19 Oct 10, 07:28PM
This is awesome dude!
This is awesome dude!
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new gamemode - keep the base [source included!]
19 Oct 10, 07:28PM
This is awesome dude!
20 Oct 10, 07:36AM
* V-Man votes F1 for Luc@s to be on the dev team
22 Oct 10, 06:07PM
:) ty for your support :p
Today I added TKTB and TKTZ mods to the points system. I also changed behavior or TKTZ. Now, the zone-owner is the player of the team who has the higher number of players in the zone, and who was the first in the zone. If there is the same number of players in zone in CLA and RVSF, then the owner is the first player of the server in zone. Download link (windows) : http://iafclan.free.fr/mods/e/release.zip
OK now I moved it to last revision of AC
(not officially lol, I mean I just merged it) Download & install : If you are using windows : Download http://iafclan.free.fr/mods/e/release.zip Unpack it and copy/paste it into your AC install directory then run assaultcube_tktb.bat If you are not using windows, you'll have to compile it yourself. Sources Sources download link : http://iafclan.free.fr/mods/e/src.zip If you want to see the code I wrote, search for both "// base mode" and "// shuffle tag" comments Team Keep The Base /mode 16 then /map yourmap There are 2 bases (defined by an area around each flag) You have to be in enemy base to score (10 s in enemy base = 1 point) You can't take the enemy base if your base is taken Bases are delimited by cylinders on the map Team Keep The Zone /mode 17 then /map yourmap There is 1 zone located at the middle of a map by the mapper The player who scores is the first player in zone of the team which has the most players in zone. This zone is delimited by a yellow cylinder, and a flag in the middle How to map for this modes If you want to create a flag with a base size of 25, for example, you have to type : /newent ctf-flag 0 25 (for CLA) /newent ctf-flag 1 25 (for RVSF) /newent ctf-flag 2 25 (for TKTZ mode) Default size used is 30. So you can play TKTB on any map which has flags spawns. But, you can't play TKTZ on a map without ctf-flag of type "2" How to shuffle teams with tags /callvote 13 "list of tags" for example : /callvote 13 "IAF| =MyS=" you can use an alias : /alias shuffletag [callvote 13 $arg1] then /shuffletag "IAF| =MyS=" (server side check functions are crap, I know, I have to re-make them :) (Thanks to everybody who helped me to test, especially to Pakit, who never lost patience when I was asking him to connect and connect again to my server... :P) (Mod edit: fixed download URL)
23 Oct 10, 01:58PM
Can anyone compile it for Mac?
23 Oct 10, 08:57PM
Glad to see the cylinders finally working :D
24 Oct 10, 03:20AM
I just compiled for mac. Now concerning licenses, I'm not sure what I can include.
24 Oct 10, 10:08AM
How you mean?
So it's working for you? Plz send it to me :)
01 Nov 10, 09:56PM
any mac version compiled? :)
01 Nov 10, 11:59PM
Yes. Great timing. We will give it to you soon. It comes with special install instructions.
02 Nov 10, 10:58PM
very nice! this looks like it will be awesome! i will see if my clanleader will update his server so you have another testing server lol
03 Nov 10, 12:55AM
What servers can we connect to with this?
Can I request that you include documentation with the mod? :D
03 Nov 10, 12:57AM
Well, I think ausD will provide a server sometime soon. I'm waiting for Luc@s to post with all of the download info and his half of the installation info.
03 Nov 10, 08:44PM
Sorry for running offtopic or probably double-asking, but I wonder whether those transparent cylinders used for the bases can't be used for 'glas' as well?
Even if it wouldn't be possible to apply a texture to it, such a transparent plain coloured grey to black would make a nice window-glass, combining with a frame model or whatsoever and there you go.
04 Nov 10, 12:12AM
With a "bullet clip" :DDDD
05 Nov 10, 03:10PM
I didn't post on this topic yet cause i speak with Luc@s on TS3 everyday but i think that , this mod should be official "i think".
Hard work always pays and his work is awesome ;)
Exoduss <3
(03 Nov 10, 10:40PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: Sorry for running offtopic or probably double-asking, but I wonder whether those transparent cylinders used for the bases can't be used for 'glas' as well?cylinders are actually just like filters, but the idea of a glas "texture" (with reflection ?) would be nice as you said. Hey this is the final release. I. Download and Install Windows 1) Download http://iafclan.free.fr/mods/1500/win.zip 2) Extract downloaded package to your AC installation directory. It should not replace anything, just merge folders. 3) Run assaultcube_tktb.bat in your assault cube installation directory. If you can't find this file, you pasted files in the wrong directory. Macintosh Coming soon... Linux Coming soon... Sources Full sources (libs included) : http://iafclan.free.fr/mods/1500/source.zip Partial source (src folder) : http://iafclan.free.fr/mods/1500/src.zip II. Documentation Just type /help command in AC. It will show you other commands to type to get help for specific modes or commands. Have fun |
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