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Debian packaging
This is mainly directed to flowtron and/or Brahma (Or whomever curently manages the AC copyright), but I figured that there's no reason to not ask it in public:

It is very possible that I have asked you this question before in a PM, and I apologise in advance if that is the case, however since only using PMs with my forum account before, it got deleted and all my PMs were lost :-(

Anyhow, my question is regarding Debian packaging. Current license of AC forbids changes, and in the creation of .deb packages there is inevitably some changes.

For example, in Debian, AC comes in two packages, say, "ac.deb" and "ac-data.deb": ac.deb is compiled from your source tarball and ac-data.deb is created from your binary release. To reduce install size, binaries etc. are removed from ac-data.deb, and I add manual pages, etc.

Hence, as per the Clause:
AssaultCube is FREEWARE, you may freely distribute the AssaultCube
installer/archive unmodified on any media. You may re-compress using
different archival formats (i.e. zip/tgz/rpm/deb/dmg), any changes beyond
that require explicit permission.

I'd like to ask formal permission, on behalf of the Debian Project and the
Debian Games Team, to redistribute AC:

* Under the same license as the original
* Still in a *substantially unmodified* form
* With minor changes and restructuring which should fall in one of the
following categories:

* Removal of items not relevant to keep in Debian
- e.g. the folder bin_unix/ and the included scripts
* Addition of content mainly related to Debian
- e.g. wrapper scripts, dependency metadata, manual pages
* Splitting of content
- e.g. creating several packages named e.g. "data" and "docs"

...Or something along those lines.

Martin Erik Werner ("arand")
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Definitely F1 on allowing debian distribution, but I don't think (judging by the number of Debian users) it would be that useful. No offense, just my opinion.
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Useful to many or not, I think it should be done. F1 arand. :)
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Just a note, this is the current license, it has changed a bit since last time to make things more consistent. Please use this license: http://assault.cubers.net/docs/license.h...irepackage

Viper, dude, heaps of users run Debian and their related forks. I myself, use Ubuntu (only due to it's smaller release cycle)... other AssaultCube developers also use Debian/Ubuntu/etc.

Ignore him arand, go for it! This should help you:

Quote:As of today, the Debian development teams have EXPLICIT permission from the AssaultCube Development team, to modify the original AssaultCube software package(s), in any way they want, conditional to the following:

* All clauses of the original license must be adhered to, with the exception that you may now modify the package.
* All new packages are to be redistributed using the same license they originally came with.
* As you may know, AssaultCube is made up of various media, from various sources, all with various copyright notices of their own. So, all copyright notices within that package, must also be found in the new package, if the files within the new package are normally affected by that license.
* Any changes made to the AssaultCube package(s), must only be made for the intention of making it easier to package AssaultCube for Debian in what you deem to be the most appropriate way.
* We are entrusting you to make the right decisions and hope that it is not abused. Although we'll endeavor to contact you if something is wrong and try to come to an agreement on how best to rectify the situation, please realise that we reserve the right to revoke our permission at any time and will do so if we feel it is being abused.

Hope this is awesome enough for you. Any suggestions for changes to this permission, let me know now and I'll see if I can adjust it accordingly.
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(30 Oct 11, 08:06AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: Just a note, this is the current license, it has changed a bit since last time to make things more consistent. Please use this license: http://assault.cubers.net/docs/license.h...irepackage
I've changed the copyright in the package accordingly, it will be included in the next minor update of the packages in Debian.

(30 Oct 11, 08:06AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: Viper, dude, heaps of users run Debian and their related forks. I myself, use Ubuntu (only due to it's smaller release cycle)... other AssaultCube developers also use Debian/Ubuntu/etc.
Well, one of the points of me picking up on packaging AC is to attempt to keep it as up-to-date as the release cycles allows, I guess many active people may want to use your tarball, but the packages are hopefully one way to advertise it to new folks.

(30 Oct 11, 08:06AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: As of today, the Debian development teams have EXPLICIT permission from the AssaultCube Development team, to modify the original AssaultCube software package(s), in any way they want, conditional to the following:

* All clauses of the original license must be adhered to, with the exception that you may now modify the package.
* All new packages are to be redistributed using the same license they originally came with.
* As you may know, AssaultCube is made up of various media, from various sources, all with various copyright notices of their own. So, all copyright notices within that package, must also be found in the new package, if the files within the new package are normally affected by that license.
* Any changes made to the AssaultCube package(s), must only be made for the intention of making it easier to package AssaultCube for Debian in what you deem to be the most appropriate way.
* We are entrusting you to make the right decisions and hope that it is not abused. Although we'll endeavor to contact you if something is wrong and try to come to an agreement on how best to rectify the situation, please realise that we reserve the right to revoke our permission at any time and will do so if we feel it is being abused.
This is, as far as I know, excellent! Thanks!

Martin Werner ("arand")
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(30 Oct 11, 08:06AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: Viper, dude, heaps of users run Debian and their related forks. I myself, use Ubuntu (only due to it's smaller release cycle)... other AssaultCube developers also use Debian/Ubuntu/etc.

Ignore him arand, go for it!

Again, I never said not to, just said there weren't as many users.
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(30 Oct 11, 06:29PM)Viper Wrote: Again, I never said not to, just said there weren't as many users.

http://popcon.debian.org/ and http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ would disagree (although, unfairly, these statistics include servers as well).

FYI: Anyone that wants to see the changes made to the AssaultCube package for debian, can take a look here: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gam.../?view=log
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Revision 12522 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 14 14:21:10 2011 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by pabs
fix wtf copyright format line

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One question, look at the path:

What does this non-free mean?
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"non-free" means it doesn't match the Debian Free Software Guidelines. If you wonder why that is, just take a look at AC's license :P
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Ok, thank you :D
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