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The AssaultCube Quotes Thread
(13 Aug 11, 07:49PM)jamz Wrote: Hi.
I'm sorry you were able to play for the last two days; that wasn't my intention.

Talking about a ban.
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Quote: My partner got wall banged countlessly during the clan battle also!
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(09:50:15 PM) <Lucas> undead will be kicked of the tournament for disturbing games and disrespecting referees and me and daytlixx
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16:02<Misty|afk> my minecraft skin is a hooker with a man's voice
16:02    <Misty|afk> lololololol
16:02    <eQ|Nukpwr> Congrats,
16:02    <eQ|Nukpwr> You play minecraft as a transvestite.
16:03    <eQ|Nukpwr> Puts a real spin on "collecting wood" doesn't it?
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(06 Aug 11, 01:39AM)sgt.d Wrote:
[13:01eQ|NukpwrGuys wanna hear something fucked up?
13:01eQ|sgtdAFK> :P sure
[13:01eQ|Nukpwrmy 14 year old brother slept in a tent with a 21 year old gay guy
[13:01eQ|sgtdAFK> -_-
13:01eQ|NukpwrMy brothers gay =_=
13:01Cemer|ACTell him to meet Gibarix

Im sorry to have to tell you... But Gibarix and I are already together, i.e. he's taken.

[18:03]  eQ|Viper: Don't even try MusicMan10, Gibarix and I will always out troll you
[18:03]  MusicMan10: ... Faggots of the century
[18:04]  eQ|Viper* and Gibarix|W$N strike their fists together in the air in a slightly homoerotic fashion
[18:04]  Gibarix|W$N: <3333333333333333333 Viper
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(14 Aug 11, 10:06PM)Jason Wrote: bloody castielgate all over again.

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Jason Wrote:I'm mean really - I'm flattered you'd spare myself a minute of your wasted time on me :)

Ah thanks :D

Please reciprocate by sparing yourself the time to learn some grammar!
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(15 Aug 11, 04:34AM)Viper Wrote: Please reciprocate by sparing yourself the time to learn some grammar!

Always a sign of a good discussion.
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Lt.G = me
Flipyoujason = duckett

<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> Duckett
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> ye
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> you ever thought about getting into pron?
<LtG> LOL.
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> tf
<LtG> hes got the body of a brick
<LtG> duckett
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> sgtd
<LtG> your body
<LtG> made for porn
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> No
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> lol
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> well i didn't think of the body
=-= YOU are now known as LtG|Sleep
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> but this popped in my head:
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> sgt, noob
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> Suckit-Fuckit-Duckett
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> lol
<LtG|Sleep> LOL
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> perfect for pron
<LtG|Sleep> is duckett yoiure actual last name
<LtG|Sleep> LMAO
<X-Ray_Dog> yes LtG|Sleep, go sleep right as we talk about your pron... I cant imagine what your actually doing
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> lol
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> sh*t
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> i'm almost laughing out loud
<LtG|Sleep> to what
<LtG|Sleep> XD!
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> lol
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> Actually
<LtG|Sleep> inb4 my last name is smith
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> My Legal last name is Smith
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> FUCK YOU
<LtG|Sleep> LMFAO
<LtG|Sleep> WHAT
<LtG|Sleep> LOL
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> LOL
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> holy shit
<X-Ray_Dog> o.o

Thanks given by:
(15 Aug 11, 09:06AM)Gibarix Wrote: <LtG|Sleep> is duckett yoiure actual last name
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> Actually
<LtG|Sleep> inb4 my last name is smith
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> My Legal last name is Smith
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> FUCK YOU
<LtG|Sleep> LMFAO
<LtG|Sleep> WHAT
<LtG|Sleep> LOL
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> LOL
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> holy shit
<X-Ray_Dog> o.o

+66 internets
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(15 Aug 11, 09:06AM)Gibarix Wrote: <LtG|Sleep> is duckett yoiure actual last name
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> Actually
<LtG|Sleep> inb4 my last name is smith
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> My Legal last name is Smith
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> FUCK YOU
<LtG|Sleep> LMFAO
<LtG|Sleep> WHAT
<LtG|Sleep> LOL
<eQ|sgtd|Sleep> LOL
<FlipYouJason|Mapping> holy shit
<X-Ray_Dog> o.o

Remember kids, don't give out any sensitive information on the internet. Everyone out there is a 60 year old pedophile.
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YourSister Wrote:In our pick shine we had a terrible teamwork, and in desert our teamwork was horrible, but we can manage to win both games thanks to our teamwork.

Gj bro, best report ever :D
Thanks given by:
(16 Aug 11, 03:19PM)|GuN| Wrote:
(16 Aug 11, 12:10PM)Orynge Wrote:
(16 Aug 11, 11:37AM)Duckett Wrote: I like how it's the Elite Rifle Men clan, and the website shows a pic of a guy holding a sword :|

Webs template. :|

i know i will put a new template there later
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Quote:[20:34] <|KH|MusicMan10> skb
[20:34] <|KH|MusicMan10> ill fucking tie you to a fucking bedpost
[20:34] <SKB> haha wth
[20:34] <|KH|MusicMan10> with your asscheeks spread out and shit
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> take a metal clothes hanger
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> put it on the stove
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> let it sit
[20:35] <Andrez|ACDC> now this is what I call "poetry"
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> and put it in your ass real slow like
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> ssssssss
[20:35] <SKB> will it hurt?
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[15:05] <Andrez|ACDC> sometimes I think some races shouldn't exist, but anyway..this is the world, it's made in that way

this man is a moderator on these forums

User warned for maliciously quoting out of context
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Quote:Brett{TyD:stop smoking weed adamn
Brett{TyD: become that cute boy i met in TyD
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(16 Aug 11, 07:39PM)Andrez Wrote:
Quote:[20:34] <|KH|MusicMan10> skb
[20:34] <|KH|MusicMan10> ill fucking tie you to a fucking bedpost
[20:34] <SKB> haha wth
[20:34] <|KH|MusicMan10> with your asscheeks spread out and shit
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> take a metal clothes hanger
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> put it on the stove
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> let it sit
[20:35] <Andrez|ACDC> now this is what I call "poetry"
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> and put it in your ass real slow like
[20:35] <|KH|MusicMan10> ssssssss
[20:35] <SKB> will it hurt?

mm10 needs to come up with new trolls..he told me the same thing (nah it doesnt hurt) :D
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[21:56:41]    eQ|Nukpwr    one time
[21:56:47]    eQ|Nukpwr    i wanted to see
[21:56:48]    eQ|MaiMeeTur    Aekom, I don't know
[21:56:53]    eQ|Nukpwr    how far I could let the piss
[21:56:58]    eQ|MaiMeeTur    I might be possible to do it
[21:57:00]    eQ|Nukpwr    travel down to my
[21:57:03]    eQ|Nukpwr    dick
[21:57:07]    eQ|Nukpwr    without me pissing
[21:57:13]    eQ|Nukpwr    but I just ended up pissing my pants
[21:57:25]    eQ|Nukpwr    true story.
[21:57:30]    eQ|Nukpwr    Now I'll brb
[21:57:34]    eQ|Nukpwr    I gotta go get some pants
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*** B}Verse joined #PBClan
+++ ChanServ has given op to B}Verse
<ChanServ>: [B}Verse] The Verse is mightier than the Sword<LtG>: ITS
<LtG>: sup
<B}Droid>: language LtG
<LtG>: english
<B}Droid>: -_-
<LtG>: <3
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[01:20.49] Huntsman why is fate not in here [#HyPE] but in #xuclan
[01:20.50] Huntsman ?
[01:21.00] |KH|LtG because
[01:21.02] |KH|LtG im gay

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(07:25:14 PM) <BunnySoul> SKB highlight me if the little kid connects

(07:15:19 PM) <unarmed> how can you support such dicks skb
(07:15:24 PM) <SKB> for lulz
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[12:52:43]    Kakarrot    i wanna apply to five guys
[12:52:50]    Kakarrot    see if i get in
[12:53:19]    eQ|MaiMeeTur    Go for it
[12:53:25]    Kakarrot    i willl
[12:53:52]    WalkerGr    its a clan?
[12:53:59]    eQ|Lantry    XD
[12:54:08]    eQ|MaiMeeTur    Lol no...
[12:54:19]    Kakarrot    its a resteraunt
[12:54:20]    Kakarrot    XD
[12:54:22]    eQ|MaiMeeTur    It's a burger place
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[18:05:44]    ilucky    waffles HAI
[18:05:48]    ilucky    havent seen you in a while
[18:05:56]    Waffles    hey ilucky yeah i know
[18:05:58]    Waffles    got arrested
[18:06:04]    Waffles    spent a night in jail lol
[18:06:26]    Waffles    trespassing, drunk in public, public urination, skinny dipping
[18:06:32]    Waffles    luckily it's my first charge

[18:13:19]    Waffles    yeah
[18:13:24]    Waffles    wasn't a huge ofense
[18:13:26]    Waffles    offense*
[18:13:37]    Waffles    i accidentally pissed on the officer's foot
[18:13:54]    Waffles    i was using a bush as a port-o-john
[18:14:06]    Waffles    he grabs my shoulder and whips me around
[18:14:12]    Waffles    piss was errywhere
[18:14:26]    Waffles    he got pretty mad at that
[18:14:31]    Waffles    he had some shiny shoes on

[18:14:44]    Waffles    "not my fault you whirled a dude pissing around quickly"
[18:14:58]    Waffles    it's like one of those sprinklers
[18:15:08]    Waffles    tsh-tsh-tsh-tsh-tssssssshhhhhhhhh
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(23 Aug 11, 05:29AM)Link Wrote: name:*Yoshi*
Server:Zeta Server 1
proof: my word
ban date: can't server wont let me
IP: unknown.

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(24 Aug 11, 06:46AM)liestc Wrote: If you got auto-banned and (obviously) you were not cheating, please, try to get the demo of the game and post it here. Additionally I ask to the server owners to post here the logs of the incident. With this information I will be able to fix possible bugs and/or lower some thresholds.
dresses for a wedding
bride dresses

Woooooo, you go get 'em boy!

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(13 Aug 11, 07:53PM)Mael Wrote: [11:04] <@Mael> http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/8089/...cience.png
[11:04] <@Mael> 99th percentile science
[11:04] <@Mael> without studying
[11:04] <@Mael> suck my hairy nuts

He has spoken
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Talking about Penumbra: Black Plague, a first person horror game.
(24 Aug 11, 05:56PM)V-Man Wrote:
(24 Aug 11, 02:00PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: it's so freaking creepy, I can't even play it in a rosa-room with pink horses, while listening to a song made for 4 years old :s

Wouldn't that increase the creepiness for you?? Try playing it in a normal room.

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[19:59:07]    SKB    `Rowan: how was i the second time?
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04:41    Sonic    what are you doing up this late
04:41    eQ|Nukpwr    yo
04:42    eQ|Nukpwr    Lol
04:42    eQ|Nukpwr    It's 7:41 A.M
04:42    Sonic    no way
04:42    Sonic    you pulled an allrightnite
04:42    eQ|Nukpwr    No.
04:42    Sonic    lol i tried to type allnighter
04:42    Sonic    and that came out instead ^
04:42    eQ|Nukpwr    I went to bed at 9:30
04:42    Sonic    spelled perfectly and everything
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Quote:<mib_p1p369> irene is on top of me!
<mib_p1p369> and she's coming down hard!
<Kakarrot> thats whatt hee said
<Kakarrot> :D:D:D:D
<mib_p1p369> lololololol
<mib_p1p369> kakarrot
<mib_p1p369> what was
<Kakarrot> <mib_p1p369> irene is on top of me!
<Kakarrot> <mib_p1p369> and she's coming down hard!
<Kakarrot> gj mib_p1p369
<Kakarrot> you are fucking a hurricane
<mib_p1p369> ah
<mib_p1p369> ORLY
<mib_p1p369> lol.
<mib_p1p369> silly kakarrot
<mib_p1p369> no wonder you got a TB

mib_p1p369= ShadowZ
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