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CTF ac_douze
I see a lot of people (some jerks, some not) blaming ac_douze.
This is stupid. It is the same to blame a "tool", instead of the way the "tool" is used. Smart people would not hate the "medicine", but how it is applied (and if it is really necessary).

The problem is not the map/mode (CTF ac_douze in this example), but how it is used and the amount of players it supports.

This is a good official map, that should be played in CTF at 1x1 or 2x2 (according to what I learned from makkE). It does not "hurt" the engine, and keeps the spirit of the game.

It is not the same as headshot city, that should never be played, because perverts the main purpose of this game.

Eliminating the bad map/modes is not an easy task. It is a development imposition which affects the freedom of the server owners in creating their map rotations (along with cheating, this is the permanent issue of this community).

From 1.0 to 1.1 we were able to reduce the weird maps, and increase the difficult to create them. Obviously the system is not perfect, but it is pretty good (some suckers disagree, but suckers will always suck). And in future releases this system will be improved.

So please... Keep your ignorance to yourself. Do not blame an official map/mode, but how it is being played (usually with 10 times more players than it should be).
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can you make a max player feature or something like that?

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Yes... this is my idea.
The map maker would put in the .cfg the forbidden modes or the player limits to some modes. So the map rotation and the map vote algorithms would take into account this requirement to allow or not the map/mode to be played/voted.

If the server owner change this, he would be violating the map maker license, and so, his server would be bled in the ms.

But we cannot implement this before we get a consensus inside the devs team. Also, such a thing would not come in a bug fix release, but in a major one.
This delay is necessary (we are trying to learn from our own mistakes).
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"his server would be bled..."
seu servidor deve ser sangrado? AWESOME

I agree, douze can be fun when played correctly (small number of players), but can we not refer to it as medicine? XD
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I do agree Brahma, there's no point in arguing about the tools like that.

Though, as you probably know I've been suggesting to simply remove the flags from this map multiple times. The idea is like, rather taking away the lighters from kids instead of telling them not to use those nearby petrol stations.

Besides that, and on a general note, this kind of maps are FFA-maps in my opinion, and I really only want to play arena maps in FFA modes.
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Personally, I don't like ac_douze that much and the way it's overplayed, but who cares..... I wouldn't want another restriction for maps..... Let them be free and let them play whatever they want wherever they want!
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a bad worksman blames his tools?
a bad AC player blames his maps.
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A good worksman uses proper tools in the first place.
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I f1 that, douze should only be used for 1v1s or 2v2s and the occasional 4 to 8 player FFA. I enjoy playing on ac_douze, but playing CTF with 19 other players is ridiculous :P

Also, would you consider making ac_douze a special one flag mode for it? Idk exactly how that would work but its something to think about.
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I disagree. I love 10v10 ac_douze TDM or CTF.
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Same. 2v2 CTF ac_douze is too easy for, say, RVSF to have one guy going back and forth, jumping along the rubble and platforms and riflesprinting back to base while the other fends off the enemy and CLA never has a chance, while it's easier to defend and offend (lol) at once if you actually have enough people.

ITT people get butthurt because they die too easy
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Ye well ac_douze is a small map so its best playing with your infinite players LSS but CTF I agree it should only be played by 2-6 players (1vs1 2vs2 3vs3). But otherwise douze i love it :D so i don't have any problems with it!
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(23 Feb 11, 08:31PM)CathodeRayTube Wrote: I disagree. I love 10v10 ac_douze TDM or CTF.

You're playing the wrong game all together.
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(23 Feb 11, 08:31PM)CathodeRayTube Wrote: I disagree. I love 10v10 ac_douze TDM or CTF.

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I like brahma's idea of putting it in the map's config file, so the person who makes the map can decide. Either that, or leaving it up to the server owners. Btw, what did you mean by "If the server owner change this, he would be violating the map maker license"?
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«If the server owner change this, he would be violating the map maker license»
It means that server owners cant edit the map without the map maker(s) license(s) agreeing to it or they get map maker(s) permission.
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To be honest, 10vs10 is too much for any map.
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(23 Feb 11, 11:30PM)Gibstick Wrote: To be honest, 10vs10 is too much for any map.
Then you've clealry never played 10v10 CTF ac_dou...oh...wait.
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Quote:From 1.0 to 1.1 we were able to reduce the weird maps, and increase the difficult to create them. Obviously the system is not perfect, but it is pretty good (some suckers disagree, but suckers will always suck). And in future releases this system will be improved.
This part presentation of achievements was most funny. ;) The lost of the great player base, the lost of many maps and the decreased scale of usability.

This game after reached "noob" level of public rounds became boring. You disabled next mapping level. The clan level is dead with the current structures in the community.

You had some suckers but not too many supporters. The invisibility of them you had probably explained by your "purpose". :P
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My two cents:
I agree with everything you have said Brahma (and most of what I have skimmed over).
I agree with this player restriction, however I feel like many map makers may not implement it, and so you will only find it on official maps. I dont really mind the fact that you will only find it on official maps. And of course you guys can add restrictions upon making maps official (as I believe you guys have the legal ability to do such).

A little typo that is bugging me: " because perverts the main purpose of this game." should be " because it perverts the main purpose of this game."
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(23 Feb 11, 05:55PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: Though, as you probably know I've been suggesting to simply remove the flags from this map multiple times.

Yes. But pleeeeease!!! Let the flags there.... :(

(23 Feb 11, 08:31PM)CathodeRayTube Wrote: I love 10v10 ac_douze TDM or CTF.

So do I. But this perverts the game.
If you play CTF ac_douze 10x10, you will not be playing AssaultCube.
If you want to play AssaultCube, first you must understand where is the fun in playing it, and why the developers did it in this way.

(24 Feb 11, 12:55AM)Alien Wrote: The lost of the great player base, the lost of many maps and the decreased scale of usability.
Great base?
I would like to see your numbers.
Afaik, we have about 500 permanent players before 1.1, and this number is basically the same after 1.1. My main concern are the others 100 thousand players that play this game just once.

Many maps?
Are you talking about the aCKa|Custom's maps?

Quote:This game after reached "noob" level of public rounds became boring.
The pubs are the same... newbs looking to the ceil, noobs camping, and one or other vet (using a random nick) failing in apply some teamplay tactics.

Quote:The clan level is dead with the current structures in the community.
The only "clan level" that died, imho, are the cheating clans.

Quote:You had some suckers but not too many supporters.
Supporters? This game is not dead because we still have real supporters working for free, and not asking for "donation", hiding cheaters or promising unofficial 1.0 upgrades (that never come).

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(24 Feb 11, 01:28AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: I agree with this player restriction, however I feel like many map makers may not implement it...

Yes. This is right.
But you must remember that we have many professional map makers in this community, that certainly would use such a feature. These guys deserve our effort.
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Quote:Great base?
I would like to see your numbers.
Afaik, we have about 500 permanent players before 1.1, and this number is basically the same after 1.1. My main concern are the others 100 thousand players that play this game just once.
check server browser

Quote:This game after reached "noob" level of public rounds became boring.
The pubs are the same... newbs looking to the ceil, noobs camping, and one or other vet (using a random nick) failing in apply some teamplay tactics.
It is known about this game from 0.93. I am talking here about next levels for creating that permanent players.

Quote:Many maps?
Are you talking about the aCKa|Custom's maps?
what do you think ? Am i talking about my six maps ?

Quote:The only "clan level" that died, imho, are the cheating clans.
the new clans for defeat experienced ones will use something with high probability, it is interest of experienced clan to discover it and raise ban hammer, so can we have new clans here ?

Quote:not asking for "donation",hiding cheaters or promising unofficial 1.0 upgrades (that never come).
i don't get this

Brahma, you should ignore negative comments. I am not positive everyday.
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(24 Feb 11, 03:25AM)Alien Wrote: Brahma, you should ignore negative comments. I am not positive everyday.
Aye, nobody invited the Grim Reaper. Why's he trying to sneak in here?? :-P
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(24 Feb 11, 03:25AM)Alien Wrote:
Quote:Great base?
I would like to see your numbers.
Afaik, we have about 500 permanent players before 1.1, and this number is basically the same after 1.1. My main concern are the others 100 thousand players that play this game just once.
check server browser

Do you think every single player lives in the same time zone as you?

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(23 Feb 11, 07:16PM)Andrez Wrote: Let them be free and let them play whatever they want!

I second that!

(24 Feb 11, 02:22AM)Brahma Wrote:
(23 Feb 11, 08:31PM)CathodeRayTube Wrote: I love 10v10 ac_douze CTF.

So do I. But this perverts the game.
If you play CTF ac_douze 10x10, you will not be playing AssaultCube.
If you want to play AssaultCube, first you must understand where is the fun in playing it, and why the developers did it in this way.

I have to say that I really like to play with sniper on ac_douze CTF. Mostly, I look for a server with 12 player capacity and it's always a lot of fun. Occasionally, I play this mode/map on servers with 20 player capacity and these games are very intense, you're fragged more often and you have to act and react faster. I don't understand why a constellation like this should be restricted, I'm a player like many others who just enjoys ac_douze CTF...
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Welcome to the forums, Aight! (that felt weird to write)

Quote:Insert Brahma's post
THANKYOU! There's nothing really wrong with playing any mode on douze.
Yes, it gets overdone sometimes but it could be worse. Everyone could be playing weedroom or something. At least douze is a full map.
p.s. Soiree aux Douze Portes Ouvertes! (It would be cool if the mapmsg was changed back to its full name :D)
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The poit with douze jaguar it gets old after 50 times in a row of the same thing over and over and over, i like the map but I'm tired of it.

You told me that You can't take down those 24/7 anymap/mode servers without You looking non democratic, but Maybe warn the server owners to mod theyr maprot so they have at leas 5 or 6 maps? As a feature of the client to prevent a same map to be put in the maprot over and over or to have more that one map in theyr maprot?? Is that possible?

Sorry for My English :)
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That's not a bad idea actually...
The only problem is, for servers with only one map (such as mine(I have one map (It's a sort of "waiting room" map))) it could be annoying. I like my hub map the way it is. Perhaps we could have some sort of 'if map voting is admin only, and maprot has only one map, then don't let the server connect.'

But then, what about the freedom of the server host! D:
Too hard! >.<

A lot of people on AC live in a democracy. Similarly, AC follows a somewhat democratic system. If people didn't want douze, they wouldn't play douze. Hopefully it will eventually calm down. :D

-Frogulis 0_0
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It is the official version of Twin Towers.
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