1.0 Masterserver server list - problem

I've made one request through a person related to the dev-team, then another person in the dev-team, and then another person in the dev-team, and all of my requests have been ignored or insufficiently answered.

I don't exactly know why two of my servers, 4000 and 5000 were removed from the masterserver during this clean-up. No explanation was ever given and none of these requests sufficiently answered for a week now. I was told by one of the devs that he needs an "ok" from another dev to put the servers back on, who is the one that I contacted last. He's been online at least twice during the period from now and when I sent him the direct request to two of his e-mails.

I'd like to have them back because it is costing me money because all the traffic is going to the servers with limited bandwidth and the ones with unlimited bandwidth (ie. are not being used at all.

So I'm here asking for an explanation in the public because I can't get any solid answers and am just being shoved around with "you need to talk to xx" instead of getting to some sort of an answer...

These servers have been running on AC for a very long time; Wotan Fragland, :5000 for about two years (!), EUROZONE, :4000 for about half a year, and I see no reason to remove them!

1.0 masterserver list is here.

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Welcome to the new AssaultCube
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(18 Sep 10, 12:11PM)XFA Wrote: Welcome to the new AssaultCube

Dont forget welcome to the new internet where totalitarian rulers, AKA Assault Cube Devs, get to rule their shit without giving you any help.

They remove your rights when you sign up, must be on the terms and conditions which i never read.
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(18 Sep 10, 12:20PM)DrauL Wrote:
(18 Sep 10, 12:11PM)XFA Wrote: Welcome to the new AssaultCube

Dont forget welcome to the new internet where totalitarian rulers, AKA Assault Cube Devs, get to rule their shit without giving you any help.

They remove your rights when you sign up, must be on the terms and conditions which i never read.

Please, keep this politics elsewhere. I'm just making a request and don't want this closed down for bad reasons, so make another thread if you wish :).
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Oh, sorry Drakas. Will shut up ^^
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I was first on forum: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-755.html , so please first unblock my server :P (blocked without reason since about 1 month).

In such moments man almost regrets, that in the old days helped in development of this game...

Edit: ask flowtron, he just added my server. :)
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Thank you very much, flowtron :D
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I have the same problem since saturday but can't find anyone to help me in #AssaultCube. I've sent a PM to flowtron but got no reply yet, I wonder if there's anyone else that can help in these situations?

Our 2 servers IPs are:
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Since the problem is solved and everybody is happy I'm closing this to avoid spam.
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