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The Awesome and Senseless History of Assault Cube
But then he dies from a lava-troll-killing cannon.
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which then also died.
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Later, all realized Lantry was being silly, since a lava-troll-killing cannon can't die seeing as it is an object, so we all when to our normal dying lives.
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An this caused a time continum everyone being brought back to life and dying again so the makers of AC made it so that instead of just falling through the ground they died respawned and died
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Which made all the 200+ fps players have 40 fps, and all the 60 fps players have -140 fps.
Because all that dying and respawning glitched out the ac engine. Which evidentially made the masterserver have tosok servers everywhere.
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But then people realized Hav0c was saying bullshit so we all died.
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All this dying made Hav0c sad, so he stopped saying bullshit.
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Sorry :3

But then Lantry... (you all know what you want to say now)
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Was subject to another server glitch forcing him to take all deaths from all servers. The masterserver had grown to dislike him...
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and then got teabagged?
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Suddenly, Bukz voted for a tosok TwinTowers...
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Which Hav0c likes, so he gave bukz 1+ internets.
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but the twintowers had been all filled up with deleted posts,
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so Osama bin Frit0 cannon-shot the tower down.
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Luckily, DrauL happened to be skipping by and got blasted half to hell instead.

The TwinTowers map got emptied out, and we all had ourselves a game of TDM.

The game ended when the score was at-OH SHIT THE DRAGON CAME BACK!!

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The same dragon that every new runescaper kills
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(Can a mod or someone please update the first post?)

[New Paragraph]
Meanwhile, at the TyD cave:
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The troll known as,
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blacklisted many
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vagina boobs
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and every one starting the letter t
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Yes Lighting, if you are willing to give us the fully typed up thing.
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Suddenly the nature of R_R's post came into question due to its non-relevance to this thread ( yes finally its been said to a mod XD XD XD ) and thenDrauL became unbanned, the community revelled saying
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Death to tupperware
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and all who support it!
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Which was 10.26% of the ac community.
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So Ziploc prices
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are prices. So what?

(05 Mar 11, 04:51AM)Leoi Wrote: Well, this is basically the "3 word story" game but the difference is that the topic must be related to AC.
lol yeah right
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