bad points and disadvantages about it.

First sniper player not trying to make the gun OP. Thank you.
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headshotting is too easy now i got 2 or 3 headshots in a row on beta when testing compared to every 10th kill being a hs in current version. There's going to be headshots everywhere

It's going to take year to fix all the bugs
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It was much easier to do HS in 1.0, however there was more smg than sniper, and sniper was not seen as an OP weapon.
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@RealViking: I have found it easier to hs in the current version compared to 1.2
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(17 Dec 12, 02:01PM)XFA Wrote: @RealViking: I have found it easier to hs in the current version compared to 1.2

he forgot to turn off haaax! when testing
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(17 Dec 12, 02:01PM)XFA Wrote: @RealViking: I have found it easier to hs in the current version compared to 1.2

Someone else that finally agrees! Thank you! [Though I guess we'll just have to learn to deal with it... rofl]
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How about we make the sniper 81 damage? trololo
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(18 Dec 12, 12:59AM).45|D3M0NW0LF Wrote:
(17 Dec 12, 02:01PM)XFA Wrote: @RealViking: I have found it easier to hs in the current version compared to 1.2

Someone else that finally agrees! Thank you! [Though I guess we'll just have to learn to deal with it... rofl]

haha, no seriously...
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Sniper has 25 pierce in svn now. 4 pistols at most.
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(10 Dec 12, 04:31PM)aNytHe0ne Wrote: The command description is saying that maximum radarheight is 70 (same as in menu), but it allows you to set it up to 500.

Has been fixed ;)
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Was wondering, has /autoscreenshot (at end of the game) been fixed?
Also, any updates on shotlines? :-)

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Just got the beta, liking the applesauce. Still getting the hang of things.
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(14 Dec 12, 06:19PM)Sanzo Wrote:
(14 Dec 12, 04:10PM)jamz Wrote:
(12 Dec 12, 11:25PM)Sanzo Wrote: Sniper is not good...1 Sniper bullet on a 100/100 ennemy deals 48 damages.. This is ridiculous. The magic combo 1 snipe bullet 1 quick knife doesn't even kill a 100/100 opponent.
How are we (snipers) supposed to play (on a competitive scene) with this..
What do you say to Larry's suggestion that in the majority of match confrontations, the opponents do not have 100 armour, or even any armour?

Everybody have kevlar in top matches, especially the one defending his base. As i said, i'm not talking about publics, i know that sniper is already cool in publics, i'm talking about my experiences in top levels matches. So yeah sometimes it sounds crazy but trust me i know what i'm talking about. I play sniper since a long time in high level matches, and it has never been so difficult to kill someone as it is now.

Back in 1.0, sniper killed very quickly when played well, however every finals were 3 SMGs vs 3 SMGs (almost everytime), people didn't complain about snipers. When 1.1 was released, I kept playing sniper even if it was far worse than before. I almost stopped playing because i couldn't play during tourney against 3 ARs simply cause my wepon was too weak.

I've been waiting for 1.2 since a long time, and i hope i'll be able to play with my sniper in top matches again.

Don't think i'm acting superior or whatever, i just try to express my feelings as simply as i can in English, which is already a challenge for me.

^ Completely Agree on that
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Akimbo with 20 shots :o
Akimbo = Immortal xD
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Dunno if someone else has that too or if it has already been discussed (165 posts too much to browse for it)

I just downloaded the beta version and at start up I have an error message saying:
failed to load model weapons/cpistol/world
failed to load model weapon/cpistol
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(24 Dec 12, 02:48AM)IloveAC:D Wrote: Was wondering, has /autoscreenshot (at end of the game) been fixed?
Also, any updates on shotlines? :-)

Not yet fixed for the first one. Shotlines should be fixed.

(29 Dec 12, 03:57PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: Dunno if someone else has that too or if it has already been discussed (165 posts too much to browse for it)

I just downloaded the beta version and at start up I have an error message saying:
failed to load model weapons/cpistol/world
failed to load model weapon/cpistol
Fixed already ;)
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That's just the Combat Pistol trying to get out of it's oppressive prison, but aerke hit it with a shovel and it's out cold for at least another release. T.T
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It was Ronald to get rid of it.
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dunno if this has been brought up or changed or whatever... can we shoot through flags in this version?
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In my client when I shot someone with the carabine doesn't make any sound at all just when I don't hit them, that's kinda odd
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If the pistol wielded like some old school Halo 1... lethal when done well... be worth repping ;). AC is just gaining it's focus. All this pressure and bullshit is put on the next release and the only question left is when are yall going to break? I mean REALLY? Nice will either be AWESOME or suck major NARDS, either way we will still be playing AC. Not some shit money for play game or some crap that is waaay slowed down. This is A to the fking CCCCCCC. Where else can you find such awesomeness for free? Huh huh? Yeah get sum. Be happy and adjust yall's attitude. We're here for kicks.

Mindset adjusted

"What is FUN to play?"

This question should start, finish and e-gasm any question, post, suggestion, thread idea you ever had and will have.

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Hey guys.
Could we have onMap function added, or is it already been done and I have overlooked it?

Thanks :>
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@Artemis: Do you mean something like mapstartalways or onNewMap?

mapstartalways is executed every time a map is loaded.

onNewMap is executed every time the /newmap command is executed.
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Thanks, but I meant for it to be for a specific map such as: onMap_ac_desert etc, or isn't this possible?

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Its easily scriptable in the current and next version.

[cubescript]if (! (checkalias mapstartalways)) [ mapstartalways = "" ]
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways executeMapAlias)) [ add2alias mapstartalways executeMapAlias ]

executeMapAlias = [
aliasName = (format %1_alias (curmap 1))
if (checkalias $aliasName) (getalias $aliasName)

Now you just define aliases for specific maps in this format:

[cubescript]mapnamehere_alias = [
// cubescript to run when map "mapnamehere" is loaded


[cubescript]ac_complex_alias = [
echo You loaded ac_complex.

ac_desert_alias = [
echo You loaded ac_desert.
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Just read the changelog and I am blown away -- great work all around.

When can we expect a release? :>
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bug hunting will tell the time
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randum did you fix the shuffleteam bug?

(when there were kills, the players do not shuffle)
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You edit /config/scontext.cfg in the current version
You replace by
alias context_core 0    // hardcoded scripts
alias context_cfg 1     // known scripts
alias context_prompt 2  // command prompt
alias context_mapcfg 3  // map configs, we don't trust them

// set allowed commands for the map config context
alias mapcfgidents [ loadnotexture loadsky mapmodelreset mapmodel texturereset echo texture fog fogcolour mapsoundreset mapsound watercolour shadowyaw ]
loop i (listlen $mapcfgidents) [
    scriptcontext $context_mapcfg (at $mapcfgidents $i)

// isolate the map config context
// this disables access from this context to identifiers located in other contexts
// also it removes all aliases created in this context once the running context changes
isolatecontext $context_mapcfg

// secure this configuration for the rest of the game

So ,you can now to put the command "echo" in the map .
Edit packages\maps\official/your-map.cfg and add :
echo ok
When you run the map ,you see ok
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(08 Jan 13, 07:15PM)888 Wrote: You edit /config/scontext.cfg in the current version
You replace by
alias context_core 0    // hardcoded scripts
alias context_cfg 1     // known scripts
alias context_prompt 2  // command prompt
alias context_mapcfg 3  // map configs, we don't trust them

// set allowed commands for the map config context
alias mapcfgidents [ loadnotexture loadsky mapmodelreset mapmodel texturereset echo texture fog fogcolour mapsoundreset mapsound watercolour shadowyaw ]
loop i (listlen $mapcfgidents) [
    scriptcontext $context_mapcfg (at $mapcfgidents $i)

// isolate the map config context
// this disables access from this context to identifiers located in other contexts
// also it removes all aliases created in this context once the running context changes
isolatecontext $context_mapcfg

// secure this configuration for the rest of the game

So ,you can now to put the command "echo" in the map .
Edit packages\maps\official/your-map.cfg and add :
echo ok
When you run the map ,you see ok

I should note, we won't add echo as an allowed command in the package - it will get abused.

This won't work, the server will recognise your map cfg to be different and won't let you spawn until you getmap the correct one.
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