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Donations 2015
Since about 1 year any donations for AssaultCube project weren't transferred, so if you could and would like to send some money for needs of infrastructure maintaining, please go to http://assault.cubers.net/download.html , click "Support this project" at the top-right corner and send the donation.
Donations will be destined to maintaining master server, website, forum etc.

Thanks in advance. :)
Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+ , X-Ray_Dog This user is a dev/forum admin
Why give money to a project that doesn't attract new players?
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(26 Dec 15, 09:51PM)Graziano Wrote: Why give money to a project that doesn't attract new players?

What money do you think AC runs with ?
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Sorry, i can't donate, but i can ofer resources.
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am lost on this ?

so if someone donates where does it go and who has it. or if one donates its it just for the forum etc idk

also gratz that is not a nice reply at all. There are new players. Ok not as much as some would hope but the game is changing so try and be helpful.

perhaps we need a break down on whats happening in AC.

Sorry for my syntax....... xd

But there are people who will give ideas and more if it is transparent.
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AssaultCube is an open-source project, making it difficult to gather funds..let alone support the developers behind it. Like most open-source project, it depends on donations from its users. AssaultCube is an application where users kill time. There may be some more dedicated players who extend the game with mods and whatnot, but when it comes to actually donating (hard-earned?) money, I think people would prioritize other utilities in their life over something they use to kill a few hours a day. Other than donations, the only attempt I've seen is running ads, but who doesn't run AdBlock these days?

If everyone who visited this forum this month chipped in $5 (about $700), it would barely cover the cost of the server used to host all the resources (forum, masterserver, website) for a year. It just bothers me seeing people not appreciate the work done by the group of people who've held the legs keeping this project up.
Nice break down casius....spelt it right this time.

Ok will speak to you this week Gren. I will donate

But I will be harressing members I know to do the same xd

psst i do have an idea..............

did i see an advertising space at the entry into the forum........hmmm
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That wait page is operated by CloudFlare, the devs have no way to modify it, unless they are a business/enterprise customer. But again, who doesn't have AdBlock? :p
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I am doing my best xd wait see

I will pm with my results soon.......

yes cannon you can contribute ...........stop using the shotty xd
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(28 Dec 15, 01:08AM)Casius Wrote: But again, who doesn't have AdBlock? :p

I don't have ad blocker... A lot of sites make money with ads...
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Someone people are nice and either disable it on certain sites or just don't have it installed at all. My statement was more of a generalization. I try to click on ads here whenever I can/remember, I encourage more to do the same.
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(28 Dec 15, 01:08AM)Casius Wrote: But again, who doesn't have AdBlock? :p

Pretty much everyone.
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but AC is going just fine without donations for 1 year....
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(29 Dec 15, 08:47AM)vermi2 Wrote: but AC is going just fine without donations for 1 year....

How do you know it is going fine?  No donations means money out of pocket.
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I agree with Cassius.. We cannot expect this to run infinitely with no funding.
So if we were to get say a games mouse retailer to advertise here how could that be done.
Just something I am toying with.
Its pretty obvious the community cannot contribute. Most of them do not earn enough. Even if they did I doubt they have Paypal, in order to make that payment.
Also I always like to think that AC is a place for people to play, and not worry about subscriptions etc. If you ask to much they might as well go to Steam.
I did speak to XRD a while back about banners etc. But it seems it would be difficult to set up.
Maybe in the script on the MS it diverts you to a screen for a moment to advertise. IDK.

I once went to a site. It had a slider to the left that displayed status of donations. How much is needed and how much has been donated. The only part I did not like is that it displayed who had donated and how much. For me its a personal thing and not for anyone to know who donated what.
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The donators need to know the deadline of new version and what will be implemented?

How to save some money?
Web hosting and forum by free providers.
Akimbo is wasting time and Money. Web Is full of cloud providers, you need links.
HD textures for Money.
Custom map pack with models fór Money.
Woop klient Is wasting time and it Is just CV bullshit. AC needs online couches, admins, like Shadow, strong moderated servers fór New competitive players.
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(29 Dec 15, 07:02PM)Alien Wrote: The donators need to know the deadline of new version and what will be implemented?
Not really, since the money isn't dedicated to the development, it is spent to run the services.

(29 Dec 15, 07:02PM)Alien Wrote: How to save some money?
First i can tell you we obviously asked ourselves this question since it is our money that finances the game (mostly)
(29 Dec 15, 07:02PM)Alien Wrote: Web hosting and forum by free providers.
Common from know-it-alls to believe that there can be such a thing as 100% free system.
(29 Dec 15, 07:02PM)Alien Wrote: Akimbo is wasting time and Money. Web Is full of cloud providers, you need links.
Akimbo hasn't received a single penny of donations since its beginning. I've paid for it myself the whole time after the upgrade, except for a few months paid by Cleaner (and it meant a lot of him), and the mirroring servers even though its not their single task (they aren't rent specifically for that). And akimbo does not only serve static files, so what you're suggesting would actually require another layer and more work.
(29 Dec 15, 07:02PM)Alien Wrote: Woop klient Is wasting time and it Is just CV bullshit.
Again you're showing how unrespectful, arrogant and clueless you are, thanks. Talking shit about those who work on the game won't help improving it.
(29 Dec 15, 07:02PM)Alien Wrote: AC needs online couches, admins, like Shadow, strong moderated servers fór New competitive players.
Completely clueless, again.

That addresses to both you and grazy: the game needs money to RUN, and thats the only thing the donations are here for. IF you want this game to live, and if you have a bit of money, you can donate and it will be very appreciated. But it is not an investment, it does not benefit to someone in particular, it only pays for the servers so that all the players like you and me can play and so you can talk on the forums (still doesnt mean you should talk shit 24h/24 about us though).

And by the way i don't want to spend my time thinking about how to make money from this game. I despise advertising. I've ran AC servers for money for a while and it was good while it lasted http://forum.cubers.net/thread-7135.html (when i owned the domain name assaultcu.be, which is now casius property as you know) but i prefer to put my time and efforts on the game itself.
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The site runs ads no? Everytime i visit it on my phone theres an advertisementbanner on the bottom of the page lol
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(30 Dec 15, 12:58PM)Marti Wrote: The site runs ads no? Everytime i visit it on my phone theres an advertisementbanner on the bottom of the page lol

No idea, i'm using adblock. And I don't host the forums so there's no connection with this site potentially using ads and my post.
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it was a rather late reply to cassius mentioning running ads
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Ok I think we all are beginning to understand the make up of Ac. In the sense that who is doing what etc.
I am grateful for that info, as I sometimes wonder what if people just gave up on this project. I prefer to call it an achievement rather than project, heyo.
(Perhaps there is a new blog for the website to be set up by someone. I for one would find it interesting reading. I never knew either that Akimbo was seperate to AC, Ref Alien)

As I said I will donate but it will be in two weeks when I have finished my commitments elsewhere. But what I donate is personal as it always has been.
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Come on ...It should be for Beer for devs, not for running services ... running ms shoudn cost much.

the same Spirit of moderation was in 40+ servers, the same is on gema servers (contact with map creator is amazing), i can show you many examples from ac history, my servers during my studies had 20 people everyday online with my moderation, the same it was with perros servers, i am just saying what works damn, i am not clueless. Ac needs more players.

sorry if i touched you, whatever i say, doesnt matter, it must work, it matters, but i think you should focus
On something another.

Happy new year ...
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yes perros' servers had great moderation lmfao
Thanks given by: MPx
hell this is not helpful...............
this thread has now turned into a fiasco.

can we start from afresh

I may add this should be all put into a section for established users....... It does not bode well for AC community to see this. I also note that we have no input apart from europe in this ........hmmmm....... waiting to see. South America where are you ?
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It's easy - donate what you can if it suits you. There really isn't an argument or discussion to be had.
I will say that, if you can spare a few dollars for a Steam sale, maybe think about sending a few dollars towards keeping the services running here next time.

If you don't see the worth in sparing a few bucks to the cause, then don't. =)
Thanks given by: Casius
yes your right as always.

people pay for what they want. or can afford.......... no point in arguing is there.
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Ads seems to keep coming up so let me show you something.

Here is what the ad revenue looks like this week as of the mentioning of the ads:

This is what it normally looks like from last month:

And from last year:

In other words, page views have gone down and the ads very much don't generate enough to pay for hosting. HOWEVER, they are expected to pay out soon (Set minimum limit by google) that will pay for the next 6 months (Because I've been paying out of pocket the last year).

As Lucas has said, no one collects any money for themselves; all donations are purely for hosting and what is donated isn't even enough for that, although I do appreciate those who do donate. It isn't very expensive to run the ac services nowadays but once you pay for everything for a year by yourself, it kind of is.

Lucas, do you have a donation thing for akimbo?
Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+
(30 Dec 15, 10:53AM)Luc@s Wrote: Akimbo hasn't received a single penny of donations since its beginning. I've paid for it myself the whole time after the upgrade, except for a few months paid by Cleaner (and it meant a lot of him)
I have the upmost respect for your dedication on keeping on running the whole shubbeng mate, now that I'm back I will PM you to sort some payback during the week. I ain't swimming in a pool of banknotes either but hey, just a few less beers a week down the pub can change a lot... Both myself and Akimbo will be healthier!!!

(01 Jan 16, 03:37AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: Lucas, do you have a donation thing for akimbo?
Indeed a Donate button on Akimbo could be way easier and may influence players to do so (if you don't see such button you wouldn't even think about donation would you?). At the end of the day every single AC player has or will use Akimbo at some point.

To finish... Donate whatever you want or can, there has never been a minimum amount accepted, even a few bucks/quids/euros/pesetas or whatever helps.
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Smiles... Really nice to hear from you Cleaner.

Same here now need to have the donations button on show so that I can start my donations.

I have decided my own ideas of what I will do throughout the year. But As I have said to XRD in past if I can I will always help.
Off topic this but I saw something the other day xd. Do you know where the word sniper comes from.
It was the British Grenadiers, who used to go out and shoot birds (Snipes) and hence the word Sniper was formed. Weird but True.
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Click here to Donate to the AssaultCube Project
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