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[Main Event] List of Referees and Application
Current list of referees:

Application Form
In-Game Name:
ACWC Team:
Why would you make a good ref:
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules?
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Do you have to participate in acwc to be a ref?
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Since you kinda hinted about it to me on IRC... :D

In-Game Name: vanquish / vanqu1sh
Clan: rC
ACWC Team: UK (probably)
Why would you make a good ref: I've been a referee in previous ACWCs, and even co-hosted a successful ACWC tournament along with Harrek. To my knowledge, nobody has complained about me or my refereeing "skills" any of these times. I can also kill two birds in one stone by refereeing and streaming a game at the same time.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Yes ofc. :D
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We'll find out, Marti. ;) I don't see why, as a player wouldn't be able to ref their own game.
Application Form
In-Game Name: B}Nightmare
Clan: B}
ACWC Team: None.
Why would you make a good ref: Going on 5 years as an AC player this Fall. Have ran several tournaments in the past, have played loads of clan matches. Extremely active & available.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules: Yes.
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In-Game Name: xemi
Clan: .rC|
Why would you make a good ref: Because I have years of experience playing ac and I am reliable.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules: Yes
Thanks given by:
In-Game Name: EndGame
Clan: =MyS=
ACWC Team: Chile
Why would you make a good ref: I've been ref in past ACWC without any problems.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Yes.
Thanks given by:
In-Game Name: abyss
Clan: =MyS? (trial)
ACWC Team: #BRA|
Why would you make a good ref: I have experience and I am active and reliable player
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Yes
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(06 Jun 15, 11:31AM)Marti Wrote: Do you have to participate in acwc to be a ref?

Well, you'd be participating as a ref. =P Basically, you can't ref your own team.
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In-Game Name: HoeHunter
Clan: |FaD|
Why would you make a good ref: I have admin on multiple servers, know all the commands, and am unbiased
DO you agree to abide by the referee rules? Yes
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Accepted vanquish, nightmare, xemi, endgame, hoehunter.

Can someone vouch for abyss? jamz is gone so I can't verify his history through the usual means.
Thanks given by:
In-Game Name: fantasma
Clan: B}
ACWC Team: None that I am aware of
Why would you make a good ref: I'm usually on about 15 hours a day so am rather active
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Si senor
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Accepted phaNtom
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In-Game Name: quico
Clan: *[BRC]*
ACWC Team: Peninsulta Ibérica
Why would you make a good ref: Active, reliable and I'd been referee in others tours and in other games.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Yes, I do.
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I see racial profiling..:p

In-Game Name: al3rt
Clan: 3i
Why would you make a good ref: Im not studying law.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Yes
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What racial profiling? If nobody knows the guy, I need someone to vouch for his character. quico's going to be a ref. Just have to sort out his team deal.
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name: Dog{TyD}Dancing
clan: tyd
team: none atm
Why would you make a good ref: active(irc&ac) I've played for....to long to say without sounding old..but know the game and some players.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Yes
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DD has been approved. abyss has been taken off the ref list. I finally got a reference and it was not a good one.
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name: shadz/oracle
clan: B}
team: none (South Asia? lol)
Why would you make a good ref: active (IRC & TS), reliable, have refereed before for last ACWC (and one other, i think larry's), been around for a while. Also I'm in Asia for most of the summer, so I should be able to ref for games involving teams in Europe, Australia, (and South Asia?).
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? Yes
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epic list. i dont want to criticize you mousikos because you are doing a hard work and i know its not easy and i wont be able to do what you are doing. but let me just disagree here. i think you are under pressure and you are afraid to said no to some people who are kinda well known in the community. so let me say it for you.

- some country should be representated too (ie brasil).
- we cant allow usa to represent half of the refs (1-2 per country should be enough)
- we dont need 50 admins because they are almost useless (see previous acwc, if there is any problem anyway, demos will be taken and refs wont decide shit)

So why did you refuse the only brazilian trying to be ref? I mean abyss. why? srsly, oracle and nightmare said me no about a thousand time when i was asking for cms in 1.1. a sudden interest in competitive? And just saying but ive never seen dogdancing in 5 years (but Im sure he is actively playing pubs once a month).
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refs need a clean background and mousikos reference/source obviously said he didnt, assuming the source was reliable ofc.
and just because they dont play competitively as often as you doesnt mean they shouldnt be refs, actually all the more reason too.
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even though i agree with this list below, for the love of god stop trying to be the new ac drama queen.

(09 Jun 15, 11:40PM)Halte Wrote: - some country should be representated too (ie brasil).
- we cant allow usa to represent half of the refs (1-2 per country should be enough)
- we dont need 50 admins (1-2 per country/zone should be enough)

So why did you refuse the only brazilian trying to be ref? I mean abyss. why? srsly, oracle and nightmare said me no about a thousand time when i was asking for cms in 1.1. a sudden interest in competitive? And just saying but ive never seen dogdancing in 5 years (but Im sure he is actively playing pubs once a month).

he refused abyss because he got a negative referral, does he need to elaborate more for you? and i understand very well that someone who e.g. plays on a trackpad doesnt feel like getting rekt in a cm all the time, though he still wants to be involved in the competitive community, if he cant do it by playing, he does it by organizing and leading stuff. big deal man lol, i thought ac drama was over for a bit and now you are back posting crap.
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i see abyss on ts and play with him sometimes. whats your problem with him? easy to say shit hiding behind a 'source'.

a clean background? yeah whateva... there is no whiteknight here. xemi will make a good ref and i personally never suspected him about anything but i wont say he has a clean background for everyone. i mean thats very subjective. some people will say he used a wallhack and some people will remember him using the bind (now forbidden).

always saying no to a clan match is not sometimes. and i think you need to play competitively quite a bit to be ref. i still remember spamma trying to blacklist me for rifle sprinting.

the number of ref from the usa and uk compared to the number of ref from brasil is also a problem you chosed to ignore in your brilliant answer.

EDIT marti :
lol ac drama is coming back with me? when I went afk jamz and stef (almost the only coding dev) were still here. watchout marti you are derailling the thread. the topic is about refs !
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ironic how you're talking about clean backgrounds while your's isn't clean either lol.

i didnt ignore the ref thing, read my first line above the quote, so i dont derail a thread. nice try m9

i'm pretty sure lozi or hitman would get a positive referral
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I regret that I had to remove abyss off the referee list. This has nothing to do with the fact that he is Brazillian. I do, however, thank you very much for mentioning the disproportionate amount of US referees. It was an aspect I had not noticed.

To elucidate on abyss, I regret to say that I am currently not able to use my usual source because, to my knowledge, he is no longer in this game. Abyss was originally accepted as a referee because no one had a negative character reference. However, one came in the day I accepted him and I regert not waiting a bit longer. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he is from Brazil.

Regarding the lack of Brazillian referees, I regret that I cannot elect referees. Therefore, I am only able to wait for people to apply. abyss was the only Brazillian applicant, however because he had a bad reference he is not eligible this year. I told him that if he is interested in being a ref and I am hosting next year, I would love to get to know him better so that I myself can give him a reference next year. So to put this matter to rest, if you would like to be a ref for ACWC and you are Brazillian, please apply.

Also, I've gotten a positive referral for xemi for an earlier event from the former source. If there is evidence of xemi's foul play, please submit it. Otherwise, I'd appreciate it if one of my ref's weren't singled out without proof.

With regards to Marti's suggestions, I can personally vouch for lozi. I believe I've gotten a referral for h1tman before, but I'd have to check.
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10/10, will not disturb anymore. i have the feeling i have been listened. ty mousikos, keep doing a great job. im glad some of my concern were actually taken into account. hope i wasnt to harsh expressing myself (not my mother tongue).

@marti : lol yeah, just noticed, my bad.
Thanks given by:
In-Game Name: 1Cap
Clan: Pi_
ACWC Team: none
Why would you make a good ref: because I care about the future of the game and I have experience in matchs
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? yes
Thanks given by:
In-Game Name: Harrek
Clan: w00p
ACWC Team: Fra|
Why would you make a good ref: I've been a referee in the past editions and I have some experience with the acwc.
Do you agree to abide by all the referee rules? yes
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Accepted 1Cap and Harrek.
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''however because he had a bad reference he is not eligible this year.'' I've always been a good reference,do not know who said that not a good reference ,I was always very polite with people.
I would like to look at other people's opinions
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