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How to go pro in osok/tosok
So as a player of 4 months, I decided to make a guide on how to become a good player in osok/tosok. Many of my tips and tricks will work if u PRACTICE. No body becomes good in under a day. And if so, there would be an astronomical small chance of that happening.


Sniping- When you line up your sights and scope in
tips- When you snipe DO NOT stand there. Always strafe(move side to side) or crouch. standing there makes you an easy target for campers, or just someone walking by.Many people I kill usually take their time to scope in and aim. If you want to be good, scope and like I said move. Think its hard? of course it is. Your going to have to learn to dodge and aim at the same time or else your not going anywhere.

Quickscoping- When you line up your scope for a split second and shoot at the same time.

Tips- When I always Quick-scope, i always move/jump/crouch everything to dodge. The point of Quick-scoping is it takes helps you aim better than just No-scoping also takes skill and I find it more coordinated then just no-scoping( ill explain that later). Better accuracy plus gets you some style pointz bro!! xd.

No-scoping- Traditional shooting without scoping in. Kinda like the shotgun action.

Tips- When you no-scope ( i recommend learning the Quick-scope after you master the No-scope) as always never stand. The motion is kind of like the Quick-scope, but you don't have as much accuracy. No scoping is best for when someone is next to you when there isnt a point in scoping in.

Overall tips- Never stand, try your best and practice.

hope this guide helped, even though its kinda short.

Yours truly,
( or Klutchst4r in game)

my first guide so dont be mean.
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So, basically...


uniword summary FTW.
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(28 Mar 11, 12:22AM)VenteX Wrote: So, basically...


uniword summary FTW.

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Note that quickscoping isn't very effective if you don't scope for long enough - it will take some time for the spread to "cool down" to zero. This is to prevent scripts that flash the scope before every shot. You should also add some tips about the knife, like that narrow passage in the middle of ac_desert. Hardscoping (looking into the scope for extended amounts of time) isn't bad either when you know where everyone is and where everyone is going.
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Oh my god, don't say "pro", the whole community will erupt into flames and collapse in on its idiocy.
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(28 Mar 11, 12:57AM)Mael Wrote: Oh my god, don't say "pro", the whole community will erupt into flames and collapse in on its idiocy.

I know right hopefully it wont come to that.
p.s. Gibstick i dont really knife so.... feel free to gib me.
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(28 Mar 11, 01:01AM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: i dont really knife so....

Well you should
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If you can't/won't knife, at least try faking out with the knife. At reasonably close range, draw your knife. Your opponent will either:
1. shoot you anyways
2. draw out knife as well
3. miss a shot because of panic

If #2 or #3 happens, you can switch back to your sniper rifle for an easy kill. Gotta do it quickly though.
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Or.. just headshot them, then you don't need to worry about them pulling out their knife.
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Prime, you always know the right thing to say, now gimme some Ribs.
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Gibstick, Pulling an E-thug!
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It's easier, safer, and faster to use the knife.
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(28 Mar 11, 05:02AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: It's easier, safer, and faster to use the knife.

Unless you miss (tip: Always line your crosshair up before knifing).
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I'm still trying to figure out how to pronounce "XKluTcHM0nSt3RX"
Let alone play T/OSOK.
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(28 Mar 11, 06:16AM)Orynge Wrote:
(28 Mar 11, 05:02AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: It's easier, safer, and faster to use the knife.

Unless you miss (tip: Always line your crosshair up before knifing).

I usually end up swiping as I'm strafing by, or spinning and knifing.
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(28 Mar 11, 06:46AM)V-Man Wrote: I'm still trying to figure out how to pronounce "XKluTcHM0nSt3RX"
Let alone play T/OSOK.

Clutch Monster?
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A better guide, learn the pathways, and your opponents.
I like to die for the first couple rounds, and learn how someone plays, how their mind works:

a) They are really focused and competitive.

b) They aren't very focused but are trying to be competitive.

c) Newbs (notice my spelling)

Point A

These guys are easy to spot, especially in spectator mode. They jump round corners, or strafe. mostly have a high sensitivity for looking behind them, a high fov and can no scope head shot in an instant. They /think/ they know how you work but you can fake them. Take one route, stop, double back and then stay for about 5 seconds. Double back again and you should be behind them.

Point B

These guys are getting there. They have learnt the tricks but haven't mastered them yet. They will normally try and get into the mindset of their adversary but think in the opposite way, if you know how. To fake these guys, head one way and die. Repeat twice, then head around the back. Then go the first way again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Change it up every round and screw them over. You could even jump one way and then hide around a corner with a knife. ;)

Point C

Notice my spelling here. These guys are new and have a low sensitivity, low fov and don't know the tricks. Easy gibs all round. To fake 'em, just head round the back of them, most don't watch their backs.
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Quote:These guys are easy to spot, especially in spectator mode. They jump round corners, or strafe. mostly have a high sensitivity for looking behind them, a high fov and can no scope head shot in an instant. They /think/ they know how you work but you can fake them. Take one route, stop, double back and then stay for about 5 seconds. Double back again and you should be behind them.

Ah, damn, I never knew I could be pegged like that. :C
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I find the best way to do awesome in tosok is to run your server 24/7 tosok douze. Then you can have fun with your new LAN server! YAY!!!!
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(27 Mar 11, 11:57PM)XKluTcHM0nSt3RX Wrote: Think its hard? of course it is.

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How to be pro in tosok - camp a lot.
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You're either pro or you're not. No amount of guide reading is gonna make someone the next version of me.
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lol self-absorbancy :P
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this is the greatest thread ever

[Image: thumbsups.gif] Thankful people: Community Elite
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BTW most good AC players I know have a low sensitivity. Robtics for example has 60cm/360 (LOOOOOOOL).
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Thanks for feedback ( and no nasty comments like my other forum)
by the way my name is pronounced as follows *clears throat* Kllaaaklaaaatchhhhhmonnnnstterrrrr
Clutch monster
(28 Mar 11, 08:42PM)Undead Wrote: this is the greatest thread ever

[Image: thumbsups.gif] Thankful people: V-Man
THANK YOU AND GOODBYE xd no really thanks for support

(28 Mar 11, 10:34AM)DrauL Wrote: A better guide, learn the pathways, and your opponents.
I like to die for the first couple rounds, and learn how someone plays, how their mind works:

a) They are really focused and competitive.

b) They aren't very focused but are trying to be competitive.

c) Newbs (notice my spelling)

ZOMG ITS LIKE A GUIDE INSIDE A GUIDE..........-ACEPTION!!!!! ( inception for those who are dimwitted)

Mod edit: snipped quote #2
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Better guide, just shoot the enemy when you see them. :)
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I disagree on no scoping, scoping and doing a reflex shot, for me is better. I'd really have to say all my shots are scoped.
And this guide could be more detailed like discussing spawn points, for example in douze if your playing osok and you happened to spawn in that little hallway with the No Camping sign, immediately look to your side to see if someone also spawned there too. Many people just camp there looking out for a few seconds.
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1. Move
2. Don't get hit
3. No scoping is useful when a surprise enemy pops up in front of you. No scoping is also sometimes easier and scoping in since scoping limits your vision. I always flash between my scope and no scope really fast to kinda get the cross hairs burned into my mind.
4. Don't camp. Unless the other team is camping and winning.
5. Use your knife in small hallways or when an enemy runs towards you. (counts as 2 frags and It helps your score) If you can't knife, go a full game with only a knife. Practice makes perfect.
6. When wielding a knife, don't ever jump when trying to attack your enemy. This results in you getting fragged sooner. Try ducking right before the slash to avoid getting hit.
7. When going around corners, always have your gun pointed in the direction of the hallway you're about to enter. It's much easier to frag someone before they frag you this way.
8. In terms of lining up your cross hairs and shooting: Some people aren't just skilled at it. To learn and practice, go to ac_douze OSOK and fight, fight, fight. Make sure you "follow" your enemy by giving some distance in front.
Another tactic is to keep your cross hairs in one place while you're moving and wait for the enemy to run in front of it. This takes skilled timing. Again, practice makes perfect.

Seemed like common sense to me... You just pick things up as you play. Hope that adds to the discussion.
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The only good thing about a newbie becoming good at (t)osok is that when that happens he is gonna realize how easy and boring it is and he will move to decent game modes...

So yeah, its a good thread, the sooner ppl get good at it and stop playing tosok the better!
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