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Cases of autoban in 1.1 (report here)
damn afk kick, now i have to move side to side while camping
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Quote:I hate flag runners...

so, dont play ctf (any game) ...

Quote:Example 3v3 CTF

i dont play in empty servers, (something hard to do at AC now), but for example i was hiding at a enemy base not just because is unprobably some1 will search at that point but also cause maybe my teammates are not skilled so have to try by myself, even if i die will be better cause at that moment i have scored like 4 flags so probably i will score more if the flag keep at base.
Quote:(my opinion only and this is not directed at you fu.uuuuuuuuuuuuuu its at all flag campers)

lol, ppl trying to invent new concepts looks funny, so as i said never heard something like that, check google
[Image: flag.png]

few results and i dont see anyting about FPS, the few times when i read this term (when i was playing) was the same of "base camper", mean ppl playing at base to defend the flag. Also i heard something about "ac is a game 4 noobs in FPS" but i never agreed, its a simple fast action game, but idk if is just childish arguments to help a friend or ppl rly believes in "flag camper".

anyway AC Power was made with many spots to hide (on purpose) so all this conversation never had any sense.

maybe its nice check it and learn something
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Too bad we don't have auto-ban for the forums...
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Doesn't matter if you can't find flag camper on Google or not. You read it, you get it, if you don't, grow a brain. Go back under your bridge troll.
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Camping with flag may not be useful but sometimes camping can be a good strategy.
That's all.
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Worse then flag camping is lag camping
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lol, ppl getting angry... well sorry about that. so let me explain once for all

Before this never was a problem, but suddenly this changed when i post trying to suport this game. When i said about brahma also "flag camp" i was serius.

some time ago (like a year) i did an automatically demo downloader with cube script, so i have like more than 1gb with old demos, so check this demo of 10/15/2009 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RW70RJHJ
Dont you have ac 1.0.4 anymore? dont matter check at youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI1e6xcRxR4

so, was not a nice thing pretend this is not a normal thing, talking trash and trying to make new concepts to offend me.

if u wanna say i am a camper ok go ahead, but remember: Me, Brahma, and mostly of "pro" players (and i have demos) in ac history (and in fps history) do that. Maybe u never gonna b so skilled or tactical like these "flag campers".

its all i have to say.
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Even if Brahma would've done that in 1.1, he wouldn't be AFK kicked ;) Don't know how you didn't realize, but he kept moving unlike you that stayed in one place without moving. There is a difference between staying in one place not moving at all (what all noobs do), and hiding where Brahma was or someone hiding in the trash can in shine moving around making sure no one is near :)
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in rly he was not "moving at all" in this specific video, was more than 1:05 at same spot. probably u just see the begning of video. Maybe u dont realize change the camera direction dont change your position cause if this works the kick system should not work against me also.

also if he goes to a side to another its just a way to make the afk system dont work but still "flag camping" :D
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fu.uuuuuuuuuuu i am a very pro camper
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god i just got banned from SexyLexy House of killing supposely because i was speed hacking

heres the ip 4 the server:

and well i couldnt get the demo but u can takl 2


hope i get unbanned soon >:|
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(22 Aug 10, 01:58AM)fu.uuuuuuuuuuuuuu Wrote: in rly he was not "moving at all" in this specific video, was more than 1:05 at same spot. probably u just see the begning of video. Maybe u dont realize change the camera direction dont change your position cause if this works the kick system should not work against me also.

AFAIK, the minimum amount of time for an AFK kick is 30 seconds. I believe Brahma was not camping for more than 30 seconds, hence he was not kicked.

(22 Aug 10, 01:58AM)fu.uuuuuuuuuuuuuu Wrote: also if he goes to a side to another its just a way to make the afk system dont work but still "flag camping" :D

Moving your view is not flag camping. It's being aware of who is around you, looking for people to frag and what not. I can see what you mean by people moving their view to avoid the AFK kick but IMO I do not think that Brahma was moving his view for that sole purpose.
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Quote:AFAIK, the minimum amount of time for an AFK kick is 30 seconds. I believe Brahma was not camping for more than 30 seconds, hence he was not kicked.
was ac 1.0.4, few servers have the afk system (probably brahma's server has but course was not able and is not my point). i dont say brahma was "cheating" hes own system or something i say hide with flag is normal.

just check this video, i look around all time, shoot, kill a guy and get kicked after the 45 seconds.

as i said, change the camera direction dont change your position, and looks like the afk system just consider that to kick.
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It's useless trying to explain to you, you just ignore every point we make :) So let's just leave it at, use ASWD ;)
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I should add that I was auto-banned on TyD|Fairfax two days ago, around 15:00 UTC+0. Our routers were very unstable that day, so it most probably had to do with lag.. I'm not banned anymore, and I couldn't get any demo, but I thought I should say it anyways. :), btw..
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Hey good day to all!

I am often banned because of abnormal client behavior.
2 times today :D

here is 1 demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?q3eqmd5r5g76d6d

I got banned 8 minutes remaining
Nickname: plus
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emule and MCS TyD were banned today for target position hack. It may help I dunno.
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I expect to not see such cases of "autoban for lag" in the or at least it become very rare.
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* Ronald_Reagan hugs Brahma
The most entertaining case was when Xu was testing a future member, and the leader got banned because of speed hack O.o Turns out his connection wasn't the best XD
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You get autobanned for spinhack if you just stand and make 360s with your mouse for like 10 seconds. I don't know if that makes sense at all, since spinhack would involve also hitting and killing people while doing that ;)
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Well, if someone stands still and keeps spinning for 10 seconds, I say he/she deserves a ban, smart server :)
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* V-Man removes the spin script from the rave menu
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i was banned again from the BCFH server just now, dont have a demo
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I got banned from the BCFH server for spinning around :(
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(21 Aug 10, 05:15PM)fu.uuuuuuuuuuuuuu Wrote: lol, ppl trying to invent new concepts looks funny, so as i said never heard something like that, check google

few results and i dont see anyting about FPS,

You think flag camper and FPS are uncommon terms? And we are suppose to think you are some godly ac player?

Frankly, no one really cares if you flag camp in TKTF or HTF. It is better for you to move around but your team can still do well while you camp. Is it so hard for you to press the A key for a hundredth of a second every once and a while while camping?
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I Don't think, I know. Its a fact.
Anyway u can say everything u want, i can b a "lag camper" or a "pendrive camper", or a "sofa camper" doesnt matter if it makes sense or not.

when I said "few results and i dont see anyting about FPS" i mean the results are not related with fps...cause that few results are about real camping and not about "first person shooter" games.

but if u dont get it u can check my video on youtube about brahma's demo, there are some related videos about "flag camper" and as i said is the same of "base camper". Check it, maybe u can learn something about fps.
Quote:Frankly, no one really cares if you flag camp
Frankly i dont care also, in rly i just report cause i toutgh that was an error (i still thinking) but who cares about false positive, every great fps have this problem, doesn't? lol

Quote:Is it so hard for you to press the A key for a hundredth of a second every once and a while while camping?
ppl say that a lot of times, looks like dont have anything to say. anyway if u check my post of "10 Aug 10" (almost a month ago):

fu.uuuuuuuuuuuuuu Wrote:dude i considered, but keep "dancing" or simply running without reason dont make any sense 4 me.

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Well then f uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I'd make a script but movement is keybind only.
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You want us to cry for you or something? HF getting auto kicked.
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^ WTF Spam Bot
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*Spam removed*
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