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ACWC coverage
Unread hopefully the match will be 10pm gmt+3 or later but for sure not at 5 , Ty
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(08 Jul 12, 10:32AM)BunnySoul Wrote: Unread hopefully the match will be 10pm gmt+3 or later but for sure not at 5 , Ty

you're the only one to say that time, i'm just going off whats the commonly agreed time on the forum
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All first round matches have been completed. The match threads for Belgium-France, Finland-Germany, Brazil B-Yugoslavia and Poland-Australia will all be announced tonight.

Threads now posted, see here!
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(05 Jul 12, 11:03PM)Edward Wrote: First of all I would like to thanks you for all the work you have done.
But could I suggest you some ideas about how to improve the stream?

Since spectators are not allowed during the matches, the stream is the only way to follow matches.
So I have two questions :
1) Is it possible to improve the quality? Because when players are moving the quality is really bad.
2) Is it possible to show scores? Like that : http://www.own3d.tv/SKB#

[Image: Bw5IX.png]

Fiddled with my stream settings and have been told that the stream quality is now great.
Also scoreboard yes/no?
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Scorebored is sexy, also perhaps try and add frags?
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well done sir :p
I think that frags are shown until a flag is scored so it is fine like that.
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takk is sexy
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thread has been updated for quarter finals
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You made a mistake, France vs Belgium is on Wednesday 11th, not Thursday 12th.
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Respect from SloanerBoner to Takkunen, Aekon, Undead, Vanquish, Waffles, the_andyman and Pweaks. This is the first ACWC I have seen, and I am very greatful you guys made it possible for me and other AC players to watch.
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the reports need to be updated.
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Andy disappeared again. D:
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(04 Jul 12, 06:28PM)Undead Wrote: - visit http://backrowac.wordpress.com/ (ACWC news site, ran by the_andyman, send him regards) for updates on the world cup while its going on, match times, and news articles.

Just found out about this site. The info is outdated but it's an excellent example how AC competitions site should look like. Great job andyman, get good ppl to help u and keep it up :).

P.S. aG league was flawless, however ACWC set up the bar for organization even higher. Good job guys and ty for doing this.
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Is anyone going to upload YouTube videos? I can do it if no-one else will...
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(15 Jul 12, 01:44AM)Orynge Wrote: Is anyone going to upload YouTube videos? I can do it if no-one else will...

please do, i cant due to my quota and nobody else wants to
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Yeah !!!!
The france is in semi final GG !!
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Don't settle for 2nd again, Undead. :)
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France have to make it past Germany (with a great lineup of @cid, Horus, Elite & co) and Australia past a very experienced Yugoslavia (headed by Wolf). The round map of elevation is a strong map of Milandrag's if he plays.

Anyway, the semi-final threads are up:
France A - Germany
Yugoslavia - Australia
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Yugoslavia Cinderella story gogogo
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Will be great matchs
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The Matches for this round need to be updated..
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I heard nothing about times for this game, and don't follow the thread on the other site. :(
Missed aus vs yugo.

When finals comes along, make sure everyone knows where and what. <3
And run some commercials on tv too.
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AFAIK, it wasn't live streamed.
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No it wasnt. I think its essential that the final should be streamed/uploaded, and hopefully the second semi too. I'd rather extend the deadlines for the games so we can organize streams rather than getting the match in quickly once every players available.
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unfortunately, takk was capped and aekom isnt responding to my pms.
if your net and computer are capable, it would help alot if you want to volunteer to stream the france vs germany match(most likely takk will stream the final, im not sure however). however most people don't want to bother(at least the people i've asked)
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Aekom is on holiday, I think.
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He just came back today/yesterday :D.
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(21 Jul 12, 05:50PM)Undead Wrote: (most likely takk will stream the final, im not sure however). however most people don't want to bother(at least the people i've asked)

If it's after the 28th he can stream.. until then hes capped.
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So...how about that Germany vs. France game?
"Deadline between 16th and 22nd of July" - Mr. admin
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