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AC Match Client
We were asked many times to make AC more competitive. Many players indeed claimed that AC lacked rules and features for this kind of gameplay and the development was too much "public game" oriented.
10 days ago, i started to work on a modded version of the game thats tries to solve this problem.
Here are the features :
  • /pause and /resume commands to call a vote for pausing or resuming the game
  • /autopause (0|1) and /autoresume (0|1) to toggle autopause and autoresume on or off. These features automatically stop or resume the game in case a player leaves or join the server back.
  • /halftime (0|1) to toggle half time for following games. If it is enabled, the game will pause for 15 seconds at half time and teams will be swapped.
  • /sortteams to sort teams by clan tags
  • /switchteams to swap CLA and RVSF
  • Restricted list of map/modes. The current list can be found at the end of this post.
  • Overview spectate mode fixed and enabled without having to use /spectatemode 6
  • onHit, onAttack removed (because they were abused and did not fit AC competitive spirit). Debugging features removed.
  • unnecessary features removed
  • country flags
  • ability to see players through walls while watching a demo
More is to come.
Dev stage
  • 14/01/2015: first experimental phase.
  • 17/01/2015: client update
Download How to play
1) Download the installer/ZIP corresponding to your operating system (see "Download")
2) Follow the installing instructions. By default, it won't overwrite your first AC installation.
3) If you want to use the same settings as for your first AC installation, you need to copy config/saved.cfg from Documents/AssaultCube_v1.2 if you first installed AC in multi user mode or from your installation directory in the other case to Documents/MatchClient_v1.2 or the newly created installation directory depending on what type of installation you chose for the matchclient.
  • /connect woop.ac 1337

Dev Server
Requires the latest client, only for players with private access
  • /connect woop.ac 8999
(both are reporting to woop.ac but you can't get the demos for now)
  • For now, this mod does not contain any anticheat feature
  • The gameplay is not changed. You can use this client on regular server without any difference.
  • The client was barely tested. It also includes other changes made to AC since its release. Expect bugs, but please, if you are having any issue, report it here.
I hope you will enjoy play-testing it.
Special thanks
Drakas and Sanzo for their advice.
Redbull, Million, and others for testing it.
Thanks given by:
Current list of match allowed map and mode combinations

// teammodes

// TDM
addmapmode 0 ac_arctic
addmapmode 0 ac_complex
addmapmode 0 ac_desert
addmapmode 0 ac_gothic
addmapmode 0 ac_ingress
addmapmode 0 ac_douze

addmapmode 4 ac_arctic
addmapmode 4 ac_desert
addmapmode 4 ac_gotic
addmapmode 4 ac_ingress

// CTF
addmapmode 5 ac_depot
addmapmode 5 ac_desert3
addmapmode 5 ac_elevation
addmapmode 5 ac_gothic
addmapmode 5 ac_industrial
addmapmode 5 ac_ingress
addmapmode 5 ac_mines
addmapmode 5 ac_power
addmapmode 5 ac_shine
addmapmode 5 ac_sunset
addmapmode 5 ac_swamp
addmapmode 5 ac_urban

addmapmode 11 ac_arctic
addmapmode 11 ac_desert
addmapmode 11 ac_gothic
addmapmode 11 ac_ingress
addmapmode 11 ac_snow

// HTF
addmapmode 13 ac_desert3
addmapmode 13 ac_elevation
addmapmode 13 ac_shine
addmapmode 13 ac_sunset
addmapmode 13 ac_swamp

// 1vs1

// DM
addmapmode 2 ac_arctic
addmapmode 2 ac_complex
addmapmode 2 ac_desert
addmapmode 2 ac_gothic
addmapmode 2 ac_douze

addmapmode 3 ac_arctic
addmapmode 3 ac_desert
addmapmode 3 ac_gothic
addmapmode 3 ac_douze

addmapmode 10 ac_arctic
addmapmode 10 ac_desert
addmapmode 10 ac_gothic
addmapmode 10 ac_douze
Thanks given by:
(14 Jan 15, 02:21PM)Luc@s Wrote:
  • /halftime (0|1) to toggle half time for following games. If it is enabled, the game will pause for 15 seconds at half time and teams will be swapped.
I'm taking it that this is 15 minutes halves?

Seems pretty cool, I'll check it out.
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This looks overly sick. Wish there was a linux version.
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(15 Jan 15, 03:50AM)Orynge Wrote: I'm taking it that this is 15 minutes halves?

Seems pretty cool, I'll check it out.

7.5 minute halves for a 15 minute game, 5 minute halves for a 10 minute game, etc.

i'm thankful that you've taken the time to add some features that are necessary for competitive gameplay but have been absent from AC for the past 999 years.

however, i don't like that you're telling us what map/mode combinations are acceptable for competitive gameplay. i also don't like that we can only use these necessary features on your servers only. why not give out server binaries to all the other match servers? unless you're trying to make AC a completely euro-centric game (your 'match league' is entirely on euro servers, whats that about?), i don't see why this would be out of the question.
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great work, i will test tomorrow.

is there a way to apply the client-side hitdrop fix seeing as it's closed servers?

that would be choice.

thank the lord spectatemode 6 is gone

also, US servers would also be choice. thanks for all the work.
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Thank you for the options but are you fucking kidding me when you say the game is too "public oriented"? Really? Damn. Let me tell the 20 or so players who're still here that they need to chill. God forbid we see a match over 3v3 or let alone.. 4!! Holy mackerel my keyboard just exploded. I typed 4 and match in the same sentence and KABOOM. I'll be typing via stone tablet from now on. Sorry if takes me a good year or two 'twixt comments.

These are great options but the way you're adding them isn't right. Add them because they ADD to the gameplay and NOT because the game is too "pub oriented". Without pubs you don't have players. Without players? We want to talk a truly competitive game let's talk chess.
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(15 Jan 15, 06:15AM)Waffles Wrote: great work, i will test tomorrow.

is there a way to apply the client-side hitdrop fix seeing as it's closed servers?

that would be choice.

thank the lord spectatemode 6 is gone

also, US servers would also be choice. thanks for all the work.

there is no more hitdrop issue. what are you trying to fix ?
what might happen is that sometimes, the hitsound is dropped. i made a slight change which could fix it.
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please merge it with official version and put these changes in /match mode.
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an update version will be released soon. it will include the removal of more unnecessary features and bug fixes. but before i'd like feedback on the usability.
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please un-bl me onn w00p servers lucas mate im sorry i mean it
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Can this be available for Mac?
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(15 Jan 15, 05:35AM)Undead Wrote: why not give out server binaries to all the other match servers? unless you're trying to make AC a completely euro-centric game (your 'match league' is entirely on euro servers, whats that about?), i don't see why this would be out of the question.


and as soon as i be able to play i 'll give feedback :) but great iniciative .
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Nice to see pause, half-time side switching and some bug fixes that affect competitive play a lot.

I know this is being done with w00p not the development team. I think we need to be careful that w00p don't control competitive AC too much. For instance, there's obviously a lot of potential for bias in the map selection. Also currently Mac and Linux can't play and there are only w00p servers. For these reasons I'd suggest that you open source the code and eventually merge it back into the main AC code base.
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Add werk in ctf \ö/
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(16 Jan 15, 07:32PM)Marti Wrote: Add werk in ctf \ö/

or better yet, just remove the restrictions for what's considered an acceptable map/mode? I feel like a lot of this is very subjective (werk is far more playable than industrial in matches - also I see no TKTF urban/power, Oracle and I are devastated) and also prevents people from playtesting custom maps, which is something I think should be encouraged rather than discouraged, especially amongst competitive players.

It's pretty great that someone finally managed to implement a working pause feature though, it's been badly needed.
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(16 Jan 15, 06:24PM)Roflcopter Wrote: For these reasons I'd suggest that you open source the code and eventually merge it back into the main AC code base.

larry we think the same sometimes.

(16 Jan 15, 07:32PM)Marti Wrote: Add werk in ctf \ö/

only if we get rid of those fucking rails first.
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(16 Jan 15, 09:26PM)Vanquish Wrote: also I see no TKTF urban/power, Oracle and I are devastated
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For some reason on this client Gothics lighting is all fucked up.
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(17 Jan 15, 07:04AM)*LuCk* Wrote: For some reason on this client Gothics lighting is all fucked up.

I thought I was going mental.
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(17 Jan 15, 08:38AM)hgf-arg Wrote:
(17 Jan 15, 07:04AM)*LuCk* Wrote: For some reason on this client Gothics lighting is all fucked up.

I thought I was going mental.

Guess what w00p will pick when you play a cm vs them on this client :D :D
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(17 Jan 15, 07:04AM)*LuCk* Wrote: For some reason on this client Gothics lighting is all fucked up.

fixed already
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A new update is available !
It includes a few bug fixes and the removal of unneeded features (editmode, bots, and a few cubescript commands)
Download link :

Beta (Windows)
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(17 Jan 15, 10:06PM)Luc@s Wrote: It includes a few bug fixes and the removal of unneeded features (editmode, bots, and a few cubescript commands)

What CubeScript commands precicely?

Also, any chance of a linux build and/or server binaries?
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Can I host a server for a closer-to-the-us server?
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Lucas provided this as a woop and not as a Dev. I think it's because the whole clan is involved into the project (servers, website) so I have no problem with that personally.

But I must agree that if the client include new competitive features and if he is that good for match, all clans should be able to use it the way they want. If they can't, they won't use it, as Larry asked and it's a shame because it seems to be something needed since a long time.

Can't try it atm but the flags on the ACWC client scoreboard were awesome. Please bring them back. I was disappointed not seeing them on the 1.2 scoreboard.
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Is it for linux too?
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Country flags will be included in the next release !
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(16 Jan 15, 03:23PM)Mise Wrote: Can this be available for Mac?

I have not answered this already, but here is the thing :
there is still a lot of work to be done and i cannot guarantee mac support (no environment for that and not willing to spend too much time on it).
regarding linux, i can package it by myself. as long as i am not introducing platform dependent changes, i will do it. this is not really the case anymore since the last update i wrote, because of a change that avoids to start a new game process if AC is already running when you click an assaultcube:// link.
So far, only RK offered his help so again, unfortunately, at the moment, i'd say only windows client will be available with all the features and linux client will also be available but without some minor features.
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A new update is available. It includes :
 * Country flags
 * /wallhack command while watching demos
 * Several bug fixes and optimizations

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