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ACWC 2013 Signups
Yes, signups are now opened !

Please refer to the ACWC Rules before signing up your team, especially the "Team registration" point.

Here are the informations you should include :

⚑ Country/Location :
⚑ Tag :
⚑ Timezone :
⚑ Team captain :
⚑ Team members (up to 7 members (minimum is 4), including the captain) :
⚑ Contact :

We're waiting for many signups, from today to the closing date : 26th July.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me, vanquish or newbie via pm or on this thread, we're also available on woop teamspeak (loki.woop.us) or irc (#acwc on gamesurge).

Registered teams :

Algeria - ALG|
Australia - +AUS+
Brazil - +BRA+
Brazil Ultimate - Bu.
Canada - =CaN=
France - Fra|
France B - Fra[B]
Germany - .de
Italy - =ITA=
Italy B - *ITA.N*
Latin America - LA|
Netherlands - NL|
Nordic Team - NRD.
Poland - POL|
Poland B - |PL
Portugal - PT.
Russia - [RUS]
Serbia - SRB|
South America SA|
United Kingdom - UK:
USA Team A - USA|
USA Team B - .usa
Thanks given by:
⚑ Country/Location : Netherlands
⚑ Tag: NL|
⚑ Timezone : GMT +1 (+2 summertime)
⚑ Team captain : Marti
⚑ Team members (up to 7 members, including the captain) : Marti, Legend, ThePrinter, RikPik
⚑ Contact : Teamspeak, AC Forum, rC Forum

Yay first time Netherlands on acwc

Thanks given by:
⚑ Country/Location : Poland
⚑ Timezone : GMT +2
⚑ Tag: POL|
⚑ Team captain : armagedon
⚑ Team members (up to 7 members (minimum is 4), including the captain) : KAZ, sudoczek, Friteq, armagedon, Slip4ever
⚑ Contact : teamspeak3: ac.fd.tc, AC forum, skype: aaarmaageedoon

Thanks given by:
No Fearles or Newbie? Goooo Friteq! :D
Thanks given by:
⚑ Country/Location : Australia
⚑ Tag : +AUS+
⚑ Timezone : GMT+8 'til GMT+10
⚑ Team captain : Xenon
⚑ Team members : xenon, undead, vermi, kchub (plus 3 more to be named when we can confirmation)
⚑ Contact : TS3, AC forum, IRC

Thanks given by:
(11 Jul 13, 05:10PM)aarmaageedoon Wrote: ⚑ Country/Location : Poland
⚑ Timezone : GMT +2
⚑ Team captain : armagedon
⚑ Team members (up to 7 members (minimum is 4), including the captain) : KAZ, sudoczek, Friteq, armagedon, Slip4ever
⚑ Contact : teamspeak3: ac.fd.tc, AC forum, skype: aaarmaageedoon


did fearles/mati/mac decide not to play or are you just registering without speaking with them?
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1. They are too weak.
2. We don't play with cheaters.
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Weak? ._.

Newbie didn't cheat afaik.
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Newbie will play for Germany :P
I meant
(11 Jul 13, 05:55PM)Undead Wrote: fearles/mati/mac
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They'll make a 2nd Poland team and destroy your ass
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a qualifier for poland, lol, has that ever happened before?
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It could be harder for them, for some reason.
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Tag: USA|
Timezone: gmt -4
Captain: Waffles
Members: xemi, waffles, pyras, biggunz, teapot, vault, haste
Contact: rc ts, woop ts, call me maybe?


Waffles Edit: Biggunz and Teapot added to roster
Waffles edit2: lucky added to finalize roster. Curious about changing rosters before signups close
Waffles Edit3: lucky removed from roster to be replaced by vault (sorry lucky)

dafuq the lineup changes o.O
Thanks given by:
⚑ Country/Location: Latin America
⚑ Tag: LA|
⚑ Timezone: GMT-5
⚑ Team captain: Wolf
⚑ Team members: Atrimos, TayituUx, Wolf, Z-karIuS, KingSacer, Papoman, ZOG
⚑ Contact: #maclan and AC forums

Thanks given by:
⚑ Country/Location : France
⚑ Tag : Fra|
⚑ Timezone : gmt+2
⚑ Team captain : Harrek
⚑ Team members (up to 7 members (minimum is 4), including the captain) : Harrek Sanzo Redbull Mystered Honor ech0 Youngstud
⚑ Contact : woop teamspeak and irc, http://fra.assaultcu.be/ .

Thanks given by:
(11 Jul 13, 06:45PM)aarmaageedoon Wrote: 1. They are too weak.
2. We don't play with cheaters.

fearles is better than your entire team

they don't cheat, you rude little shit.
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(11 Jul 13, 06:45PM)aarmaageedoon Wrote: 1. They are too weak.
2. We don't play with cheaters.

1. Weak is your knowledge
2. Since when ?(you are FD) woofwoof

(11 Jul 13, 05:55PM)Undead Wrote: did fearles/mati/mac decide not to play or are you just registering without speaking with them?

They don't talk with us, bcs we are cheaters :D
BTW. I don't think we are playing this year.
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(11 Jul 13, 09:51PM)Undead Wrote: fearles is better than your entire team

You forget about sudoczek :D
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who the shit is that? <3 fearles. PL ftw
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Yay Waffles.
Thanks given by:
⚑ Country/Location : South America
⚑ Tag : SA|
⚑ Timezone : gmt -4
⚑ Team captain : EndGame
⚑ Team members (up to 7 members (minimum is 4), including the captain) : elCr@ck!, aNdy, hgf-arg, Carlos, RayDen, SEXOLOCO, EndGame
⚑ Contact : FD* ts, fd.endgame@gmail.com, skype francisredrivers, AC forum.

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Why not go with a shorter tag? (Nothing major, just thought it would be more convenient)
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(12 Jul 13, 01:27AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Why not go with a shorter tag? (Nothing major, just thought it would be more convenient)

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are SA| and LA| going to be counted as team A and team B of a region or teams representing completely different regions
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(12 Jul 13, 04:18AM)Cemer Wrote: are SA| and LA| going to be counted as team A and team B of a region or teams representing completely different regions

Thats a good question, imo latin and south america may represent the same region, and thus could play the qualifiers. Depends if some of them come from the same country or not.
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I think SA and LA are different regions, the countries belonging to the regions are different hence why they shouldnt play a qualifier imo.
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I added South America as a "normal" team for the moment. Need to discuss with the other admins about this :D
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you should divide it like this.
[Image: tM69uiK.png]
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[Image: tuR24wZP]
⚑ Flag : [Image: rs.png]
⚑ Country/Location : Serbia
⚑ Tag : SRB|
⚑ Timezone : GMT+2
⚑ Team captain : gRamps
⚑ Team members (up to 7 members (minimum is 4), including the captain) :
Wolf, Haittah, gRamps, RusskO, Neo28
⚑ Contact : woop ts, bob ts (if we get it to work till then), irc


Aditional player registration: Neo28 also added to the squad :)
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(12 Jul 13, 11:46AM)Undead Wrote: you should divide it like this.
[Image: tM69uiK.png]
Afaik argentina etc is south america
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