27 Feb 17, 07:45PM
I'm happy that devs finally removed GEMA from AssaultCube. It should have been done many year ago. This alternative game mode does not fit in this game. GEMA players have never showed respect or cared for this game.
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Finally GEMA is removed.
27 Feb 17, 07:45PM
I'm happy that devs finally removed GEMA from AssaultCube. It should have been done many year ago. This alternative game mode does not fit in this game. GEMA players have never showed respect or cared for this game.
Thanks given by: 610|Zac
27 Feb 17, 07:58PM
27 Feb 17, 08:41PM
They cared about the game by playing it, even if the way they chose to do so was different from yours. I never enjoyed gema much personally, but it is still sad if the devs really have removed it.
Thanks given by: MorganKell
28 Feb 17, 05:12AM
I heard one dev was always ready to ban all gema servers when the mode will get popular lol. Seems like % of gema players in compare to shooter players became too damn high.
Tbh I'm not surprised that u are happy Exo, still hurts to lose against gema players in ur mode? ^_^ Thanks given by: |HP|
Oh man, finally. I always hated it that there were people enjoying this game in a way so different from mine. Hope they remove all modes other than CTF soon. And also all non-standard maps. of course, screw those minecraft-camper noobs.
Thanks given by:
28 Feb 17, 11:21AM
Now ac will be revived.
Gema was the biggest obstacle preventing this game from achieving glorious levels of success. Millions of players left the game because they just couldnt skip a few available gema servers and had to try a few maps only to fail miserably.
28 Feb 17, 12:12PM
"Gema" was not removed. AFAIK only one server, "Gema central", was removed from the masterserver list - and if the owner told you, it was "because of gema", he is a damn liar.
btw, if the server is still running, you can always connect manually - or add it to your "personalserverlist", as usual. Thanks given by: MorganKell
![]() ![]()
28 Feb 17, 12:36PM
Man, fake news everywhere. Close this thread plz.
28 Feb 17, 12:47PM
(28 Feb 17, 05:12AM)sukablya Wrote: I heard one dev was always ready to ban all gema servers when the mode will get popular lol. Are you sure this certain dev (****) was not being ironic? (28 Feb 17, 12:12PM)stef Wrote: "Gema" was not removed. AFAIK only one server, "Gema central", was removed from the masterserver list - and if the owner told you, it was "because of gema", he is a damn liar. I know the GEMA community like to feel sorry for themself and yell about everything but at the moment there is no GEMA server on the masterserver list. (28 Feb 17, 12:36PM)gy_be Wrote: Man, fake news everywhere. Close this thread plz. What? We are not done discussing. Go away.
28 Feb 17, 03:15PM
(28 Feb 17, 12:12PM)stef Wrote: "Gema" was not removed. AFAIK only one server, "Gema central", was removed from the masterserver list - and if the owner told you, it was "because of gema", he is a damn liar. Owner said no such thing and most of us are not retarded, we know that the only way to "remove gema" is to remove kickback or prevent servers from uploading maps....or ac players losing interest and leaving ac. You guys only removed a well coded and organized server. GJ! Since i dont play anymore, i dont care. Thanks given by: samsattF
28 Feb 17, 06:58PM
It's sad to see things being removed that players enjoyed playing. Banning something isn't going to help, just means they will stop playing the game because something they enjoyed doing was removed. GJ guys, good plan to make people play other maps.
First.. Douze CTF now this. GJ 10/10 [SELECT ALL] Code: <iguana> grenadier or Dani any news about gema central? For others players to connect, they can either add these menu scripts (main AC/config) (main AC/scripts) then connecting to Gema Central can be found in Multiplayer -> Other Servers Do this in game: /alias gc [connect 1111 match] and connect with typing /gc Or add this string to AC startup to connect to the alternative masterserver: --init -m164.132.110.143 --masterport=28760 --mastertype=0 Thanks given by: samsattF
28 Feb 17, 07:56PM
Since when are we banning servers for inapproproate maps? Ive seen concentration camps, swastikas and other shit, but gema gets banned? Lmao please ban @camper maps first
10/10 decision
28 Feb 17, 09:41PM
(28 Feb 17, 07:56PM)Marti Wrote: Since when are we banning servers for inapproproate maps? I don't remember such old things, you have to ask driAn of flowtron. Quote:Lmao please ban @camper maps first http://forum.cubers.net/thread-2677.html - please let us know, if you'll find server with "camper" map in maprot. :)
28 Feb 17, 11:52PM
(28 Feb 17, 03:15PM)|HP| Wrote: Since i dont play anymore, i dont care. Why even make a post if you're gonna end it with this comment? (28 Feb 17, 07:56PM)Marti Wrote: gema gets banned? Lmao please ban @camper maps first This is like saying "Discrimination against women is wrong. Why not discriminate the elderly instead?". Why not end discrimination completely? Try think wider. The rule is not hard to understand. No inappropiate maps in maprot. Remove server from masterserver if you do not like it. The masterserver is a good service offered to you and you can't demand anything from it. (28 Feb 17, 09:41PM)grenadier Wrote:..Quote:Lmao please ban @camper maps first jamz ![]() Player of AC Posts: 2,141 Threads: 50 #1 26th March, 2011, 22:17 (This post was last modified: 26th February, 2017, 13:26 by grenadier. Edit Reason: forbidden bad quality maps in maprot ) .. You LIE like a litlle child. Plus, Irony is just the subterfuge of a weak mind.
01 Mar 17, 12:35AM
(28 Feb 17, 11:52PM)ExodusS Wrote:(28 Feb 17, 03:15PM)|HP| Wrote: Since i dont play anymore, i dont care. 1. So because i dont play anymore and because someone implied my friend was a liar, means i cant leave an opinion about something i was involved with for 7 years? Care "feel concern or interest; attach importance to something. "they don't care about human life" synonyms: be concerned, worry (oneself), trouble oneself, bother, mind; concern oneself with, be interested in, interest oneself in, trouble oneself with, have regard for, burden oneself with; informalgive a damn, give a hoot, give a rap, give a hang, give a tinker's curse/damn, give a monkey's, lose sleep over, get worked up "the teachers didn't seem to care about our academic work"" To be exact: I am 10% sentimental and 90% IDC. Happy? Cognitive dissonance triggers below: Thanks given by: samsattF
01 Mar 17, 12:55AM
insert rolling eyes here
yo quote function is broken af for me.
anyway "This is like saying "Discrimination against women is wrong. Why not discriminate the elderly instead?". Why not end discrimination completely? Try think wider." I'd pick fat people to discriminate. Anyway, exclusion isn't that weird, sometimes you are not allowed entry to a certain club or w/e or even a church because you are dressed inappropriate/badly. Same can go for serverlists, if you server has a bad map such as @camper (inappropriate clothes), they will be removed from the serverlist (refused entry to club/church/whatever). This is not strange at all. fakin leftist shit argument u made if this server had a nazimap in maprot, i guess it deserved the ban, you shouldn't be dumb enough to actually include stuff like that in a maprot. edit: surprised no dev has edited iguana's post yet lol
01 Mar 17, 08:51AM
we all already know.. Marti is here to:
1- increase own post numbers 2- help mods to close some threads (just talking a lot of spam contents) 3- say some cursed and swear-words its why he never will be banned. --and people.. stop post here..... it's not your game, here is not your forum... it's not a irony ;)
01 Mar 17, 12:38PM
Do you actually read and comprehend english? If you had any intellect you would understand the point I am making.
And how exactly are you helping with your posts? It's either hating on me or quoting someone and then adding one word,or you change fucking colors.. You still think I'm jamz innit idiot?
Why would iguanas post need editing?
Sure, his alternate menu is a very overdone solution for a simple problem. Just adding "personalserverlist = [ addserver iguana.bgx.ro 29760 ; addserver iguana.bgx.ro 29762 ; addserver iguana.bgx.ro 29764 ; addserver iguana.bgx.ro 29766 ; addserver iguana.bgx.ro 29768 ]" to autoexec.cfg would work much better, but who cares... And running (and advertising) his own masterserver is also no problem. It may be a problem for players, because AC clients only support one masterserver, which means, players have to choose (or at least restart the game to switch masterservers). Alternative masterservers are only a problem, if they illegally copy the list from our masterserver. Iguana doesn't do that. BTW, "Gema central" was banned for the exact same reason in the past as it got banned for now. That exact same map in rotation. By now, I have lost count in how often that server owner fucked up, promised to do better, was allowed back - and then did the same thing again. I don't recall any other server with a similarly messed up history. If it were up to me, that server would be gone for good. Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+
01 Mar 17, 08:22PM
I don't see why the devs would remove a mode that brings enjoyment to so many. Despite all appearances to the contrary they are not out to get us. No sarcasm here just keep the AC coming friends.
you guys.. Stef or Grenadier i thought had some brain here.. tampering with this AC?.. seem u just ruin the game more and more?... -grow up and listen to the players and dont kill this game as u allready have done long time ago. your saying and interrest in this game doesnt seem to benefit AC at all.. with what u are doing. and u know me.. what ever u do i complain.. heheheh! -But u should have listen LONG TIME AGO ON HANZE AND ME AND THE REST OF THE GOOD PLAYERS out there. please quit AC and do something else that suits your needs.. But dont TRY and change ac for what it IS OR HAVE BECOME.. -COS U WONT SUCCESS! -PERIOD THIS IS A HUGE SHAME ON YOU.. WINERS (DEVS) THAT cant tolerate that the game ..or EVEN see that this game is DEAD... And u guys MAKE IT EVEN WORSE! /THANKS FOR WHAT AC once WAS.. -damn shame on you guys :( I will join your masterserver iggy.. -dont worry.. make maps for it to if u need it :) a guy stubbern enought to think good of devs.. (for what purpose really?) (28 Feb 17, 07:43PM)Iguana Wrote: Thanks given by: vector
01 Mar 17, 09:53PM
01 Mar 17, 11:52PM
Update, apparently you need --init on windows for the masterserver:
--init -m164.132.110.143 --masterport=28760 --mastertype=0
02 Mar 17, 02:43AM
is it one map for 24 hours or one map for a week type deal?
02 Mar 17, 06:18AM
I didn't read 2/3 of the posts, but I've never been bothered by it. I just simply don't enter, if and when there are, other active ones. Lets be real though we have all dabbled or it would not even be a SUBJECT, but seems to be a predicate in this thread :p .
02 Mar 17, 01:14PM
shad's post makes it seem they deleted all possibility of playing gema lol
they only removed 1 server thoooooo, make a new gema server? ![]()
02 Mar 17, 01:32PM
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