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Silver League Matches
BoB beated 45: 15-11

Game 1
SS: http://i.imgur.com/oOQxQ8X.jpg
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?jgr5mar669cwam5

Game 2
SS: http://i.imgur.com/DO5Tayg.jpg
Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?lybbhjukm3uc6kb

GGs 45, just want to apologize for my disconnecting in game 1(Mac bug)
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why BoB beated 45| 15-11 ??
i see 45| 11-10 BoB
Edit : Lozi spectating.
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(19 Oct 13, 04:35PM)D3M0NW0LF Wrote:
(18 Oct 13, 10:22PM)MotoShadow Wrote: GGs and WP Ax
BoB wins 36-8

19+11 doesn't = 36... it's 30
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BoB 7+3 = 10
45 5+6=11

ohhhhhhhhhhhh I didn't see Lozi kkkkkk it is not 3 but 8

EDIT: /Benchme please
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(02 Nov 13, 12:29AM)EndGame Wrote: EDIT: /Benchme please

He disconnected and came back just when the game ended, similar to Bender when we played Ax.
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BoB likes to trick people lol
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some should get their eyes tested i guess xD

yeah server was laggy for moto and lozi, thats why we switched to another server for the second round.
gg's BoB!

and they were benched ( you can watch the demo ;) )
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Yeah guys ggs ;-)
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GG {BoB} Guys :)
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FD* vs .45|
7 and 9/10 - 7 = tie

.45| - CLA(5), FD* - RVSF(3)
[Image: 8TEO4A1.jpg]

FD* - CLA(4), .45| - RVSF(2)
[Image: 2fCGxbH.jpg]

Was a pleasure to play with you as always :D
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great game the best has won! :DD
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FD* vs STK
16-7 = FD* wins

[Image: RZxvSbY.jpg]

[Image: JVKJGUy.jpg]

ggs STK :) thanks for putting your silver team against us
unk and zuk were disconnecting all the time but it still was enjoyable :D
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Condy said uRs died, and someone else talked to one of their players and that person said they weren't playing. So I gave out 1-0 victories for everyone over uRs. Updated table. For Silver League, teams that go 3-6-1, 3-7-0, or worse will qualify for Bronze League in the Spring version of this event.

[Image: 5j7s.png]
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(02 Nov 13, 10:58PM)aarmaageedoon Wrote: FD* vs STK
16-7 = FD* wins

[Image: RZxvSbY.jpg]

[Image: JVKJGUy.jpg]

ggs STK :) thanks for putting your silver team against us
unk and zuk were disconnecting all the time but it still was enjoyable :D

Good game FD* , congratulations ! : )
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.45 is removing todesgurke from their silver line-up and placing Alea to silver instead.
Consulted with a few players to make sure this is a downgrade for .45

This is just one exception. Todesgurke cannot play in silver no more. Auto-DQ if he plays. :p
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(02 Nov 13, 11:13PM)Nightmare Wrote: For Silver League, teams that go 3-6-1, 3-7-0, or worse will qualify for Bronze League in the Spring version of this event.

Only the number 1 will qualify for GoldLeague ?
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(03 Nov 13, 12:19PM)Furios Wrote:
(02 Nov 13, 11:13PM)Nightmare Wrote: For Silver League, teams that go 3-6-1, 3-7-0, or worse will qualify for Bronze League in the Spring version of this event.

Only the number 1 will qualify for GoldLeague ?

There is a certain winning % to hit to become autogold, so 3 or so teams could get punched by Midas.
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Nice games FD :-P
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Fnx :)
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=FG= vs .45
=FG= WON 24 - 5

Match 1: 16 - 2

Match 2: 8 - 3

GG .45
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Hi Folks,

I understand that Todesgurke has too much talent for Silver League. But since the measure should be about team strength i don´t understand decissions here. How do you explain strong teams like BoB or Players like HomerJ then? If it´s about being trial, i could change Todesgurke to 45 trial xD But I want to explain why we used him for silver league. For example Para. He almost never plays AC cuz of his studies and he has only some clue how to play cuz he came from CS. So we took Todesgurke to support our casual gamers that they have a chance against stronger teams and i think if you measure it about team strength the matches were fair, cuz even with Todesgurke our Silver-League-Team wasnt the strongest team. I dont wanna complain but i think its relevant to say this.

But last but not least: I really appreciate that B makes all that effort for this tournament. Ty guys :)
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(30 Sep 13, 03:01PM)Todesgurke Wrote: .45 is also splitting their team into gold and silver:

Gold: Robtics, Gurkentod (Gutod), Alea and Todesgurke

Silver: Todesgurke, Snowman, Baruch, Soulker, Blondchen, Heroin, para and Separ

I will just play when no other player of the silver team is avaliable.

I think this might be relevant. You can't sign up a player to be an extra if you dont have enough players. Then when you have enough players use him because he is better...
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(03 Nov 13, 09:45PM).45|miro Wrote: ...

But last but not least: I really appreciate that B makes all that effort for this tournament. Ty guys :)

Thanks. :3

Again, silver isn't perfect this time. Some teams/players are too hax, some are too not-hax. Might even drop the win % based thing and just look at rosters and pair teams up that way into equal leagues, decided by the council of doom. Could at least have 3 equal sized leagues then.

B} got pwned by all of the haxors that have been complained about. We are just happy that we have had some competitive games, which are fun. Winning isn't everything.

The bright side though, if it was a normal tournament.
BoB Jr. would be benched since BoB Gold has better players
Everyone else in silver would even not sign-up, or end up losing each game 30-0. That comes to 30+ more players who get to at least compete in a somewhat-balanced league.
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Actually i would agree...

...but the complains were about him being to advanced for silver.
And btw: cuz we wanted to take a break from training, we wanted to play silver league as whole clan. How do you explain other strong teams then?

Like i said, i don´t want to complain and I like this league, i just wanted to say this (to prevent some misplaced arguments.)

But a funny question at the end: that means if we would take out Todesgurke of Gold he could play Silver? xD (no serious request but should show you the actual topic here)

@Nightmare: Ye, I am fine with it, just wanted to say this to prevent that 45 gets the attribute "unfair". :)
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(03 Nov 13, 11:09PM)Nightmare Wrote: council of doom

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i would like to underline that =FG= didn't play with the "hax", like you called it before, lineup against .45. We were playing with Tokatore which is a gema/lss player, me which I recently started playing ctf competitively, and Furios our best member playing. Then 2 ex -KUT- (a lss clan o.O) and 1 pro.
Anyway great game I had a lot of fun :D
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But tokatore has haxnades 0.o

Gibbin' everyone everywhere
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And Furios should be Gold.
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(04 Nov 13, 01:51PM)Rainbow Wrote: And Furios should be Gold.

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(04 Nov 13, 02:55PM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(04 Nov 13, 01:51PM)Rainbow Wrote: And Furios should be Gold.


I should be platinum.
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