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[split] Map discussion
The comparaison is not about realistic map , that's not an insult.
It mean that : apollo Harbor is played a lot (like Headshot City) but it don't mean that it should be an official map cause it's just a public map (maybe for pub but certainely for fun as a lot of apollo's maps).

3 map category :

(04 Feb 11, 10:22PM)pwnage{TyD} Wrote: Apollo Harbor is one of those special maps you won't get to seen played often, atleast not on pubs. Due to the fact that it sometimes spikes with a high WQD here and there. Although it is a good map, it's more of a personal project rather than official packages.
(03 Feb 11, 06:26PM).ExodusS* Wrote: Do you imagine a map like Apollo harbor official lol.
Why not headshot-city so.

Interesting comparison, perhaps we should laugh off one of your maps instead??!

(05 Feb 11, 12:00AM)cOGhost Wrote: ac_sylang -> must be denied (2bugs) other1s i don't know but if they have the same (mapmodel?) they would have to be denied also.


I already saw:

(01 Feb 11, 06:42PM).ExodusS* Wrote: ac_sylang sucks , any good gameplay and too mutch lag/bug/hight WQD.

Pwnage why do you always think that i'm agressive?
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(05 Feb 11, 12:45AM).ExodusS* Wrote:
(01 Feb 11, 06:42PM).ExodusS* Wrote: ac_sylang sucks , any good gameplay and too mutch lag/bug/hight WQD.

Pwnage why do you always think that i'm agressive?

lol, you just contradicted yourself

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Quote:3 map category :

fun?! every map should be fun!
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i like that "pub" category :)

To issue:
During map creating is very important to attract player by first sight, not to brute force him by default way. In some maps now you already know after first sight how the rest will look like and it is wrong.

Very good map for default package is that arabic map, you just want to see the rest. Many maps in this thread are just good alternatives but not good for default maps. Try to check them from this angle of view and you will see.

But ofc it is for a discussion, for example there is ac_desert and desert2, it is good or bad ?

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(05 Feb 11, 04:45PM)Alien Wrote: But ofc it is for a discussion, for example there is ac_desert and desert2, it is good or bad ?
I'm pretty sure when desert2 was made, there wasn't this massive creative force/lots of maps of "official quality" to be played from anyway. I could be wrong, though.

I'd say keep it ;) It's still a very playable map and it deserves to be on there.
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(05 Feb 11, 12:45AM).ExodusS* Wrote: It mean that : apollo Harbor is played a lot...
No its not. 99% of the cubers even don't know the existance of this map. I'm sure much more people know Headshotcity...

(oh, and comparing any of my maps with headshotcity is really an insult to me, shame on you)

(05 Feb 11, 12:45AM).ExodusS* Wrote: but it don't mean that it should be an official map cause it's just a public map...
...just a public map? Since when is this a selection parameter for official maps? And at the end it's the agreement of the two competing teams which makes a map to a "match map".

Nevertheless, pwnage recites my own hints and recommendations to this map which can be read here: http://www.akimbo.in/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=517

And to all of my fans: I've really doubts that one of my other maps (especially desertcity and arabicnights) will ever become official. Not that I think that they won't fit into the package; that they are playabale and fun is already proven. It seems more that they have not enough supporters in the dev group or someone just dislike me, lol. W/e have fun with them.
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(05 Feb 11, 09:11AM)SnowOak Wrote:
(05 Feb 11, 12:45AM).ExodusS* Wrote:
(01 Feb 11, 06:42PM).ExodusS* Wrote: ac_sylang sucks , any good gameplay and too mutch lag/bug/hight WQD.

Pwnage why do you always think that i'm agressive?

lol, you just contradicted yourself

As i know , ac_sylang is by me , it's self-mockery and not agressive.

@apollo : Dear Mr.Apollo didn't understand yet that it WAS NOT AN "INSULT" if i compared his map with HeadshotCity , and for me this : http://i72.servimg.com/u/f72/15/62/73/68/sans_t10.jpg is an insult.
It's how you use to call me between {TyD}?

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(06 Feb 11, 02:36AM).ExodusS* Wrote: @apollo : Dear Mr.Apollo didn't understand yet that it WAS NOT AN "INSULT" if i compared ...


Quote:... and for me this : http://i72.servimg.com/u/f72/15/62/73/68/sans_t10.jpg is an insult.

Not to mention, that to that point of time you was blacklisted on our servers, you evaded the ban and entered in an agressive way our servers again, you have been banned again, and act childish on the IRC too, which results in a ban there too. Oh and if I recall correct you used the malapropism of your nick by yourself - so this can't be an insult then. So if you want to throw some shit on me then be so kind and don't forget to tell the audience also your own misconduct. Thanks for stfu now and not starting a flame war.

Quote:It's how you use to call me between {TyD}?

w/e this means
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This thread is about map discussion not insults. Could you discuss that via pm or leave it?
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ac_wadi is a good map that hasn't been seen alot
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ac_silence is a work of art.
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Good to see a wadi appreciator. Works best for DM and TOSOK. CTF tends to result in cricket scores though.
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[Image: serverbrowser.jpg]

Why do we need more official maps? </irony>
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7 ac_douze
8 ac_desert

2 elevation
2 desert2
1 aqueous
3 snow
1 mines

One more time , official map =/= public map.

15/30 servers play only douze and desert...

If you look at full servers :
ac_douze CTF
HeadshotCity_003 CTF...

Where is mines , desert3 , depot , shine , sunset ...?

In more , today i saw "ac_desert ; CTF 14/14" , someone hope score flags on?

@apollo : you know that it wasn't an evaded ban (i wasn't at home i cound't know , but you already know that) , now stop.

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I thin official maps should only contain, competitive play maps.
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The analysis of only one screenshot isn't evidence enough. The situation could completly change five minutes later. I assume also that the most servers have different maprots - therefore the frequency how often a map is displayed on server A is probably different than on server B. Enabled/disabled voting falsified the result additionally.

The game could have 50 official maps imo. No one says that all of them have to be put into a maprot.

@exodus: it doesn't matter if you login from another place. And your aggressive behaviour and attempt to threaten me is what counts. So next time just stay away and don't play the monkey. Thanks in advance
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17.90 % - ac_desert
16.96 % - ac_douze
03.85 % - ac_shine
02.51 % - ac_depot
02.47 % - ac_desert3
That's what my analysis says, which has now run 3 months.
I haven't got values of the exact matches, could run something to find out though. Anyway regarding gamemodes the analysis says:
29.69% - CTF
23.21% - tOSOK
10.14% - tDM
09.35% - DM
08.44% - OSOK
06.84% - LSS
04.16% - edit
03.31% - HF
So at least some diversity in the modes being played, but indeed, it seems the majority of matches really only take place on 2 maps - even places 3, 4 and 5 combined don't make it to half of the percentage that #1 has.
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Yes , it's by far a lot unfair.

Regular players often play on CTF.
I think that around 90% of new players begin with T-OSOK on ac_desert/ac_douze/non-official map.
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Well CTF is the mode AC does best, it's what it was designed for - (t)OSOK is good for aim, (t)DM is just your basic fps-gamemode - the rest are basically in "for a laugh" .. well, that's not really true, but it sums it up nicely, I think.
That's not really the bit I'm concerned with though - the lack of diversity in the maps being played is. Coupled with the fact people always are shouting for more maps .. what's the sense in that, if they're just not played. Also, we now have the wonderful MediaPack integration running, and all I've seen so far is the one package r4Zor has put together.
In my mind it was supposed to give us a MediaPack every other month or so; possibly even bundled by theme and not just by their close release dates.
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(09 Feb 11, 07:06PM)flowtron Wrote: That's not really the bit I'm concerned with though - the lack of diversity in the maps being played is.

This is probably because most people don't like learning a new map - they prefer to play the maps they know because they do better on them, which they like.
Of course, the people you hear on the forums want new maps because they are mostly the more experienced and devoted players, who are looking for something new.
Also, it's easy to ask someone else to do something for you.
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My reason for wishing for new maps combines both your reasons Lantry. More, high quality (in terms of design, construction and gameplay) maps in the release will open them up to those players who only play on 'official' maps.
There's nothing more demotivating for me than when an epic map like ac_silence, which IMO is the epitome of beautiful AC map design, comes up in my maprot, and half the players leave. They leave because they don't know it and I believe inclusion with the release would fix this.
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you cannot mix default and custom maps in one maprot. The rule of balanced maprot probably created because of BS clan is very stupid. People come to your server to play official maps, not customs, so therefore they leave. If you built server with only customs covering some issue, they will not leave. I have tested it.
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(08 Feb 11, 12:25AM).ExodusS* Wrote: 7 ac_douze
8 ac_desert

2 elevation
2 desert2
1 aqueous
3 snow
1 mines

One more time , official map =/= public map.

15/30 servers play only douze and desert...

If you look at full servers :
ac_douze CTF
HeadshotCity_003 CTF...

Where is mines , desert3 , depot , shine , sunset ...?

In more , today i saw "ac_desert ; CTF 14/14" , someone hope score flags on?

@apollo : you know that it wasn't an evaded ban (i wasn't at home i cound't know , but you already know that) , now stop.

Yeah, agreed.
I havn't seen an ac_depot being played on a pub in a while.
Desert3 i've see a few times
Sunsets probably the most played =P no no, my bad douze is
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One problem (not sure if it has been stated here) is the fact that it will increase the package ever so slightly. Which, even though I have fairly good internet, will still annoy me some. I tend to have ~5 copies of AC on my drive at a time (expanded, not talking about the DMGs). I know this is more of a personal issue, but package size is one thing AC prides itself in.
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Hey, wait - I think I've been misunderstood - I'm not against including more (good!) maps into the package. Yes RR is right, AC does have it's small download as one factor, but it's been already enlarged quite a bit since the 0.93-days with ~=20MB to now ~=50MB; but it's more the textures/models/sounds that're causing this increase, not the maps themselves - they're tiny. So, as long as no (or at least "not too much") new media is required and the map is good, it's no problem for us to include it.
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ac_savana for DUELS
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Acqueos and keller suffer the water audio bug, idk if everyone know it.
I think they should be removed.
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(09 Feb 11, 11:45PM)Alien Wrote: @jamz
you cannot mix default and custom maps in one maprot. The rule of balanced maprot probably created because of BS clan is very stupid. People come to your server to play official maps, not customs, so therefore they leave. If you built server with only customs covering some issue, they will not leave. I have tested it.

That was not created becuase of Black Squadron. Before 1.1 there hasn't been many official maps, though it hasn't been a problem either. It is boring having only 4-5 official maps in a rotation locked to 1-2 gamemodes. Sure it attracts people, but not very fun to play after a while.

Because few popular servers did have this for a long time, doesn't mean that the rest of the servers should be like this as well.
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(11 Feb 11, 05:44PM)YourSister Wrote: Acqueos and keller suffer the water audio bug, idk if everyone know it.
I think they should be removed.

What about fixing the bug instead?
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Why don't add a lot of more official map only votable in public (+90% of players play public)?
Boring to always play on same maps cause assaltcube have littles maps comparing to others FPS
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