28 Jul 10, 08:05PM
tw.Ninja... your issue was fixed.
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1.1.0.x - alpha/experimental testing has begun
28 Jul 10, 08:05PM
tw.Ninja... your issue was fixed.
*rant on nades can be skipped when reading*
well why cant i use nade as my primary? i am not some spammer, sure il saturate a area if i heard you, saw you, or saw my man die, but i dont just sit there and spam people i simply find its the most effective way to kill someone for me, its hard to be good at it but i mean the new AC will bring my skill level down to a noob basically, its just too much of a chance for me too fast, my best weapon being useless and the enemy having even more armor.....sound great ok well if as i guessed this post will have 0 influence on the dev or anyone who reads its and is serving only as a outlet for my confusion, then i have but 1 more question >>>>>>important part for me<<<<<< is there going to be a way i can keep playing 1.0.4? even if there is no anti-cheat? i would like to stick to that rather then play with the new changes, would they exists as they do now with 2 different sets of servers? or would 1.04 be phased out? thanks for whatever answers/support you can give me :-D
28 Jul 10, 11:04PM
Kind of like how MorganKell wanted to stay at 0.93. I'm sure you could find a way, but it'd be better to move along with the rest of the community.
thing is nades are my babies, i dont know if i would stay apart of AC if i lose them, i don't want to be a complete noob twice
Deaths: 5054 Kills: 2058 Ratio: 1.71 Gibs: 3518 my ratio was a bit low in my rush to get on to FD* clans hi-skill but you can see i use nade a heck of a lot more then SMG, if i used SMG on them and stopped using the nades it would be 5054 to 5576 take away a few for "using the leftover nade" and drop as i die kills" and it would be about even, 1.00 ratio in other words ave :*( DTeamkills: 198 DTeamgibs: 99 also its much better for my team...^.^ hahaha
29 Jul 10, 05:00AM
I'm not following *SMG*_3m...
If you like nades, you have one more reason to like 1.1 (extra nade FTW) 1.04 made ratio way overrated, glad that this ratio crap will (hopefully) be gone in 1.1
ratio is still there, btw did you know you have to pick up 1 at a time ? also they seem more like...week....and slower to spawn....kind like a useless flash-band or something, not the tri pawning weapon of death your thinking of.
too many spammers used it as well spam so they reduced its power like a pick-up truck to a smart car if you get what i mean also seriously i dont need 3 xD coming from a gibbing expert that should mean somthing
29 Jul 10, 07:56AM
SMG_3m, stop that whining please. Nades have been weakened due to guys like _you_, which didn't realise it's not a primary weapon and spammed the map all over. It has been explained to you above already.
Get yourself a proper playing-style and by the way, 'gibbing expert' is just another term for 'nade spammer' imo...
29 Jul 10, 08:16AM
everyone has a different style Mr Floppy, i poke fun at other styles too but i think all is fair (as long as you dont actually cheat) if so many people use nades then why isnt it seen as a legitimate style? i hate spammers as much as the next guy, no actually more because they give people who aim a bad name, but i dont see how you could stop just them, without destroying my style of playing if you have to do this thats ok its better for the group i know that there are few like me and its better for the rest of you without spammers, i am just trying to see if there is anyway to keep 1.0.4 for myself
as for the "spammer noob" sure i get called a spammer a lot but the fact is if i hear someone coming i try to check the miny map (if theres time) if its not mine it gets a nade (timed from the last time i heard them to the distance where i will nade them) i do this with guns too, mostly sniper. anyway i dont care if people think i am a spammer if am a labeled one i would rather take that label then give up my best weapon and my fun xD sorry to everone who calls me a spammer, if i ever spammed you with a left over nade sorry (this is mostly to my team mates^^)
29 Jul 10, 08:27AM
Oh well, you will just have to adjust then.
29 Jul 10, 02:19PM
yeah he does have to adapt ... progress never waited on anyone... 1.1 has moved AC to the next level, most of the (if not all) changes are really improvements... I especially like the way the weapons are balanced now and the fact that shotgun is now given more importance... :)
29 Jul 10, 05:49PM
I remember a while back there was a grand retexturing of AssaultCube. I believe that the textures were going to be made 512×512 but released as 256×256. There were plans to perhaps release the 512×512 textures as a pack that users could apply if they wanted. What's the progress of all this? Will there be a 512×512 texture pack?
On a different note, I think the SMG and AR may be very slightly underpowered now. Compared to the shotgun which can kill at midrange in two shots, they are slow to kill enemies. I also think sniper damage should be reduced further to 66. This is based on two ideas:
So doing some maths we can see that the highest (integer) damage a sniper can do while retaining these two properties is 66. This may seem to make the sniper useless but it's actually still very powerful in a few specific regards. For example, it can be scoped and I believe it is 100% accurate scoped. But probably the biggest reason people will take it is for headshots.
Yes make the Sniper a crosshair-less carbine that's slow but can do the occasional unscope headshot. The sniper will only be useful over the carbine if you are really good at getting headshots now.
31 Jul 10, 12:26AM
y cant i d-load the 1.1 exp package? when i try to download it says that its not available or that its corrupt
31 Jul 10, 01:14AM
hmm did you try using a different mirror?
I hope I am not posting about a known bug in the game, if so disregard my post, or even better explain to me what this is.
I would like to speak about an issue with the field of view, it happens in both 1.0.4 and 1.1.0, this issue with the field of view occurs at ranges of 120, but not at the default of 90. I managed to screen shot a few of the errors which I don't think were intended to be in the game. All of them occur at awkward angles, or when looking at the vertices of two walls. I am using revision 25 of 1.1.0 and the latest version of 1.0.4. ![]() ![]() ![]() Any person familiar with AC_Desert will realise it is not meant to look like that. I have uploaded a whole set of images, feel free to look at them, with this bug on various maps, however I have seen it on other maps on more than one occasion. However when you turn to look at these bugs they disappear, this means random flickering as you turn a corner which can become very irritating and sometimes misleading. Obviously turning down field of view would be a quick fix, however I have become very used to using 120 and would very much dislike having to use 90. In due course I will list the other issues I have found, in hopes it will help the development of this game.
31 Jul 10, 02:50AM
Try /minlod 250
31 Jul 10, 01:37PM
I get that too + it's not minlod-related, seems like a fence/precision error (the flashing cubes will be right next to you, along the left/right edge of the screen, eg when the furthest and the nearest vertices projections are exactly on the edge). I also get that in certain other situations but haven't pinpointed the exact conditions yet, though it looks like it's down to the cube visibility test failing due to rounding to integers.
31 Jul 10, 03:19PM
Some of these glitches occur even with 90 field of view (but far more rarely).
There is another similar bug too: some objects can lie just outside a player's sight but the object's shadow should lie in their sight. However the shadow is not always rendered when the object itself is out of sight. This leads to situations where a player moves back around a corner and as the object goes out of sight the shadow magically disappears too, despite the fact the shadow should still be visible.
31 Jul 10, 04:46PM
i believe it have to do with something, thats name i can not remember at the moment, but if i remember just turn it up and it should fix it, again maybe wrong but its in setting
31 Jul 10, 07:37PM
I have all the graphics settings on their best values except anti-aliasing.
31 Jul 10, 08:18PM
humm well i have this too sometimes it just i wrote it off as that, anyway sorry i cant help.
01 Aug 10, 05:54PM
Ever load up ac and start to warm up on the empty map and just catch a glimpse of someone else rounding a corner away from you?
-Me neither
Has any one else noticed a considerable framerate drop in 1.1? It doesn't seem to be present in the alpha but it is in the SVN trunk. Renderer is RADEON X300 x86/SSE2 (ATI Technologies Inc.) I even migrated my init.cfg and saved.cfg (with many of errors but the gfx commands work nonetheless) from 1.0.4 but it does not do much. In a spot where I could get 150 fps I now only get 110 :(
02 Aug 10, 05:39AM
different mirrors arent working for me. everytimei try to downlaod 1.1 on different mirrors it says that the file is corrupt and not available.
02 Aug 10, 05:44AM
02 Aug 10, 04:54PM
Since its really easy to "hack" the missing sniper-crosshair (no software is needed for this, just some hardware.. ;) ), what about displaying it in AC 1.1.0?
02 Aug 10, 05:01PM
Following up to my post about framerate, curiously I get better framerate with the gfx settings in the menu turned all the way to INSANE. Same applies for 1.0.4. So it must be my card that's wonky, but I very happy that I can play with better quality! :D
02 Aug 10, 06:12PM
(02 Aug 10, 05:01PM)Gibstick Wrote: Following up to my post about framerate, curiously I get better framerate with the gfx settings in the menu turned all the way to INSANE. Same applies for 1.0.4. So it must be my card that's wonky, but I very happy that I can play with better quality! :D You never thought of upgrading the X300? :P That may help too you know. :)
02 Aug 10, 06:30PM
STHU 120fps is enough. :D
02 Aug 10, 07:28PM
I'm sure it is :)
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