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Assault Cube mapping contest goes green
it has to have "some" green in it, depending on the amount of green used will determine the score of your use of theme, you can go 0 green if you want, but you will get a 0 in theme scoring :P
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My map ac_turtle3 - remember ninjas turtle - sewer


Thak you
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there is an issue with the download for the map on that site, it only has the cfg file, we need the cgz file if we want to check it out
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yes, it is green Bloodsport
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(08 Mar 11, 01:29PM)Robtics Wrote:
(10 Jan 11, 01:47AM)DES|Halo Wrote: We will judge on:
and average (overall of the above)
Thanks I can read, but you could have evaluated gameplay without playing the maps...

Also if you need players to play them, I would be glad to participate :P

(10 Mar 11, 08:38PM)DES|Halo Wrote: there is an issue with the download for the map on that site, it only has the cfg file, we need the cgz file if we want to check it out

he named it as CFG but it's the CGZ
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(05 Mar 11, 11:30AM)DES|Halo Wrote: even a revamp you can't release, if its the same map, at all, that has already been released you can't use it

Wait, it can't have been posted anywhere at all until now?
That sucks. T.T

(05 Mar 11, 10:46PM)Elven Wrote: Can you put the link here, I'd like to see it

Mine? o.O

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yes, your's ChaoticToSayTheLeast
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Umm just wanted to check....
Do I post my map here?
And I am allowed to post the map here if I worked on it with a Friend, Right?
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Yes, you have to post it here and it's fine if multiple people have worked on it.

You may like to upload the map at http://www.akimbo.in or http://www.quadropolis.us.
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Today again my spicy mood:
AC is first mapping community which map for money :) gj :)
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To be honest, that's kind of ironic indeed, as AC is opensource and all.

Though, I guess any serious mapping/modding contest for whatever game provides some sort of price, even if this may be only featuring the winning entry along some (semi-) official package or something like that.

However, I doubt the monetary price is the major motivation for all participants in here. In the end, non-price contests naturally lack in seriousness and the real aim is to encourage mappers to create above-decent works, which the entire community will benefit from.

So far I see good stuff already and I do hope there's more to come!

Happy mapping to everybody! :)
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Just to let ya'll know, I do intend on releasing my small debut map in this contest. However, not for the money (I would refuse it if I won).
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Wow! A republican who refuses money! The weapon-lobby will freak out...
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We have winner of competition :P
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@ Elven, I'm not at home at the moment, might not be for a couple days, but I'll post it when I can. Thanks for the interest. Also, please, call me Chaotic. ^-^


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There was money? LOL I didn't know.... I just thought it would be nice to share my map (not very good though) and I just started mapping, so I thought this would be to help new mappers like me :)

Ronald Reagan is a non-greedy player :D (aren't we all)
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I'm in it for the love of mapping.

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(10 Mar 11, 08:38PM)DES|Halo Wrote: there is an issue with the download for the map on that site, it only has the cfg file, we need the cgz file if we want to check it out

Sorry halo in firts ac_turtle3 link http://designv7.com.br/urs/mapas.html

Thank you!

Hug from Brazil!
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f*** this, I'm in it for the damn fifty bucks, and to get my name out there as a mapper
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Why the hell is there money? o.O

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For encouragement/reward. If the recipient doesn't want/need the prize, he/she is free to donate the eqivalent amount to the Open Source organisation of their choosing, Save The Whale, or whatever.
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I saw ac_majik on DES|TnT I think

"whatever by Robtics"

jamz, awesome.
(I don't need full sentences :P)
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The three maps Halo have added to the first post is running on DES|Biohazard.
(/connect biohazard.des-clan.net).
All maps added to the first post will be added to the server.
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hehe Frogilus, that is already updated in the new version I'm going to upload asap ;)

its "whatever by Robtics" because it was called ac_wuteva during the mapping process xD
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lol, and that's awesome OpenSource
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ac_turtle3 added to maprot.
But as long as maker hasn't told us anything about modes this map is made for/should be played under i just added it to something.

And what you mean by «lol, and that's awesome OpenSource », Elven?
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I mean, it's awesome to see these maps on a well known servers maprot
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Posted it!
I uploaded the map to deviantART to post here.
I know the map needs to be submitted for this contest only, but I did post the original map on deviantART a few months ago, so that I could post on Akimbo, but I had problems uploading it, and the map never reached Akimbo. I hope the judges will accept my entry, despite this fact.
Inside the archive are two maps, ac_schematic, and ac_schematic2 . The map I'm (hopefully) entering is the latter, Schematic 2. Consider the first one a bribe. ;D All joking aside, there is something I must mention. Earlier in the thread, I described plans to make a revamp of ac_schematic, and while Schematic 2 *is* similar, I feel that they should be treated as two separate maps based on the same concept. That is why I've given Schematic 2 the second title Data Corruption. I know this may seem like a lame attempt to convince you to accept my map, so I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.

Any and all feedback is welcomed, and appreciated.

In any case, I hope you enjoy them.


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Well, do you know the theme of the contest? ;)
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Yeah, green.
This map has sh*ttons of green.
Or are you joking?
The wink is throwing me off. o.O

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