--> -->
Oh god, definitely don't make it required! I assumed it would be a toggle. Although, I don't know why you really need to switch to empty weapons (note: if you have ammo in reserve, that does not mean the weapon is empty)
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Got one sorta working with the mouse wheel on SVN.

It's not perfect, but it's close. I can't help but feel that this option would be much better hardcoded. Nonetheless:

[cubescript]if (! (checkalias onSpawn)) [ onSpawn = "" ]
if (! (strstr $onSpawn weapList)) [
add2alias onSpawn [
if (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) [
weapList = (concat (at $WEAPONS (currentprimary)) AKIMBO GRENADES PISTOL KNIFE) // weapon priorities, start with primary

// Returns a modified list with two elements swapping positions.
swapElements = [
originalList = $arg1
newlist = ""
loop i (listlen $originalList) [
if (= $arg2 $i) [
add2list newlist (at $originalList $arg3)
] [
if (= $arg3 $i) [
add2list newlist (at $originalList $arg2)
] [
add2list newlist (at $originalList $i)
result $newlist

// Updates the weapon list as weapons are cycled through.
// Element 0 should always be the next weapon in line in theory.
rebuildWeapList = [
if (strcmp $arg1 "+") [
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 4)
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 3)
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 2)
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 1)
loop i 4 [ weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 (- 4 $i)) ]
] [
if (strcmp $arg1 "-") [
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 1)
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 2)
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 3)
// weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 4)
loop i 4 [ weapList = (swapElements $weapList 0 (+ $i 1)) ]

// Checks to see if the next weapon in line has ammunition,
// else invokes a rebuild of the weapon list and tries again.
// The first weapon in line found to have ammunition will be
// automatically switched to, assuming it is not your current
// weapon already.
weapskip = [
rebuildWeapList $arg1
loop i 5 [
if (! (checkmag (getalias (at $weapList 0)))) [
rebuildWeapList $arg1
] [
weapon (getalias (at $weapList 0))

bind mouse4 [ weapskip + ]
bind mouse5 [ weapskip - ][/cubescript]

It's only a concept, nothing you should depend on, just something to mess around with.
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(24 Apr 12, 09:51PM)Bukz Wrote: I can't help but feel that this option would be much better hardcoded.
Looking at your script, I tend to agree :P
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(24 Apr 12, 06:24PM)Bukz Wrote: Xenon: Why would you want to switch to your sniper if it has no ammunition?
To reload it? ...
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How are you going to reload it without ammunition? :D

The idea is to not allow you to switch to a weapon that has no available ammo to be reloaded.
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(24 Apr 12, 09:51PM)Bukz Wrote: ...I can't help but feel that this option would be much better hardcoded...
...which is exactly why I suggested it! :D I knew it could be scripted, but would be really kludgy to do so.
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Make flag collision detection the same as player collision detection.
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I've missed many a headshot when the flag gets in the way. I'm gonna go pro, and when I'm being chased down by an enemy, drop the flag and camps behind it.
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N00b idea: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-5259.html
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(24 Apr 12, 09:51PM)Bukz Wrote: I can't help but feel that this option would be much better hardcoded.

only two lines are changed:
weapon.cpp, line 82:
if((w->selectable() || w==curweapon || (w->type==GUN_PISTOL && player1->akimbo)) && (w->mag>0||w->ammo>0||skipemptygun == 0))

weapon.cpp, line 100:
if(!num || (curidx<0 && curweapon->ammo>0 && curweapon->mag>0 && skipemptygun == 1)) return;

and one line added (I just put it right before shiftweapon() ):
VARP(skipemptygun, 0, 0, 1);

Everything I know about C++ is only due to it looking so similar to Java, so idk if it's exactly the right way to go about it, but it works (except that I couldn't figure out how to hook it into preferences).

Edit: updated, thanks RR
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Use a VARP essentially declares an int that you can change later on ingame. You can use this int later on in your code.

VARP(myvar, minv, defaultv, maxv);

In this case:
VARP(skipnoammo, 0, 1, 1);

however you use the numbers is up to you. You could do:

if (skipnoammo == 1) docode;

Obviously disregarding any syntax errors I made while writing it up.
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(12 Sep 10, 05:27AM)Viper Wrote: Show the preview pic of the next map with a message on the HUD that says:

"Next map is _____" on top of the preview during intermission

(15 Oct 10, 12:29AM)Boomhauer Wrote: Maybe we can have a little txt pop up towards the end of a game (maybe @ 1min warning, or even intermission?), telling us which map is coming up. I switch guns a lot, and the maprot isn't always the same. I hate getting stuck on iceroad with a freaking shotty for my first round :)

Maybe a mix of both posts?

<<Show the preview pic of the next map with a message on the HUD that says:

"Next map is _____" on top of the preview with 1 min remaining.>>

(18 Sep 10, 04:12AM)Mael Wrote: Ability to view, or make compatible, demos of any previous format.

(13 Jun 11, 07:15PM)macm Wrote: *Red console msg for ALL clients containing a teamkill (unarmed splattered teammate armed)

Maybe on by default but option to disable it should be implemented cause I believe it could really be annoying (different colours in the console).

(15 Jan 12, 06:21AM)Lantry Wrote: (1) -show kill msgs for the person you are speccing
(2) -show flags and/or frags somewhere in the hud in spec mode (so you don't have to keep hitting tab)

(1) Like what appears in the middle of the screen for a few moments ("you fragged unarmed")? I don't see a need for that "live" in-game. But it would be really useful if it's gonna be implemented in demos to produce nice vids.
(2) Agree with flags (like on SKB's ACTV-streams).

(06 Mar 12, 02:10AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: When being in SPEC let the log dont respect your previous team and get it to say
"unarmed scored for team RVSF"
instead of
"unarmed scored for the enemy team."

My Idea:

A hs-counter would be nice, like the clock on the HUD.

Should be off by default.

But when you enable it (even in the mid of a game it should show you the number of hs's you already did in that game if it wasn't enabled before).

Displayed like this: 1 HS, 2 HS... (on the top of the HUD).
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My first time coming to this thread, and I must say WOW, all those above ideas that Aight quoted from previous posts are great. I can see all of them enhancing my AC experience. And they all seem very simple to code, if I'm not mistaken. AND, these features can be turned off if they are undesired.

+1 for:
-Next map is ___ (given there's no new vote), as an option
-Red console messages for teamkills, as an option
-Kill/flag messages while in SPECT, as an option (this will be useful to some video makers)
-Flags/Frags/Deaths stats in HUD while in SPECT, as an option.

Actually, here's my own little discussion contribution. How about make this for normal gameplay too?

Yes, many other FPS's have some small numbers about your performance in that game, often next to the ammo or health. It doesn't have to complex. It could simply be "7/5" to represent 7 kills, 5 deaths. In a flag game, it might be some other notation.

-HS counter in HUD, as an option.

Another idea to pitch in: In that case, make an optional gib and slash counter too? They can also be quite rewarding and some players may enjoy having a count of them.

Great ideas already, and I haven't even read the previous many pages yet O_o.
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I'm not sure if there's a way for the game to recognize headshots through a command, but if so that HS counter should be able to be done. Of course it would have to be a little message echoed in the console every time you HS, cause for it to be displayed on the HUD then the code would've to be changed.
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there are plenty of scripts to count headshots already, in the current version it is not such an efficient and reliable script, in the next version it is much better, a dumb version of it looks like:

[cubescript]onKill = [
if (&& (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) (!= $arg1 $arg2)) [
if (&& (= $arg3 5) $arg4) [
// place headshot code here

And it's only dumb because the code doesn't check if you are headshotting a teammate, it triggers no matter what. :)
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(06 Mar 12, 02:10AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: When being in SPEC let the log dont respect your previous team and get it to say
"unarmed scored for team RVSF"
instead of
"unarmed scored for the enemy team."
Fixed, thanks.

(15 Jan 12, 06:21AM)Lantry Wrote: -show flags and/or frags somewhere in the hud in spec mode (so you don't have to keep hitting tab)
We have a counter for flags now (screenshot), but ideas for how to style/align that better are more than welcome ;)
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Idea # 1: copy skb
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(13 May 12, 10:37AM)tempest Wrote:
(15 Jan 12, 06:21AM)Lantry Wrote: -show flags and/or frags somewhere in the hud in spec mode (so you don't have to keep hitting tab)
We have a counter for flags now (screenshot), but ideas for how to style/align that better are more than welcome ;)

I think that looks fine!
Thanks given by:
(13 May 12, 10:37AM)tempest Wrote:
(06 Mar 12, 02:10AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: When being in SPEC let the log dont respect your previous team and get it to say
"unarmed scored for team RVSF"
instead of
"unarmed scored for the enemy team."
Fixed, thanks.

Im soo happy! Im in dev team now! XD Sorry luckers, Paul takes the cake! (Thx to you, tempest)
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Mmmmh, I might regret this, but as Im elite now, XD, I suggest fixing the setnext feature, as it sets the next map even if its not F1d. Dunno if it was told before though.
But, since next release might take long and Im giving away very valuable info, I expect to be thanked! Use with care!
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Quote:But, since next release might take long and Im giving away very valuable info, I expect to be thanked! Use with care!

Lol'd a bit.

/setnext has been fixed in the SVN trunk for a while, thanks though.
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Yes, I held tempest at gun point (shotty) until he fixed it.

iirc it was tempest :>
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Quote:[03:00.22] <+Nukpwr> New feature fists pop out of you hard drive and bash your knee caps to dust for using speedhax.
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(20 May 12, 06:00AM)Orynge Wrote:
Quote:[03:00.22] <+Nukpwr> New feature fists pop out of you hard drive and bash your knee caps to dust for using speedhax.
With a few new commands and scripts this can be done. However, I think that if someone has been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can then can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? What I'd say is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

Just my 2 cents.
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Block autoteam unless there is a 3+ player difference.
The game already gives no rewards for good play, like a CoD would.
Autoteam puts 10+ minutes of playtime, and that shiny 100 armor you had to fight for, and throws it in the trash for no reason. Penalized for playing good. Throws salt in the wound by putting you on a team with Cheese_Pizza69, Spaghetti_Man, Shotgun4Life, and a few teamkillers who are even trolling or confused because their team just unreasonably changed colors. And it usually happens when teams are even, and the score is only a few flags away if not closer.

Outside of unnecessary lag from anti-cheat that kicks fair players, and 20 player servers when the largest official map can barely handle 10, autoteam is right up there in evilness.
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(20 May 12, 06:11PM)Nightmare Wrote: and 20 player servers when the largest official map can barely handle 10, autoteam is right up there in evilness.

This. So much this.
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(17 May 12, 05:51AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Yes, I held tempest at gun point (shotty) until he fixed it.

You don't have to stand that close.
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Dont know if its been addressed, but its NECESSARY that the force team change has a delay to it. And a warning message should accompany.
Also, the new force spectate feature (is that even implemented yet?) should have the ability to force a number of minutes to be determined by the vote caster.
/forcespectate "cn here" "number of minutes here".
Its like a ban or something, XD! Also, in addition, the possibility to undo this.
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Disable friendly fire at the end of a round.
Disable friendly fire for a few seconds at the start of a round.
Mirror friendly fire.
Increase spawn time to 7 seconds for a player who kills himself.
Decrease T/OSOK ammo to 5/5 or even 5/0. Encourage knifing.
Cut shotgun's range at least by 50%.

I see TLSS and TPF made it in. I'd love to see some new modes or even just variations of existing modes. "Special rules" games if you will(Insta modes, half health, etc). Something to encourage the use of all weapons.

I'd also like to see some "fun" modes where some variable has been changed to alter the gameplay. 5x kickback, 2x grenade radius, knives send players flying when hit. Something ridiculous and weird that will always be fun.

I think we've been focused on having "standard" fun. CTF, TDM, TOSOK, those are standard fun. We need modes that people look forward to playing because they don't know how the game is going to progress. When I play TOSOK I know where players are going to go so it's just a matter of clicking on them before they click on me. If we change even one variable we can make something pretty unpredictable and fun.

Insta was hilariously fun when Imp and I played it and it was a broken mode; players spawned in the same spot every time. But the instant spawn times and instant kills turned it into a goofy and absurd mode that I'd love to play again.
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(30 May 12, 03:55PM)Mael Wrote: Disable friendly fire at the end of a round.
Disable friendly fire for a few seconds at the start of a round.
Mirror friendly fire.

Fully agree.

Quote:Increase spawn time to 7 seconds for a player who kills himself.
Decrease T/OSOK ammo to 5/5 or even 5/0. Encourage knifing.
Cut shotgun's range at least by 50%.

Not so much agree. Suicide is a common thing for some players and I don't feel you should be punished further than what we have already for it. As for T/OSOK, I think the standard is fine as it is. Knifing is a skill that must be learned with it imo. Shotgun.... no. The spray increase should fix this.

Quote:I'd also like to see some "fun" modes where some variable has been changed to alter the gameplay. 5x kickback, 2x grenade radius, knives send players flying when hit. Something ridiculous and weird that will always be fun.

Insta kill CTF with sniper only aka ICTF, maybe a survivor CTF would be trolol as well. You could incorporate that with other flag modes as well or so.
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