--> -->
Post a screenshot of what you are doing (modding related).
yeah, i think putting color on everything would make it cross over from 'simple' to 'cartoon'.
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Health = red, armour = orange/yellow, guns = green...

Or just leave it white, it's more professional (IMHO).
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Here is where I am at atm, it's looking pretty clean and highly visible.

[Image: YkToa.png]
(02 Apr 11, 09:16PM)Lantry Wrote: yeah, i think putting color on everything would make it cross over from 'simple' to 'cartoon'.

Yeah I noticed that I tried it earlier and it looks like crap and then tried with gradients also looked way too cartoonish.
(02 Apr 11, 09:18PM)Andrez Wrote: Health = red, armour = orange/yellow, guns = green...

Or just leave it white, it's more professional (IMHO).

I like this idea, I may release 2 versions. One all white the other with your color suggestions.
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yeah, i like all white best
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Here is what I have right now, I need to change the compass needles to green. I think I'm going to pass on coloring, even with slight colors it starts to look bad.

[Image: 18YH3.jpg]

EDIT: Alright I think this works for the compass.
[Image: bRFvO.jpg]
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some ss from my skins:
its some, i have more weapons skins, and some player skins here : )
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(03 Apr 11, 09:04PM)wolfbr Wrote: some ss from my skins:
its some, i have more weapons skins, and some player skins here : )

Dude, I am so downloading your SMG, Carbine, and Knife, maybe Nades, but simply beautiful.

EDIT : IMO this thread should be stickied.
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Loving the carbine wolfbr! Keep up the good work!
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showed that these were the skins that I made ​​based on standard weapons (default style), I intend to do, and I'm doing, in various styles (desert, snow, forest camo, dark, gold..), and some hand skins.

some ss froms skins(I did skins for the colors blue and red too).
[Image: skinsfr.jpg]

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
thanks guys
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(03 Apr 11, 09:04PM)wolfbr Wrote: some ss from my skins:
its some, i have more weapons skins, and some player skins here : )

I really like the Carbine-Skin. Do you know roughly, when this will be released?
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[Image: playermodel.jpg]

I think I'm doing alright, really. I'm not really happy with the part joining the two legs though, and I don't really have a clue how to start the arms. Any tips?

EDIT: Wow that picture's low quality. I'll upload a better one later.
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I need to fix/improve some skins first, then I will make available to all
more ss:
as you can see, I'm doing in various styles(gold,desert,urban,dark..)
and you can see the hands skins to : )
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[Image: prisonshank.jpg]
Just doing the animation now. This was like an hour's work :P

PLEASE upload the carbine skin? :)
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Good work everyone, I highly recommend you guys use http://imgur.com instead of imageshack. Some of the images are too small.
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I reccomend http://www.upload.ee/ :)
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The animation's not working (again). It just crashes blender when I try to export it. Wow I hate how difficult it is to export animation to MD3, lol.
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it looks sweet. Now i'm gonna have to choose between this or scissors
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If you are using image shack, dont use the links they give you. Click on the image, again and again till you get full size, and then right click and select "open image in new tab" (or the equivalent expression)
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[Image: ta08r.jpg]

And there's no animation in AC -.- I've tried like 3 times. The exporter should work. I used the exporter found here, and I'm using the same blender version as they were in the tutorial (2.43). It's really, really annoying.
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If you want you can send it to me and I tell you whats wrong ^^
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Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?2ams1n5a94e2q0e

I feel like such a noob. This is the second time I've had to do this as well.
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that would be siiiick!
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StRaTo: You used the "wrong" kind of animation again ;)

Try to use bone animations and the "action editor" next time.

(at least I dont know a way how to get those kind of anims ingame)
I could fix it for you, but if you want to get practise, you should try it on your own :)
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I don't have a clue how to do bone animation, lol. I'll look up guide now.

EDIT: Got the armature done. 2.43 was being really buggy with me, so I upgraded to 2.49b. Just starting the animation now.

EDIT 2: Same thing happened. Said it exported 12 frames, but no animation. Is it because I used the timeline to do the animation? Was there something else I should have used?

EDIT 3: Same happens with the action editor as well -.- I'll re-download the plugin and see if that works.

EDIT 4: Same thing.

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[Image: crazyweapon.jpg]

Am I being offtopic by posting a render rather than a screenshot? :) I know it looks a lot like the AR, but it's actually based on the sniper.
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// Start Globals and reset
alias sp_reset_glbs [
sp_glb_max_posx = []
sp_glb_min_posx = []
sp_glb_max_posy = []
sp_glb_min_posy = []
sp_glb_event = [echo "You're there! You should also never see this message!"]
sp_reset_glbs //clean up from last session

// Start Functions

alias disp_pos [echo (c 4)X: (c 2)(getposition 0) (c 4)Y: (c 2)(getposition 1) (c 4)Z: (c 2)(getposition 2) (c 4)Yaw: (c 2)(getposition 3)]

alias sp_test_pos [if (&& (&& (< (getposition 0) $sp_glb_max_posx) (> (getposition 0) $sp_glb_min_posx)) (&& (< (getposition 1) $sp_glb_max_posy) (> (getposition 1) $sp_glb_min_posy))) [sp_glb_event] [] ]

alias sp_mainloop [sp_test_pos; sleep 10 [sp_mainloop]]

// Game Loops
alias sp_shine_game_1 [
ctf ac_shine;
sp_glb_max_posx = 133.42
sp_glb_min_posx = 130.47
sp_glb_max_posy = 195.56
sp_glb_min_posy = 192.39
sp_glb_event = [sp_shine_game_2]
sleep 1000 [
echo (c 2)Go to (c 3)red (c 2)base, when you are on the flag, the time starts!
sp_mainloop ]

sp_shine_time = 0

alias sp_shine_timer [sleep 500 [sp_shine_time = (+ (sp_shine_time) 1); sp_shine_timer]]

alias sp_stoptimer [
push sp_shine_timer []
sleep 501 [pop sp_shine_timer]]

alias sp_shine_game_2 [
echo (c 3)Gooo!
sp_glb_max_posx = 170.9
sp_glb_min_posx = 150.1
sp_glb_max_posy = 60.9
sp_glb_min_posy = 48.1
sp_glb_event = [sp_shine_game_end]

alias sp_shine_game_end [
sp_shine_game_score = (divf (sp_shine_time) 2)
sleep 1000 [sp_shine_time = 0]
echo (c 3) annnd Stop!
echo (c 2) Your time was: (c 3)(sp_shine_game_score) (c 2)seconds.

Prelims to my future script. You need SVN, to start type (with script loaded ofc) /sp_shine_game_1
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[Image: 20110414.jpg]
[Image: 20110415.jpg]
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LMAO Exodus
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This is a pretty good concept and i think it works very well on AssaultCube! XD
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More info? I am intrigued!
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