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Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here)
Very often I play on Server Finland 2. Can you tell me how to record a demo?

EDIT- Got banned again on this server, but it was in TDM on the same map. So I guess it only has to do with this map. Here's the game log:

Demo "Tue Aug 9 20:54:29 2011: team deathmatch, maps/ULTRA_TWINTOWERS, 1.60MB"
Press F10 to download it from the server..
read map packages\maps\MEGATOWERS_REWIND.cgz rev 124 (129 milliseconds)
loaded textures (0 milliseconds)
loaded mapmodels (0 milliseconds)
loaded mapsounds (0 milliseconds)
game mode is "TDM"
Team Deathmatch: Find the enemy team and destroy them!
time remaining: 15 minutes
recording demo
player drf switched to team RVSF
player denner disconnected
player SirCarbonia disconnected
Felipe(BRA) suicided
Felipe(BRA): I got one
TheRedemptor headshot C3PO
C3PO headshot TheRedemptor
C3PO: Awesome
you were fragged by Andre
connected: alexbg
SuperLuigi: Awesome!
player alexbg switched to team RVSF
BullKillHUN0 gibbed conorandjaime
ELPUMA fragged juli
rei_misterio fragged {XXTD}EDITOMAPA
BullKillHUN0 fragged Andre
player {XXTD}EDITOMAPA disconnected
TheRedemptor headshot Augustin59
server network error, disconnecting (auto-kick - abnormal client behavior detect
ed) ...
read map packages\maps\MEGATOWERS_REWIND.cgz rev 124 (128 milliseconds)
loaded textures (0 milliseconds)
loaded mapmodels (0 milliseconds)
loaded mapsounds (0 milliseconds)
game mode is "TDM"
writing to file: C:\Users\Alexandra\Documents\AssaultCube_v1.1\config\init.cfg
writing to file: C:\Users\Alexandra\Documents\AssaultCube_v1.1\config\servers.cf
writing to file: C:\Users\Alexandra\Documents\AssaultCube_v1.1\config\saved.cfg

C:\Program Files\AssaultCube_v1.1.0.1>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

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(09 Aug 11, 06:32PM)lucas92 Wrote: ...ULTRA_TWINTOWERS...
I seem to remember this happening to someone else, on this map or similar, recently.
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How they managed to to build that map?
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It's not ULTRA_TWINTOWERS the problem. It's MEGATOWERS_REWIND that causes me problems.

I think I know the problem. It has to do with the stairs on this map. I can go faster by jumping diagonnaly toward it. I'll try to replicate that problem an another time and I'll see if this is it.
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Bumping but I found something interesting:

I always get auto-banned the second time I play MEGATOWERS_REWIND on a server, and this was just after I used the stairs trick.
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It's more than likely the extra long stairs that you're edge jumping repeatedly on that causes this. Not your fault but the map creator's for making such a ridiculously huge map for AC.
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I keep getting banned for "abnormal behaviour detected". Recently I was playing in DED|Edmun's server [TyD Ladder] and that happened again, same in dratini's servers. I tried to reinstall ac, deleting everything but it didn't worked, why is this happening?.
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(17 Aug 11, 07:20AM)Leoi Wrote: I keep getting banned for "abnormal behaviour detected". Recently I was playing in DED|Edmun's server [TyD Ladder] and that happened again, same in dratini's servers. I tried to reinstall ac, deleting everything but it didn't worked, why is this happening?.

I'm pretty sure this is for you lag Eloi, your conection turns very laggy sometimes, I still remember the message the server showed up when kicked you.: "Teleport hack" lol also the most common: "Speedhack", provide a demo here so the devs would take a look at it.
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Server automatically bans me, how I'm supposed to get the demo?
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Ask the server owner for the demo.
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Cannot retrieve masterserver on my laptop !!! Have been banned for nothing?? Why?
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Lordmonkey, you already posted about your problem in this thread: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-3801.html. Your problem has nothing to do with autoban so please stick to your own thread if you wish to speak about your issue.
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(10 Aug 11, 11:56PM)lucas92 Wrote: Bumping but I found something interesting:

I always get auto-banned the second time I play MEGATOWERS_REWIND on a server, and this was just after I used the stairs trick.

I've had the same problem. It's about straferunning in the stairs and hitting jump to go really fast.

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I was spawnkilling in sniper@camper the other day and me too I was kicked because of "abnormal client behaviour". In the new release this is somehing which has to be fixed...
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Your nick makes me sick!
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[off-topic] yeah i'm sorry... that name was the first name I choosed when starting to play AC can you change it to Han.Solo please?? that's what's my name now...
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(19 Oct 11, 11:40PM)dilbert Wrote:
(10 Aug 11, 11:56PM)lucas92 Wrote: Bumping but I found something interesting:

I always get auto-banned the second time I play MEGATOWERS_REWIND on a server, and this was just after I used the stairs trick.

I've had the same problem. It's about straferunning in the stairs and hitting jump to go really fast.


I can confirm that.

I always get autoKick/ban (abnormal client beahavior detected) in ~[GE]~TwinTowers20** when playing CTF.
It doesnt happen in TOSOK though cause we can't climb the stairs as often as in CTF.
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(17 Aug 11, 08:07PM)Leoi Wrote: Server automatically bans me, how I'm supposed to get the demo?

These servers are ladder servers for BoB run by me, if you care to look on the BoB webpage you will see in the server info that you can download demos at anytime as they are automatically uploaded to a web folder.

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