20 Dec 11, 07:32PM
Cremaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Marreira needs a translator :D
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Permanent blacklisting of Plenas
20 Dec 11, 07:32PM
Cremaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Marreira needs a translator :D
20 Dec 11, 07:34PM
Marreira's text :
I'm not Plenas, Enty, and Wagner's friend, i'm disgusted of these 3 brazilians and i'm ashamed of them beeing brazilians too, children like these are guilty for all these "fight" between brazilian and foreigners. There are many fps games, look for another one, your time on AC is already over, everyone knows what you guys are, dont end with the rep that the brazilians have in this game. "Lie to yourself its always the worst lie" What's the advantage to win cheating, and what this will change in your life? And for everyone else please, when remember some brazilian, remember that honest players that made history in this game by their skills, and not these players that ashame us. And stop using only3 tag, you're not worth of it.
20 Dec 11, 10:13PM
Thank you, CoxA*
20 Dec 11, 11:30PM
Meu amigo Marreira, concordo plenamente - and I'll also provide an optional translation for his text, although Coxa already did.
(20 Dec 11, 07:09PM)Marreira Wrote: I am not a friend of Plenas, EnTy and let alone Wagner - contrariwise, I'm sick of these 3 Brazilians and I'm also ashamed of them being Brazilians too, inconsequential kids like these are the ones responsible for all this fight generated between Brazilians and foreigners, there are several FPS games out there - search for another game, your time on AssaultCube has ended, you were all exposed - don't end the little reputation that remains to the Brazilians on this game. Corrigi alguns erros de pontuação e reorganizei um pouco das palavras para melhor clareza. I corrected some punctuation errors and reorganized the words a little for better clarity.
21 Dec 11, 08:36PM
21 Dec 11, 09:46PM
I have a demo of Plenas and Enty vs Wolf and me, they didn't know any strategic points and when attacked from behind didn't know how to react, plus some sick headshots lol
21 Dec 11, 09:47PM
Gj Coxa! I knew one day you would be good for something!
03 Jan 12, 03:18AM
(20 Dec 11, 07:09PM)Marreira Wrote: Me and my friend N0cu, were the founders of only3.olha essa demo marreira http://www.mediafire.com/?htckl8sqhufp6xa
03 Jan 12, 04:59AM
Wait, so does this apply to ALL AssaultCube servers or just the publics?
But great job jamz!
03 Jan 12, 06:17AM
This applys to everyone who put the code e.g
[SELECT ALL] Code: (03 Jan 12, 04:59AM)Cemer Wrote: Wait, so does this apply to ALL AssaultCube servers or just the publics?A CBL only blocks someone from seeing/connecting to the masterserver, not connecting to servers. Plenas continued to cheat using known IP/Port combinations, so jamz (and almost the whole community) wants as many people as possible to blacklist Plenas on their servers.
03 Jan 12, 12:19PM
03 Jan 12, 12:52PM
03 Jan 12, 01:19PM
To be fair, it's a little from column A and a little from column B.
04 Jan 12, 03:27AM
Not all Brazilians are like that, if they have not noticed.
I realize many people in other countries doing horrible things in AC too. There is here an idiot Spanish ... But no problem (...) There are people here with the purpose of disrupting. Let it be clear, I do not like to see here "peoples" talking as if we "Brazillian's" were to the problem of AC.
You have to understand Brazilians have a bad rep, because, whereas Europe and America may have a lot low profile cheaters - when you actually catch a high profile one, it tends to just be a bad apple that has fallen stray from the apple tree.
In the past we have noted that when one Brazilian player was caught cheating within a team. The WHOLE team was cheating, and of course this is not always the case. But without sounding too extreme a good example of this in the real world would be the outlook of Muslims - a lot of people misjudge them and prejudice them as extremists (huge problem in the UK where I live, after the 7/7 bombings), but it is only a tiny percentage of them that are - and it certainly does not make up the whole picture and represent them as a community or religion. These few bad apples do not represent Brazil either - however it does make some people more anxious towards them and certainly more cynical. I hope this clears up a bit of the mixed attitudes I am seeing towards Brazilian, from my perspective anyhow, and understand Theo_RJ* - this attitude towards Brazilians is not the majority of the AC community either :)
04 Jan 12, 04:37PM
That ^.
I have nothing against brasilians, I just dislike hackers. Whether a hacker was Brasilian or a Brit (like myself) would make no difference. Same as if a player is clean. And I'm pretty sure MOST of the community feel this way. It is only because many Brasilians are hackers, some people generalise and say something stupid like "All brasilians cheat", when in fact that's ridiculous and there is no evidence that supports their point. Just ignore them.
04 Jan 12, 04:55PM
Eu nunca usei hacker nessa versão então CoxA , Não me julgue assim também !
Posso ter errado em 2008 quando usei , Mas aprendi com meu erro , E agora sou banido dessa merda deste jogo por causa do IP parecido com o do meu primo Plenas , sacanagem kkkkkkkkkkkkk .... I've never used that version hacker then thigh, so do not judge me! Can I be wrong in 2008 when I used, but I learned from my mistake, and now I'm banned from this shit because of this game like the IP of my cousin, slutty kkkkkkkkkkkkk ....
04 Jan 12, 05:41PM
(04 Jan 12, 04:55PM)EnTy Wrote: I've never used that version hacker then thigh, so do not judge me! If you knew your Cousin was cheating. Why did you let him? Your attitude towards cheating sickens me and always has - you are just as bad as Plenas, EnTy. Enjoy your joint ban.
04 Jan 12, 05:51PM
Thank you for having nothing against us, but its "braZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZilian", with a Z. what you wrote is very very very very very wrong and its such a silly mistake, that makes you look dumb.
not trying to be rude or anything, just thought you'd like to know you were misspelling a very simple word. completely offtopic, i know. sorry :F
Pfff^. Does it reaaaally matter?
04 Jan 12, 07:19PM
Plenas was one of the most annoying cheater out there, regardless of his nationality, it's a good thing that he's no longer allowed among us.
So chill out. Edit: thanks Bugboy I didn't notice my mistake xD
05 Jan 12, 01:06PM
Bb plenas and enty, you have cheated enough , please don't come back!
19 Mar 12, 10:18AM
Please accept my apologies. I accidentally let Plenas get the server list last night, so he may have stumbled into some pubs; he connected from an IP where I only had part of one specific block covered.
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