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1.2 has so many bugs that need to be fixed...
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(15 Feb 14, 09:13PM)Mousikos Wrote: Sure, no more sound bug but I still have that weird-ass crash no one else seems to get...

Have you tried compiling yourself?

(16 Feb 14, 01:52AM)Jg99 Wrote: 1.2 has so many bugs that need to be fixed...

Thank you for your insight we were all unaware.
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Insert more complains here..
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(16 Feb 14, 02:57AM)PhaNtom Wrote: Thank you for your insight we were all unaware.

[Image: obvious.jpg]
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(16 Feb 14, 01:52AM)Jg99 Wrote: 1.2 has so many bugs that need to be fixed...

Please make a list.
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(15 Feb 14, 05:06AM)EndGame Wrote: This is getting interesting. Please, teach us more.
Sorry EndGame, my post was intended to be ironic. We are, after all, in the depths of "Offtopic".

(15 Feb 14, 07:00PM)Waffles Wrote: I would argue the opposite jamz. Time to kill has increased...slowed the gameplay of ac considerably...
...You've got mid-skill players crushing face because they can grab a kevlar, sit and wait...
Maybe these are the issues I have. I don't think I've changed my basic style since my early days of playing CTF, always rushing for the flag regardless of what else is happening. The better players are being better rewarded for patience and level-headedness.
Quote:There are many great features in 1.2 dont get me wrong, i think the devs have added many great things, but the actual game play has suffered considerably.
Would you agree with Brett? He said, in #assaultcube, that it's not arcade-style any more.
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I dont think that's a leap i agree with but it has certainly moved that direction without a doubt.

When the choice was made to make AR weaker instead of the other guns stronger the game slowed. When armor was buffed the game was slowed. I think you should be rewarded for patience and controlling armor, but not at the cost of speed. The new version has changed the meta game so much away from even the past two versions it's kind of absurd. I also think the full ramifications couldnt be realized until release.
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I don't think the new version is that bad. The new weapon balance seems pretty good and the entire version remembers me to 1.0.4. I only see two problems. The servers are laggy as shit and I haven't met anyone I know from old days. I've met Damiahn, Benson and some TyD guy I can't remember his name at the moment. That's it. Besides that I think this version is great.
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i would rather read
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It really wasn't that bad last time I played it
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Very lag - much!
Are all with lag ... lag with servers and players with lag!
But the Europe-USA axis is ok.

[Image: 20111212_001840_ac_aqueous_CTF.jpg~original]
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[Image: x2v3fpaqx42n.jpg]
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I'd say weapon balance is good right now, but as Waffles said, buffing other weapons instead of making AR weaker would probably have been a better idea.
Right now I don't think AR is worth being picked over SMG or sniper. However, I find enjoyable the fact that we now see lots of different weapons in game, not only ARs, and also the fact that we, now, can pick sniper in public and actually do fine and instead of getting smashed by AR players.

What jamz described is true I believe, skill now actually matters when you play. Before, some people could just run and shoot straight with AR without the need to think, position or even pick armor and they'd have a chance to kill you even though your skill would be superior (ask Vanquish how annoyed he was bout it)

Now, it seems that in a 1v1, if your better than your opponent and you do the necessary, you will have the edge and it's not just a slight edge. Unlike in the previous version, you now actually have to aim & position good, to get kills and have an advantage.
That also leads to recognizing when someone is better than you in a 1v1, I played a pub game last week and there was only one guy in the opposing team who was standing out and when we'd meet, the duel would always be close or I'd die. This guy happened to be Benson, who still really isn't out of shape and still has a great aim.
My point is that now you can obviously see when a player is good and when his skill level is over the average (which was no always the case before)

I still get sound bug quite often but apparently, it can be resolved by renaming a file so I'll try. Other than that, pubs quality are worse than I've seen in a long time...
Before half of the servers were filled with camper@camper & gemas which I think is fine, but this half represented 10-15 servers.
Right now theres 5-10 active servers in total and if you want a server with a decent map rotation & mode (CTF, official maps imo) you only have choice between 2 or 3 servers.

The competitive scene has pretty much disappeared, you only see some brazilian clans or 45| players eventually.
When many competitive players posted here about releasing the new version and the urge of the new version otherwise they'd leave because the game was dead, welp, they were ignored.
And now look at the result, to quote some guy from a pub game "This game has become a ghost game now..."

I may get a lot of hate, but in the end, I believe the competitive side of AC made the game active, the game won't die because there will always be randoms to play a pub once or twice in a week.
But those who made the game grow, get known, active and who even brought new players to try it were mainly those we could call "competitive players", and they'd help pulling the game higher because it was the game they loved.
Ever since they're gone, I don't think there's a promising future for AC, like Undead said, there are other types of games that are just more rewarding in terms of activity, graphics, competitiveness etc...

It's kinda sad to see that, because I really thought AC had something particular & special that we couldve exploit and make AssaultCube a special game that could get famous and be recognized, but I guess this is all ruined.

I think we can mainly thank Lucas, who did a great job and had a great part into this, gj "developpers".

PS : Sorry for the long post but eh, I don't come here often so...
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(07 Mar 14, 06:26PM)DamDam Wrote: It's kinda sad to see that, because I really thought AC had something particular & special that we couldve exploit and make AssaultCube a special game that could get famous and be recognized, but I guess this is all ruined.

i shared the same view a time ago. my attempts to change the direction of the game were ignored. the devs preferred to be complacent with the status quo, there was and still is no motivation to reform.
and then, you have AC as it is today.
this is a collective effort by the devs and associates, not just one person. to become complacent like this is the mark of foolery.
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getting 'attempting to connect' when trying to connect to any and every server in the server list. Happens on both computers I've installed AC on frequently.
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make a thread in Help, Hellspell
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