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100 things to do in ac before you die
1. Write "Congratulations - You are the 1000th player to connect to this server! Here is your reward: Administrator password = foobar" as the MOTD of your server and watch how many people take the bait :)

Lets see if we can reach 100
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2. Use the remote control script to sneak the suicide command into a friends movement binds.

* Bukz damn you RR *angry fists* :D
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3. Use the /whois command and deduce where each player lives so you can freak them out...


Cemer: unarmed, u sir, live in Russia

unarmed(3): OMFGWTF how did you know?

unarmed(18): Don't hurt me please!

unarmed(7): Err... No I don't...

Cemer: Yes you do

unarmed(7) disconnected

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4. Be nice, for a change.
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5. ...Teabag.
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Cermer loving that idea haha XD
6. make a map that is voted on every server (this one will be hard)
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7. make a map that is voted, period.
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8. Hextuple Gib.
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9. Get a headshot with a shotgun
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Lucky, it's supposed to be things that are possible :P

10. With 4 hp or less, kill at least 2 players and score a flag.
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(21 May 11, 10:47PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Lucky, it's supposed to be things that are possible :P

10. With 4 hp or less, kill at least 2 players and score a flag.

It is possible, it just is too nooby to declare it...

Gotta love head's hitbox... :D

Edit: Stoopid spelling error
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It is very possible lobo...its just that it doesnt *say* headshot..but it is their :D
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(21 May 11, 10:47PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: 10. With 4 hp or less, kill at least 2 players and score a flag.

Done that.
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(22 May 11, 12:03AM)Huntsman Wrote:
(21 May 11, 10:47PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: 10. With 4 hp or less, kill at least 2 players and score a flag.

Done that.

Umm...then scratch it off your list? This is just something that you should do before you die, if you have, good.
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11. Find a lovely girl on the chat who doesnt turn out to be a 35 year old man with hairy nipples and long beard and belly.

12. Hadshot while drinking coffee (left hand), smoking a cigarette (right hand), pushing away your leg-humping dog (left/right foot [depends on the dogs liking!]) and looking at the clock because you are late for work again (mostly your eyes), SIRE.
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Loving number 11, paulmuaddibKA.

13. Make a map that doesn't contain the word "camper" or any other noob-oriented words in the title.
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14. Get so pro you get blacklisted.
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15. Appreciate the most under-appreciated scripts ever made.

I dont think anyone besides me V-Man and Bukz (possibly gibby) ever had fun with this :(
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16. Teabag MykeGregory

R_R: How/who/what does that do?
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17. play some .93
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18. bring back 1.04
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Frogulis, that allows a client to execute cubescript commands on another client. Look at these demos for an example or two.
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19. Play a single game without AR (legacy)
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20.- become a legend and find out how to use my guns
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21: making a thread thats open for more than 2 hours ....
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22 - Learn THAT PARKWAY DRIVE ISN'T EMOCORE. Yes, we (legacy) can perform personal attacks aswell. aushaush
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23 - Beating BotZilla once for all...
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24) Write a useful script (useful to you, or to others, or both).

@RR: Good times there. :D
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(22 May 11, 01:20AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: ..a 35 year old man with hairy nipples and long beard and belly.

Hey, don't make fun of MorganKell.
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@ventex I wouldnt if ¿HE? wouldnt go as funnybunny16, Hellokitty17, Pregnantgirl16, IluvJustinB15, MynameisAlice16 ...lulz?
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