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Server Admin Contact Thread
Okay, im reviving this thread from before the forums went down, because people don't know or simply wont check the extended server information.
Please note; only put servers that are up most of the time or 24/7.
Server admins please put:

Server Name:
Way To Contact Them:

I will edit this first post with any servers people add in alphabetical order; with a link to the post with the info.

EDIT: Thread is now unlocked and this thread will be updated every couple of days or as the servers are added.

=AoW=Backup Server / SilverCloud Gemas
Free Service 9W9.ORG
Thanks given by:
Thank-You for reviving the thread, DrauL. Much appriciated.

CE^ does not have any current servers but will be up in the short-future.

Contact admin of CE^ : Forum IRC

Much regards,
SpiRiT. :)
Thanks given by:
Billybobs and {BoB}Clan server contact information.
Thanks given by:
Also if you want to leave a note for Lightning about the Exile Unit server, you can contact him at http://www.arjunkhanna.co.nr/contact.html

@DrauL: Add our forum link.
Thanks given by:
servers: IF USP BRASIL (1,2,3, and 4)
site: http://ac.if.usp.br
owner: Brahma
contact: forum or IRC (#assaultcube @ quakenet)
Thanks given by:
Servers: {TyD}Beacon, Champagne, Fairfax, Hazelwood, Pennywise, Private#1
Site: http://tearyoudown.com/ http://ladder.tearyoudown.com/
Owner: Pwnage
Contact: TyD forum, AC forum, IRC #tearyoudown
Thanks given by:
Servers: Waka Waka / <> (bangsplat, ladder, match.wakawaka.ac)

Contact via http://wakawaka.ac/
Thanks given by:
je voudrai faire parti d'une team mais comment
Thanks given by:
Server Name: |FmC| Anderson Public Server, |FmC| Anderson CTF Server, |FmC| Anderson Match Server
Server Admins: |FmC| Members
Server Owner: |FmC|Anderson
Contact Server Owner: anderson@fragmasterclan.com
Fragmaster Clan Website: http://fragmasterclan.com
Thanks given by:
Allez à la section Clans et des guerres sur les forums et chercher une équipe qui recrute. Vérifiez http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/List_of_clans ainsi.
Thanks given by:
Servers: U|Canada Servers
Owner: U|Zarj
Admins: U| clan, {BoB} clan, DES clan, |BC| server share
Contact: unbreakable.ac.clan@gmail.com, #U| irc.gamesurge.net
Website: u-clan.tk
Thanks given by:
Servers: |BC| Pluto, |BC| Neptune, |BC| Moon, |BC| Saturn, |BC| Venus, |BC|Riot In War, |BC|Magneto, |BC| Match 1,2,3 Servers & any other |BC| server you can find! ;)
Owner: |BC|Blue_Pr!nt, & BC clan.
Admins: |BC| clan, |BC| server share
Contact: http://beyondcompare.org/ , irc://irc.gamesurge.net/bc-clan
Website: http://beyondcompare.org/
Thanks given by:
Server Name: {CE} TOSOK Pub
Owner: {CE}Revert
Admins: {CE} Clan
Contact: irc://irc.gamesurge.net/ceclan, Via PM AC Forums (to me [SpiRiT]).
Website: http://www.completeeclan.forummotion.com
Thanks given by:
Server Name: Server Team Francais /AC.FR/
Admins: /AC.FR/Titi
Owner: /AC.FR/Titi, /AC.FR/Ryu
Contact Server Owner: team-ac-fr@hotmail.fr
Fragmaster Clan Website: http://ac-fr.frenchboard.com/
Thanks given by:
lol ^^
Thanks given by:
Server Name: Operation Onslaught Public Server One (Possibly to be changed soon; I will edit post if so)
Admins: evanzo23, Ghost, AMadPotato
Way To Contact Them: irc://irc.gamesurge.net/oponslaught or http://operationonslaught.zxq.net/
Thanks given by:
Server Name: o2| Airo
Admins: evanzo23,Ghost,AMadPotato
Contact them: irc://irc.gamesurge.net/oponslaught or http://operationonslaught.zxq.net/
Thanks given by:
Server Name: Xu Public Server
Admins: Currently only myself due to other Xu members not receiving yet (due to timezone issues)
Contact: kowin789@gmail.com (To email me personally, which will most likely get faster response)
Thanks given by:
servers: #M|A#SSACRE; #M|A#Private (1, 2, 3, 4)
site: http://www.ma-clan.org
owner: Atrimos, TheCrema
admins: #M|A# clan, BC server share and lots of friends.
contact: www.ma-clan.org or IRC (#ma-clan @ gamesurge.net)
Thanks given by:
Server: ~FEL~ Main server
Admins: Azimov, Centinela, DES|byrus, [aCKa]PERROS and we are looking for some admins so please contact me :)
Owner: FEL Clan thanks to noerrorsfound
Contact: www.fel-clan.tk
IRC: #fel-clan widget at forum
Or with me personaly at jackerocker(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thanks given by:
(24 Aug 10, 12:13AM)DogDancing Wrote: Servers: |BC| Pluto, |BC| Neptune, |BC| Moon, |BC| Saturn, |BC| Venus, |BC|Riot In War, |BC|Magneto, |BC| Match 1,2,3 Servers & any other |BC| server you can find! ;)
Owner: |BC|Blue_Pr!nt, & BC clan.
Admins: |BC| clan, |BC| server share
Contact: http://beyondcompare.org/ , irc://irc.gamesurge.net/bc-clan
Website: http://beyondcompare.org/

for a list of servers
Thanks given by:
Server Name: o2|Harishima
Admins:Evanzo23,GhostE_, AMadPotato
Way To Contact Them: http://operationonslaught.zxq.net/index.php or our IRC
#OpOnslaught on GameSurge.
Thanks given by:
Server Name: test server
Admins: Me, Faail's_Dad, and Kirc_Tasley
Way to contact me: *Spam removed*

// Mod edit: Be carfull!
Thanks given by:
(18 Sep 10, 12:28AM)Quorthon Wrote: Server Name: test server
Admins: Me, Faail's_Dad, and Kirc_Tastley
Way to contact me:*Spam removed*

please change your website to something non-spammy?
Thanks given by:
Servers names: Exodus T/OSOK; Exodus CTF/HTF/TKTF (both available for 1.0.4 and 1.1.x)

Admins: Cunin, Ethenal, h_cub3, Bukz, producepr, Tundra

Web: http://www.exoduscommunity.com
IRC: irc.exoduscommunity.com:6667 #AssaultCube, #AssaultCubeCTF, #AssaultCube2, #AssaultCubeCTF2
Thanks given by:
Server Name: *rAgE*Ash Fraghouse
Admins:*rAgE*Ash and *rAgE*Darkstar
Way To Contact Them:*rAgE*Ash: Email omgurdumb@hotmail.com
*rAgE*Darkstar: Pm at rage-assaultcube.webs.com
Thanks given by:
Server Name: NUCKyServer -- 1.1 server now
in game type /connect nucky.selfip.com 28763

Admins - me, ascaryblackman, monas(SK), aslowoldman, HP, SniperShot, Yourself, mentholpenguin, bricksquad, {ACKA}Perros, shadowz - but most are still on 1.04 and don't police the server much

Best way to contact me: pm via ac forums
Thanks given by:
GunZ Redneck Server
  1. All GunZ Members
  2. *rAgE*Ash
  3. \ToA/Tyler
  4. JamJam

You can contact us here or on the GunZ website.
Thanks given by:
Name: |sCr3W|L3mm!nGs
Contact: www.antoniopetroni.com/ac.html
Thanks given by:
Server names: BPE|coop, BPE|Clan Server.
(Coop server holds 4 people. Clan Server holds 18 people.)

Admins: BPE|>bakeit< and BPE|LlamaKing

Visit BPE website at bakeit.snob.tv
Email me for admin password at reallymeister@gmail.com

Please reply to email asap. tyvm

Thanks given by:
