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The script requests/brainstorming thread!
Quote: it would be neat to have a script that totals up your accuracy over time

I'll have to get around to downloading that achievements script. Looks awesome :D
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As soon as the devs give us cubescript access to the stats that /accuracy 1 outputs, we'll have an accuracy script soon after. :P
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could you make a script that totals all your kills and deaths? this would be interesting to have, especially if it was broken down into separate weapons, so you can see which ones you are good with, and which weapons you need to train more.

example Wrote:sniper: 5 kills, 3 deaths
AR: 6 kills, 7 deaths
SMG: 12 kills, 8 deaths
etc etc...

an ingame menu would be nice, but even if this was just recorded to a file somewhere it would be good.

Bonus points: i don't think there is any way to do this, but recording stats for each individual map separately would be cool too, so you can get an overall look at what weapons you are best with on what maps.
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Obvious request to update stats script is obvious
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(05 Feb 11, 10:44PM)VenteX Wrote: A basic map layout generator; would be awesome for getting some inspiration, especially for people that frequently get mapper's block (like me!).
Random terrain generator!!
[Image: rndmap%208%2030%205%2016_small.jpg]

(05 Feb 11, 10:44PM)VenteX Wrote: Double tapping/clicking to do a function different from single tapping/clicking (This is probably very easy to do)
alias doubleclick [echo You double-clicked!] // Replace this with the double-click-activated command of your choice
checkinit dblclktime 250
tmp_time = 0

alias dblchk [
if (<= (- (millis) $tmp_time) $dblclktime) [doubleclick] []
tmp_time = (millis)]

add2bind MOUSE1 dblchk

(05 Feb 11, 10:44PM)VenteX Wrote: Campaign mode; Might be really cheap, but would still be pretty cool.
Quote:Ask Bukz. :D

[quote='VenteX' pid='36122' dateline='1296942294']
(Now if only there was a way to return the players location...)
Ask the devs. :D

[quote='VenteX' pid='36122' dateline='1296942294']
Custom game modes.
Ask Bukz. :D

(02 Feb 11, 04:56AM)Viper Wrote: Script to change the maprot for more than one game if not already done which im sure it has.
// requires "claimadmin" script.
checkinit newmaprot []
alias maprotcount 0

alias pushmaprot [
if (currole) [] [claimadmin]
sleep 500 [
if (strcmp (at $newmaprot $maprotcount) "") [] [
setnext (at $newmaprot $maprotcount) (at $newmaprot (+ $maprotcount 1))
alias mapstartonce [pushmaprot]
+= maprotcount 2]]]

alias add2maprot [add2alias newmaprot (concat $arg1 $arg2)]
// add2maprot ctf ac_desert3
addlistonquit [maprotcount pushmaprot mapstartonce]

(02 Feb 11, 07:17PM)MykeGregory Wrote: an auto kick script for if you TK 3 times or more.
// autotkdc -- automatically disconnect when you have killed too many teammates -- by V-Man
// To disable, type /autotkdc 0
// To view how manky TKs you have, type /echo $tkstat

checkinit autotkdc 1
alias tkstat 0

alias klist [fragged gibbed headshot splattered slashed suicided]

add2conloop [
if $autotkdc [
loop tk 6 [if_conline_has (concatword "you " (at $klist $tk) " teammate") [+= tkstat 1] []]
if (>= $tkstat 3) [say "Sorry team... Kicking myself now"; tkstat = 0; disconnect] []] []]

(02 Feb 11, 04:57AM)Gibstick Wrote: looplist from Sauer
@ prefix from Sauer
listclients from Sauer
Can you describe their functions? I think someone explained @ to me the other day, you'd need a wrapper in order to use it, which macm and I have basically done... But remind me what it's supposed to do anyway. :D

As y'all can probably guess, these require tools.cfg. It just makes scripting so much easier!
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looplist would be able to use the elements of a list in a loop, in order. After each run, increment/decrement to the next/previous.

Listclients just gets the number of clients, efficiently. lol.
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so looplist is basically the same as saying
loop a (listlen $list) [(at $list $a)]

If you want a client list more efficient than the one in tools.cfg, the devs are the guys to talk to.

@Everyone who downloaded the terrain generator so far: Sorry, I assumed some of my latest scripts had already been added to tools.cfg. ANOTHER UPDATE TONIGHT! lol
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V-Man: I'll have to ask some Sauer people D:
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OK, go get it! Then all that stuff will work. XD
(05 Feb 11, 10:44PM)VenteX Wrote: Audio/visual grenade timer, to assist in cooking.

Here ya go! Took a bit longer than the other ones because of the totally l33t display. XD If someone wants to add sounds, I'd be willing to script those in as well.
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is it just me or is every1 getting only 1,3KB size of .zip file which contains no packages like instructions refer to?
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Thanks for pointing it out, and sorry about the silliness. XD
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(20 Feb 11, 10:04AM)V-Man Wrote: D:
Thanks for pointing it out, and sorry about the silliness. XD

haha no problem.... i'm glad it wasn't my fault ^^
tnx for the awesome script
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I tried the nadetimer script, and it is very buggy (no offense). when i open AC, it usually sets my crosshair to the 0.0 image, instead of the default xhair. when i right click, it will start the countdown, and go all the way through to 0.0, but then my default xhair won't pop up again. however, i found that if i double clicked quickly, when the timer ran out it would switch back to my default xhair. Also, the countdown seems to be slightly off (the grenade explodes at .2 or .1 sometimes).
on another note, i didn't like losing my xhair while the countdown was going, so i edited the countdown xhair files and put the decimal point in the center of the image, where the xhair normally is.
//loop i 10 [ addcheck (concatword altaction_ $i) qnadetimer ]
//add2eachbind attack nadetimer
alias altaction_8 [ nadetimer; attack ]
I changed it to this, it seems to work better. this way, i can still right click to pull out my nades, then right click again to throw with nadetimer.
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What does the line look like that begins
alias prevxhair

And, have you modified the lines beginning with
sloop nt 19 100
sleep 2100
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(21 Feb 11, 01:55AM)V-Man Wrote: What does the line look like that begins
alias prevxhair

And, have you modified the lines beginning with
sloop nt 19 100
sleep 2100

alias prevxhair [red_dot.png] // Put your preferred crosshair path in here.

and no, i haven't modified anything else.
sloop nt 19 100 [loadcrosshair (concatword "nadetimer\nt_" (+ (* $nt -1) 18) ".png")]
sleep 2100 [if (checkalias xhanimgc) [xhanimgc] [loadcrosshair $prevxhair; crosshairsize $prevxhairsz]]] []]
EDIT: the timing is working fine now, it's pretty much perfectly in sync with the explosion. however, it still isn't changing back to my default xhair unless i double click.
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I can't see any reason for it to behave that way unless you're pressing the nade button again before the timer finishes counting down. Even then, it's supposed to go back to default after a little while (It does for me, at least). Do you get any error messages?
Do you have the animated xhair script? Or did you once have it, and the alias is still defined? That's what the script depends on to switch back... Test it by typing
/echo (checkalias xhanimgc)
/echo (checkalias xhairstop)
If either of those echoes 1, the script doesn't switch to your designated default because it is instructed to instead execute "xhanimgc" (which restores the xhair animation).
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nope, both zeroes. and the only time it does change back to my default is when i do double click. and i tried moving my saved.cfg so it would create a new one (which it did), and i'm still having this problem. I think i'm just gonna bind my normal xhair to some key, so i can reset it that way.
EDIT: i just tried increasing 'sleep 2100' to 'sleep 2200', it... seems... to help, sometimes. now it just seems random whether or not it will change back. really confusing.
EDIT EDIT: 'sleep 2500' seems to do the trick (knock on wood), it is working reliably now. the timer looks like it might be off by a hair again, but i'm pretty sure this is just my perception. Good work, its a really handy script. if you want to take a look at my finished product, i can post it.
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* VenteX must have really put V-Man to work
Maybe I should make another list or requests... hehe
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Yes, please do, it was fun to have some fresh ideas to play around with!

@Lantry: Sorry for the trouble, it works perfectly on my client... Good job fixing it! XD
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Ahh, okay. I have a few more :)
  • Anti-AC-addiction script: Can be set to automatically quit AC after a set time, along with disconnecting at set intervals.
  • Ability to filter parts of the console out (ex: only show chats)
  • Different crosshairs/crosshairsizes/crosshairfx for each weapon- I believe you've done a half-way version of this before, but a nicely finalized version, complete with menus and such, would be nice.
  • An even more practical map generator- think something like this; you know, pick a size, style, and theme, add a few details manually, and have a complete map :D
  • An in-game menu maker. (Menu-making menu? YES)
I'll continue to add things as I come up with them.

Also, just a sort of offtopic question: if you ignore someone, can they see what you are saying? If not, PM script would be incredibly useful.
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(21 Feb 11, 11:59PM)VenteX Wrote: [*] Ability to filter parts of the console out (ex: only show chats)
I haven't really messed around with it, but isnt there an option that does this in the HUD menu?
(21 Feb 11, 11:59PM)VenteX Wrote: [*] Different crosshairs/crosshairsizes/crosshairfx for each weapon- I believe you've done a half-way version of this before, but a nicely finalized version, complete with menus and such, would be nice.
//Multiple Crosshair script by Lantry
//allows you to have a different Xhair for each weapon! Fun!
//for now, please choose your cursors in the lines below

alias arxhair [default.png] //Assault Rifle cursor goes here (6)
alias smgxhair [default.png] //SMG cursor goes here (4)
//alias sniperxhair [default.png] //sniper cursor goes... wait a second... (5)
alias shotgunxhair [default.png] //Shotgun cursor goes here (3)
alias riflexhair [default.png] //Carbine cursor goes here (2)
alias knifexhair [default.png] //knife cursor goes here (0)
alias nadexhair [default.png] //grenade cursor goes here (8)
alias pistolxhair [default.png] // pistol cursor goes here (1)
alias akimboxhair [default.png] //akimbo cursor goes here (9)

alias changexhair [
sleep 300 [if (= (curweapon) 6) [ loadcrosshair $arxhair ]
if (= (curweapon) 4) [ loadcrosshair $smgxhair ]
if (= (curweapon) 3) [ loadcrosshair $shotgunxhair ]
if (= (curweapon) 2) [ loadcrosshair $riflexhair ]
if (= (curweapon) 1) [ loadcrosshair $pistolxhair ]
if (= (curweapon) 0) [ loadcrosshair $knifexhair ]
if (= (curweapon) 8) [ loadcrosshair $nadexhair ]
if (= (curweapon) 9) [ loadcrosshair $akimboxhair ] ]

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta  1; changexhair ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta  -1; changexhair ]
Feedback is appreciated!
This is very clunky, because it only changes when you scroll, so it doesn't work with quicknade, akimbo auto switch, or using the number keys to switch weapons. Please tell me a better way to do this, if there is one.
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const char *crosshairnames[CROSSHAIR_NUM] = { "default", "teammate", "scope" };
Texture *crosshairs[CROSSHAIR_NUM] = { NULL }; // weapon specific crosshairs
One for the ideas thread.
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(21 Feb 11, 11:59PM)VenteX Wrote: Anti-AC-addiction script: Can be set to automatically quit AC after a set time, along with disconnecting at set intervals.
Thank flowtron for this.

Quote:Ability to filter parts of the console out (ex: only show chats)
I wrote a script that takes the chat and puts it into a menu. When you click one of the menu options, it puts the line in your command prompt.
// chatcapture script by V-Man. Requires tools.cfg.
add2conloop [
loop cse 21 [if (strcmp (at $conline 0) (concatword (at (pstat_score $cse) 5) : (c 1))) [add2menu "Chat History" [menuitem $conline (concat "saycommand" $conline)]] []]
loop ces 21 [if (strcmp (at $conline 0) (concatword (at (pstat_score $ces) 5) : (c 0))) [add2menu "Chat History" [menuitem $conline (concat "saycommand" $conline)]] []]]

add2mainmenu [menuitem "Chat History" [showmenu "Chat History"]]
However, taking it out of the console would be a job for the devs. I've added that to the ideas thread.

Quote:An even more practical map generator- think something like this; you know, pick a size, style, and theme, add a few details manually, and have a complete map :D
Whoo... Give me a few months.

Quote:An in-game menu maker. (Menu-making menu? YES)
Bukz has started one, I'll be messing around with it and we'll dish up the final product. :D

Quote:if you ignore someone, can they see what you are saying? If not, PM script would be incredibly useful.
They can see what you're saying. But yes, PM would still be useful. Ideas thread!
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Maybe this might inspire some people. Its not hard to do AT ALL (given some code by COKPAT/RPG) Here

Edit: Sorry, wrong thread ya'll. Supposed to be responding to V-Mans idea of multipul consoles.
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Post the code change on the ideas thread!
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VenteX Wrote:An in-game menu maker. (Menu-making menu? YES)
[Image: menumaker_120_1298533977.jpg]
Had to show the screenshot. XD
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Can someone set up Sketelon body for me?
Script I going to make : Teamkiller Script

Will kick if score is below -5
Will ban if score is below -20
It's only activate/disabled by pushing number 2
It's only activated if I have admin.
And for every kick or ban, It will whois that person
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// TK auto-kick/ban script by V-Man. Requires tools.cfg.
add2conloop [
if_conline_has "teammate" [whois (findcn (at $conline 0))] []
if (currole) [
loop tk 21 [
  if (< (at (pstat_score $tk) 1) -20) [ban $tk] [
   if (< (at (pstat_score $tk) $tk) -5) [kick $tk] []]]] []

bind 2 [if $autotkkick [autotkkick = 0] [autotkkick = 1]]
I leave the testing to you. :D
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I don't understand how that is going to be any more useful than the regular server switches for score thresholds. :/

Make one that counts each individual teamkill and I could see the merit.
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