13 Feb 14, 09:30AM
Hows 1.2 been treating you?
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13 Feb 14, 09:30AM
Hows 1.2 been treating you?
...like a whore. And I just keep on walking the same corner....
13 Feb 14, 09:42AM
That can be interpreted in various ways.
13 Feb 14, 10:19AM
to be honest, terribly
13 Feb 14, 11:42AM
Pretty terribly. Pubs are too laggy to play on.
13 Feb 14, 12:17PM
Finally the question came !
I was anxious to wait. - I believe , as I have already said in another post , that most players had their ping increased . I thought even that was an exclusion of peripheral players who were out of the US- Europe axis. The same servers have a ping higher than in the previous version . But the problem is not only about ping , the lag spikes are absurd . - I did everything I was here in the forum but I keep losing sound during the game . - The competitive landscape of clans no longer exists. - I do not find more super players . But when the player has less than 100 ping he gets absurdly ahead . - Players with ping higher than 280 can not play properly . - Thinking globally I believe this version is the worst of all so far. ideas : Create a new game mode . The one with the field of flags .... one that is necessary to keep several areas ... Remove team pistol mode ;) Put the flags in Douze again. ( important! ) Create space for the clans within the official forum of the game . Make differentiated flags for beginners , regular and pro players in servers . Example : In yellow, servers to beginners players . (You can easily determine if the player is beginner ... ) Orange, regular and red to pros . **think outside the box.** I like the " random " balancing of weapons . I have seen quite a variety of maps , this is good . (13 Feb 14, 12:17PM)1Cap Wrote: - The competitive landscape of clans no longer exists. lucas' dream fulfilled no australians, no AC
13 Feb 14, 12:42PM
Well thats unfortunate, hopefully we can fix the lag issues asap. :/
13 Feb 14, 12:45PM
That can be interpreted in various ways.
13 Feb 14, 01:24PM
Blame anticheat
13 Feb 14, 03:03PM
Weapon Balancing is better. I have no problems with lag. Auto team still annoys me. Dat sound glitch. Pretty balanced for me..
13 Feb 14, 03:10PM
1cap for dev
13 Feb 14, 03:38PM
(13 Feb 14, 03:03PM)MykeGregory Wrote: You can easily fix the soundbug by renaming openal32_RemoveThisPartToUseOpenAL to openal32... I haven't had a soundbug once, and haven't had a spam in my console when it would've happened. Also everything what myke said about 1.2 @Bukz. :>
13 Feb 14, 04:11PM
Or just switch to Linux...
13 Feb 14, 04:29PM
(13 Feb 14, 03:03PM)MykeGregory Wrote: This is my exact feeling, I did not play a competitive game, only pubs and I never saw those "constant high pings" or IDK how you described it, only a few lags-pikes that are not annoying and were probably coming from the "shitty" (and only) server that offered a decent map in a decent mode. I'd add the fact there are far less players in publics, because of this, there is only and constantly a single server that offers an interesting map/mode combo, apparently, more devs add maps to the official packages, less are played, 90% of the maps are ac_power and ac_shine. The public scene is much more enjoyable for two main reasons. -The first one is the weapon balance that is far more balanced than any other AC version, the sniper and the smg are both the two more powerfull weapons but they need to be mastered a bit before the user is able to make some decent kill strikes, plus those two weapons are offering a more interesting gameplay and possibilities than the previous OP weapon wich was the AR. Because of this, I can see a carabine or two, and also a few snipers and smg's in all games so the new balance is clearly a success in public games. -The second one is about the hit-drops issues, I have apparently a way better accuracy with the SMG, out of the fact there is probably less spread, I see my targets are not mapmodels for once, and it's very enjoyable, I feel a serious difference. The auto-team system is still an issue because it almost always force the best player in the other team, but this player made his previous team won, why does he deserve to be in the worst team always? The autoteam should allow 6 vs 8 games as long as it's the best way to make teams fairs without forcing a player. Forcing a player that has a lot of points should be the last option for the server, but somewhere I understand that it must be hard to code something like this because there are a lot of conditions to put in the code, and the actual autoteam does not really count what we can see from the scoreboard IIRC, it's about the 5 last minutes or something.
13 Feb 14, 11:38PM
For me pubs are not so great because of only a few reasons
1. getting stuck on to your teammates clip 2. getting killed or wounded by your teammates all the time (best when you are one inch from scoring a flag) 3. autoteam sucks balls Also, people in pubs have naturally switched to using SMG more then AR! I see a few snipers, same as in 1.1... rest are all Shotgun/SMG. Before was AR/Shotgun. Oh and there are a few hipsters with carbine.
14 Feb 14, 01:20AM
14 Feb 14, 03:12AM
Pretty good.
14 Feb 14, 06:04AM
Tbh I can't relle say, I had very little proper playing time between massive lag spikes and hit-drops to form an opinion on the matter...
14 Feb 14, 07:06AM
I've been out of the loop for a while, anyone know why we're having problems with lag?
i personally find the lag far worse than any previous version but i'm enjoying being able to kill with sniper again
EDIT: forgot to mention the quality of pubs is worse than ever before, atm online i have the option of either some camper map, a gema or douze osok with 2 other players
I'm not sure if the Devs can simulate the game with lag . This to test how the game is . I can say that is quite different to play with ping less than 100 and play with high ping . With the high ping the game is completely pointless . You need to anticipate the enemy too and still does not work well . Certainly these problems happen in all online games .
The point is that there was an increase of lag in this version . And that's too bad . Indeed, after several tests , I concluded that the balancing of weapons is good. The shotty is through random hit and the sound of gunfire does not work . Just this problems . It's great to see more maps on servers . But I miss the creativity of older maps . The current ones are so similar that all look the same . I would like to see other maps that really alter the gameplay . New textures and objects are not changing the gameplay . But it is possible. I believe the general appearance of the map influences the gameplay (environment) . Very cool this new models created ! Please continue creating innovative and unique models . If used well will be fantastic . edited - english....
14 Feb 14, 04:27PM
(13 Feb 14, 12:34PM)Undead Wrote: (...) no australians, no AC Nah, AC will survive without you/them, or any other known pro player for that matter. At the end of the day what do keep this game alive (and what always had) are the occasional players, the gema crownd and the crap map lovers. Now if you ask me if a game with no competitive scene is a good thing, well... I guess not, but people will keep playing it nevertheless. Lots of guys just couldn't care less about competition and if they eventually start to I'm sure they will be able to organize a competitive scene of their own... (14 Feb 14, 07:06AM)Bukz Wrote: I've been out of the loop for a while, anyone know why we're having problems with lag? afaik, its because lucas added code that drops bullets if your ping exceeds 300 and you're dead to the server. you get weird shit like sniper bullets dropping and dropping full SMG/AR clips. i'm not sure about other people's complaints about ping being higher, i think lag is just extremely noticeable now if you have high ping, whereas in the past there wasn't really any disadvantage. (14 Feb 14, 04:27PM)ElCrema Wrote: [...] you're right that people will keep playing, but the player-base isn't sustainable. the niche that AC fills is becoming less commonplace, thus less people will download AC or keep playing. why play AC when basically any post-2008 computer can run league of legends, likewise, why play AC when you can run dota 2 on linux?
14 Feb 14, 05:14PM
I could not tell you since there's not really people to play with.
(13 Feb 14, 09:30AM)Bukz Wrote: Hows 1.2 been treating you?This version is perfect, what do we need more? Oh wait, i talk about AC 1.0 of course! Anyway, I prefer to keep playing AC 1.0 in singleplayer mode with a perfect game quality and without bug than a "beta" version in multiplayer mode with severals bugs or problems... Yes, I like to play against bot (bot with sniper=>low range=no shoot FTW); That is not the question lmao! To avoid "forever alone" situation/condition, I rename the bots to simulate a public server lawl. My pleasure to play AC is back, offline... (14 Feb 14, 04:39PM)Undead Wrote: ...afaik, its because lucas added code that drops bullets if your ping exceeds 300 and you're dead to the server....It's more likely to be a geoIP check, in case Europeans are playing on antipodean servers. Incidentally, my biggest problem with AC at the moment is the difference skill seems to make. I get the impression that if you're 'better' than your opponent (whether through experience, practice, or natural ability), you're more likely now to outplay him/her convincingly than simply 'win by a little'. I don't know if this is because accuracy is better rewarded, or armour-control plays a bigger part, or what. I just feel like while I can be destroying the opposition, when a better player than me joins, he destroys me. It used to be a lot more even. (15 Feb 14, 12:33AM)jamz Wrote:(14 Feb 14, 04:39PM)Undead Wrote: ...afaik, its because lucas added code that drops bullets if your ping exceeds 300 and you're dead to the server....It's more likely to be a geoIP check, in case Europeans are playing on antipodean servers. This is getting interesting. Please, teach us more. I don't play any more because besides my shitty internet connection, that could keep me a bit stable in the previous version, somehow is no longer enough for ac and the game became unplayable (I still play sometimes just to make mad some players that think I only kill them because of lag kkkk).
15 Feb 14, 07:00PM
I would argue the opposite jamz. Time to kill has increased due to many reasons (i agree armor value changing had a lot to do with it). I think with the increased time to kill via greater overall spread, less damage, better armor values, the skill has been taken out between awareness and reaction which are two factors essential to a great fps game. It's also slowed the gameplay of ac considerably which is a huge departure from previous versions. Mix in anti-cheat and a less effective (albeit well intentioned) way to deal with laggers not getting an advantage, and you have a game that has marginalized skill.
People say that the players of the past no longer have AR to abuse, and this may be true for some players. Many players got worse in the new version. It's not that skill got worse or players played differently, its that the edge top players used to have in reaction times has been minimized, the fantastic aim of some players has been randomized further. It's not that the skill gap is wider, some people can just abuse the natural state of the game to their advantage. You've got mid-skill players crushing face because they can grab a kevlar, sit and wait. More than ever the game is centered competitively on team maneuvers to get an edge which is great. However, individual performance has been marginalized. Luckily, there are no great snipers left around, otherwise I'd be getting my face bashed in. There are many great features in 1.2 dont get me wrong, i think the devs have added many great things, but the actual game play has suffered considerably.
15 Feb 14, 09:13PM
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