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Muliplayer compatibility

I have this message when trying to use my custom map in multiplayer mode :

"This map is not supported in multiplayer. Read the docs about quality/dimensions"

Can't find this part of the doc ...

Any idea ?

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It means your map is not up to "par" with the multiplayer map restrictions enforced on servers in or better, basically, make your huge wide open areas less huge and wide open. Make sure pickups are at a sane distance away from each other (e.g. don't spam 5 healh packs and 5 kevlars all within the same little area), and last but certainly not least, read the docs!
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thank's for your answer Bukz.

I'm using a 128*128 standard map.

My stats are :

3 health
3 armour
6 mapmodel, 6 clipped
11 ladder
2 ctf-flags, 1CLA, 1 RVSF

But always the same error message ... always so much ?

I read the "recomendations" of the docs, that are "restrictions" in reality.
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More info here http://forum.cubers.net/thread-556.html
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you need spawn points.
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Lol. I just wonder how he tested his map, not to mention playtesting...
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