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1.1.0.x - alpha/experimental testing has begun
An experimental package for the upcoming AssaultCube v1.1 has been packaged.

We've uploaded alpha-packages for Mac OS-X, Win32, and Linux32/64 to this 1.1.0.x Folder

If all goes well - when does it? - we just rename the packages online later and are through.
Most likely we will build one package after one or maybe two weeks of trial-running the alpha.
That will be the official AssaultCube v1.1 release.

From then on we plan on very rapid releases of v1.1.0.1, v1.1.0.2 and so on - till we fine tune all the balance-stuff

In case you're an "early bird" and get a broken D/L from a not-yet-updated sourceforge mirror:
Mac OS-X : dmg
SHA1   d2b8852894269809454f81c4cbd1e15889be0e32
MD5    1013b25f419c963310fee956a9dbc602
*nix : bz2
SHA1   04d86aaea4d7090e0bbe78120b830489baa06fba
MD5    1c331ed8c19e977d0968f5c3aa370b6a
Win32 : exe
SHA1   4aa17bf3c140055fb5131bf3bf0a15fec85fb068
MD5    dae012703036938ea7ef056388304b01
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Lets play test now!

BTW, these are some of the new features you need to look for:

0.a) Some new textures
0.b) new official maps
0.c) reduced textures included! (just put the worst Graphics Quality)
0.d) bright skins now blocked
0.e) new fonts! and the possibility of change them!
0.f) new voice com sounds!

1.a) All weapons are incredibly more balanced
1.b) new primary weapon: carbine
1.c) pistol more accurate and sniper a bit more balanced (needs sniper plus two pistol shots to kill)
1.d) shotgun spread is more realistic/centered (so, the damage drops a bit less with the distance)
1.e) shotgun gib if kills with full hit (105 of damage), but counting only one frag
1.f) assault rifle has the same "rate of damage" of smg now (if you hit all shots)

1.5a) Four levels of armor protection! (100% armor -> 50% of damage absorption, 75% -> 40%, 50% -> 33%, 25% -> 25%...)
1.5b) HELMETS giving 25% of armor (one level).

2) Crouch in the air! (better to dodge and reach far places)

3) Hitbox fix: the shots are passing over the shoulders (now the sniper can cover its teammates with less risk of a friendly fire)
^ (thank to noerrorsfound)

4.a) No more nade spam!
4.b) nade pickups with only one nade, but the players can carry up to 3 nades (needs more experience to take advantage of this)!
4.c) nade gib worths only one point (less players running with nades at hand)
4.d) LSS still have random double nade pick ups

5.a) Less bandwidth load! (dial up FTW!)
5.b) more cpu load :P
5.c) mouse filter (to crappy-noisy mouses) and smarter scoped-or-not mouse accel (thanks to kirin)

6) Finally anticheats! (only for the pre-compiled bins)

7.a) Smarter vote system
7.b) the kick vote caller needs to type the reason
7.c) the server owner can block the apparently unjustified votes
7.d) the players which abuse will be blocked for some minutes
7.e) ability to vote for the next map: /setnext mode map (thanks to mr.floppy for indirect the idea!)

8.a) Smater map management (thanks to stef)
8.b) the players cannot spawn if they do not have the right map
8.c) the player cannot vote for a map the server does not have (so, they need to send the map first)
8.d) the server owner can block the sendmap
8.e) players cannot play in awful-lag maps anymore! (thanks to me!) :P

9) New server mode: Match (/mastermode 2)

10.a) New score system (to be implemented with the future medal system)
10.b) shuffle, autoteam and a new balance teams function to make the game fair in the pubs (based on score per second, thank to wtfisthisgame for the original idea)
10.c) EXTRA cooperation/cover/skill reward (type /hudextras 2 to receive the extra messages in your hud)

11) Central blacklist (thanks to eihrul)

12) and a lot more that i forget now... :P

Thanks to everybody who patiently waited for the 1.1, and tested every time we screamed in the channel. In this row, special thanks to Brett who was *always* there.
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Testing in progress. Will report any problems or balance mishaps I encounter

EDIT: Can't seem to open the dmg mac version.
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Sounds awesome! Keep up the hard work :)
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Good, now I don't have to redownload the SVN after I had to change accounts.
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It quits on the mac side and wont launch...
the folder for the mac side is completly empty....
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Quote:8.c) the player cannot vote for a map the server does not have (so, they need to send the map first)

what is the command for this?
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The mac version does not work.
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i know..
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dmg works for me just fine.
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(18 Jul 10, 11:30PM)KN!F3 Wrote: The mac version does not work.

It works fine to me.

Here are some impressions to this. Some are the same like I have already mentioned here.

1. Shutgun sound (bug)
When I used the shotgun first I'm hearing the sound of the carbine. After switching to the carbine and back to the shotgun, the correct sound is used.

2. Player model at ingame menu (bug)
When I'm opening the ingame menu a rotating playermodel appears on the right when selecting the following items:
  • Change to the enemy team
  • Change to the spectate mode
  • Change player skin...
[Image: bildschirmfoto20100718u.png][Image: bildschirmfoto20100718uv.png]
As far as I know only the rotating and acting model which appears AFTER selecting "Change player skin..." is corrrect.

3. AFK disconnect
First of all, the idea is good. But the time which is used (45sec) is quite too fast (and this not only my opinion). It seems to me that the counting mechanism ignores typing or selecting/switching the menus. Probably cause this happens on clientside without any further notification sent to the server.

So if you are in a conversation and you are typing a longer sentence or thinking for moment about the words you want to use (cause you arent a naturally english speaker) then you will be disconnect.

Therefore I suggest to put a player without any moving action after a longer period of time into spectator first and after the same amount of time w/o action he will be kicked out.

4. sound settings
Muting and unmuting are still handled in different ways. If you want to mute all sounds you have to deselect every sound in every category (see image). If you want to unmute all sounds you have a menu item for it:

[Image: bildschirmfoto20100718ut.png]

My suggestion: Make the last menu item work like a toggle function ("Mute/Unmute all sounds")

5. weapon preview
As I already mentioned in my first post, I would like to see more consistency in the weapon preview. IMO the user becomes more logically of elements of the same kind are put on the same place. Therefore the rotating weapon model in the weapon selection menu should be placed as suggested in the image.

[Image: bildschirmfoto20100718u.png]

6. Scoretable
[Image: 20100718223940accomplex.jpg]

If it is the goal to make the score value to the important thing on this board then it should be placed as first column on it (maybe with a different color?). Currently it doesnt look very necessary, important or interesting.

Honestly the PJ and Ping info could be replaced by a much more simplified "connection" info, which shows the quality of the connection like e.g. "good", "bad", "lag" (ofc colorized). Maybe questions like "Is my ping good?", "What's a PJ?", "Why is my PJ 0?" and stupid comparisons to the ping values of other games become history then.
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I'm still not sure I like the ability to get a negative score.
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(19 Jul 10, 12:43AM)Dreamer Wrote: I'm still not sure I like the ability to get a negative score.

Yep, this is a mess. It should be 0 if you cant do/get anything (a frag, a gib w/e). If your score value is swinging up and down then it isnt better like the ratio value (which is planned to be replaced by the score value).
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The advantage of the negative score is that new, low-skill players have a target to aim for - 0. Whether this would actually work as an incentive, or put off players who don't like being negative, depends on the psychology of the player, I guess.
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Wow, getting a 0 as an incentive? You are kidding right? Well in that case we can also retain our old points of orientation (flags, frags, deaths, ratio), cause they have been enough incentive in the past imo.

Na, it could be quite easy:
- all gamers are starting with 0
- a gamer who frags, gibs etc. get score points
- a gamer who becomes fragged, gibbed or is spectating becomes 0 points
- a gamer who commit TK (a foul) becomes points subtracted (as a penalty)
- a gamer who commit suicde becomes idk

(compare this with boxing: the boxer who hit the enemy get points, the other one get nothing, if someone does a foul he looses some points...)
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I think i might just wait till it has been released properly so then i don't have to muck around with all of this stuff.
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* V-Man mucks around...
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The discussion about scoreboard was already in old forum. The purpose is eliminate unbalanced teams. Many factors of gameplay is mapping to one value and through this value balanced teams. There were more ideas how to do it and this one was chosen, i don't remember whose it is. now would be good link to that thread and end of the discussion, you had oppurtinity to discuss about it. I as coder hate such changers of specifications.
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Dunno if its only me, but the sniper scope feels quite weird, way too sensitive, I set it with the same values that I use in 1.04 and its just impossible to aim properly...
So far that's the only thing that is relle bugging me, I got say that I did love the overall weapon balance, now ppl is gonna have to think more about weapon/map, no more sniper or smg and you are good to go, good job there!
I do agree with Apollo, the AFK kick time is kinda too short and the negative score its hard to buy...
Some more bitching will come after I play some more :P
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lol NVM i cant keep my hands of stuff like this.
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Cr0w turn off your hacks, and you'll have no problem connecting xD
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Got auto-banned just a minute ago- said my score dropped below the threshold. I believe I had two flags, several frags, and no deaths, didn't kill a teamate or myself.
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The changes to the nade are for the worst imo. They kill the purpose of nades. Why use nades if you can just smg them. No incentives for nades, and don't give me that tactical bs.
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(19 Jul 10, 02:30AM)TheCrema Wrote: Dunno if its only me, but the sniper scope feels quite weird, way too sensitive, I set it with the same values that I use in 1.04 and its just impossible to aim properly...
So far that's the only thing that is relle bugging me, I got say that I did love the overall weapon balance, now ppl is gonna have to think more about weapon/map, no more sniper or smg and you are good to go, good job there!
I do agree with Apollo, the AFK kick time is kinda too short and the negative score its hard to buy...
Some more bitching will come after I play some more :P

Same here! I thought I was just going crazy. I can NOT get the sensitivty to stay consistant with the older version. The two do not match. A tad bit frustrating!
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(19 Jul 10, 04:14AM)Zomg! Wrote: Why use nades if you can just smg them.

Why use a "tertiary" weapon if you can just use your primary? I think that's the intention.
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Because you can nadespam!!
"shimmy shimmy FTWFTWFTW"
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(19 Jul 10, 02:21AM)Alien Wrote: The discussion about scoreboard was already in old forum. The purpose is eliminate unbalanced teams. Many factors of gameplay is mapping to one value and through this value balanced teams. There were more ideas how to do it and this one was chosen, i don't remember whose it is. now would be good link to that thread and end of the discussion, you had oppurtinity to discuss about it. I as coder hate such changers of specifications.

You are forgetting (once more) to whom you are talking. Maybe you don't remember or you haven't realize during the past year that I have left the community in the meantime and I returned short before the old forum was going down. Therefore I have no idea what you and others have discussed before.

Maybe you have also not realized that we have a new forum now and that the old content is gone. So it might be a good idea no to request links to the void.

Btw, I know the future purpose of the score value. Also I don't dislike it in general, but I'm pointing on some irritating aspects. I never seen a game or a sport where you can can get negative scores from the beginning. This is more deterrent than stimulative IMO. Therefore I'm for a modification of your so called specification (changing the calculation a bit).

And finally - as a tip - we are on alpha testing now; it's totally legit to check out, criticize, fine tune, add, take out, modify (and whatever you want) the aspects of this piece of software. This is normal for and the purpose of alpha stage testing (you as a coder will learn this sometimes). Better discuss something before it has been release instead after the release.
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Quote:"Why use a "tertiary" weapon if you can just use your primary? I think that's the intention."
If that's the intention then just get rid of grenades than severely cripple them. Getting rid of them is no less ridiculous than what is happening to them now.
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TheCrema, the code for the sniper zoom has changed. Now it is
alias oldsens $sensitivity

alias zoom [
    if (= $arg1 1) [
        if (=f $sensitivity (scopesens)) [] [
            alias oldsens $sensitivity
            // avoid error if using 0.001 as sensitivity
            newsens = (scopesens)
            if (> (*f 1 1000) $newsens) [
                if (< 1000 $newsens) [
                sensitivity (scopesens)
                ] []
            ] []
            setscope  1
    ] [
        sensitivity $oldsens
        setscope 0
Instead of:
alias zoom [
    if (= $arg1 1) [
        if (=f $sensitivity (scopesens)) [] [
            alias oldsens $sensitivity
            sensitivity (scopesens)
            setscope  1
    ] [
        sensitivity $oldsens
        setscope 0
They did something to make it feel more "natural" to switch between the two sensitivities. I suppose you could copy back the old code and overwrite the new one if you wanted to. But what gets executed first: scripts.cfg or autoexec.cfg?
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