Someone to create a server for me
Can someone near or in indiana(state in the u.s.) create a server for me
name:Kakarrot's personal server U.S.
description:Have fun! NO HACKING

if anyone does this, thanks you very much and p.m. my admin p-word
Kakarrot, |H*S| clan Private
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Sure, in the meantime can you go buy me some lunch at a chinese take-out then do my math homework, and then pay my taxes?
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This has already been requested by many people, many times. Running a server takes resources, including money and time.

No one you want to do it for you will.
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Lazy would-be server owner is lazy

Learn how to do it
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(01 Apr 11, 09:19PM)Viper Wrote: Sure, in the meantime can you go buy me some lunch at a chinese take-out then do my math homework, and then pay my taxes?

I'll buy u lunch, do your 4th grade math homework, and pay ur taxes in Monoploy. \:D Now, where is the server? its a hard thread to find ;)

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why u need a server?
there are a lot of match servers .........
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This is just like IRL: if you want someone, you either gotta work for it, or pay for it.
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I've made the server, except it's a one-man LAN with 5 minutes of uptime a day. ;D
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I'll host a server for you, PM me
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It will cost you 1 million dollars.
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Actualy noerrorsfound did something like this for us ~FEL~ but then he got banned for hacking the Xu (I think) forums and the Sefer died alon with him :)
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