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I am the T-Bag King
(07 Jun 13, 11:45PM)Money$hot Wrote: Why so testy bro - u mad?

Yea. You were spamming the chat. And saying annoying shit. I don't think you are funny. You were for a little while...slightly amusing. I even considered asking you to join KH some time ago. But now you are just obnoxious. You're beating a dead horse. And you can kill me once in awhile by accident, but the truth is... if you spent as much time on learning to be a better player as you do trying to t-bag other players then you may actually be at pro level by now.
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I am looking for player Money$hot.

I not see you when I play.

Please tell me were you play and times.

Thanks you.
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(07 Jun 13, 11:45PM)Money$hot Wrote: His incessant whining last night got me kicked.

Lol, what's hilarious is I'm the guy who kicked you.
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(08 Jun 13, 11:15PM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(07 Jun 13, 11:45PM)Money$hot Wrote: His incessant whining last night got me kicked.

Lol, what's hilarious is I'm the guy who kicked you.

Why didn't you kick d6 when he said fuck you to me? I didn't curse anyone. I was just clowning and he got himself all butt hurt (perhaps it's the viruses in his rectum increasing his estrogen levels).

No matter, I ain't mad at you for kicking me.

(08 Jun 13, 04:08PM)Boomhauer Wrote:
(07 Jun 13, 11:45PM)Money$hot Wrote: Why so testy bro - u mad?

Yea. You were spamming the chat. And saying annoying shit. I don't think you are funny. You were for a little while...slightly amusing. I even considered asking you to join KH some time ago. But now you are just obnoxious. You're beating a dead horse. And you can kill me once in awhile by accident, but the truth is... if you spent as much time on learning to be a better player as you do trying to t-bag other players then you may actually be at pro level by now.
Deep6, I simply don't care what your opinion is of me. You are easily trolled to rage, and are merely a testy, whiny little bizatch who admittedly needs to practice better rectal hygiene. (at least use a wet wipe after you plop that sausage out of there - damn.) Since you are unrepentant, I am forced to issue a teabag Fatwa on your ass.

However, I am indeed saddened that you didn't ask me to join your clan. (/sarcasm)

And I am a pro player - everybody knows that bro, so don't be mad(der).

(08 Jun 13, 01:37AM).ExodusS* Wrote: how many times i tbagged you moneyshot, umad!

Nope, I ain't mad!

(10 Apr 13, 04:46AM)Boomhauer Wrote: This dumbass thread needs tbagged

Your very first (smart-ass) words to me...remember them when you're being asphyxiated by my scrotum.

(08 Jun 13, 11:10PM)fsP^^Jolgorio Wrote: I am looking for player Money$hot.

I not see you when I play.

Please tell me were you play and times.

Thanks you.

I am from USA and usually play around 5-7 pm EST

I usually play whatever server is fullest running CTF/HTF...never tosok.

Hopefully I'll see you sometime.
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I don't care what they say, man.
You are funny to play against. But in order to be a real tabagger u relle need to become a bit better dude... as of now u die way to easily and that don't go well with the art of tea bagging. And pay attention who u playing against caus I noticed that u often start things u can't finish ;)
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If it makes you feel better your MoM is the T-Bag Queen cuz she knows how to wax my balls just right. Accept it and deny it, but never try to right it cuz "Morgan's yo Daddy BITCH!"
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(10 Jun 13, 04:37AM)ElCrema Wrote: I don't care what they say, man.
You are funny to play against. But in order to be a real tabagger u relle need to become a bit better dude... as of now u die way to easily and that don't go well with the art of tea bagging. And pay attention who u playing against caus I noticed that u often start things u can't finish ;)

I am already a pro player, I really don't think I have much room to improve. I have died hundreds of time while getting my bag on - cuz i just won't come offa bitch until I'm sure they've had a full taste of my junk.

But i appreciate your advice.

BTW, who are you, cuz I've never seen u playing?

(10 Jun 13, 09:12AM)MorganKell Wrote: If it makes you feel better your MoM is the T-Bag Queen cuz she knows how to wax my balls just right. Accept it and deny it, but never try to right it cuz "Morgan's yo Daddy BITCH!"

Careful, or you will end up on my watch list....
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i wish a motherfucker would mess with morgan
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I tried one time.
I got backhanded by my modem.
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Money$hot Wrote:BTW, who are you, cuz I've never seen u playing?
hes that guy who can slowly cut your balls off with a rusty knife in any situation.
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Shamed and fearing my Fatwa, I think d33p6 has gone into hiding. Repent and I may have mercy on you.

(11 Jun 13, 05:21PM)kleinkariert Wrote:
Money$hot Wrote:BTW, who are you, cuz I've never seen u playing?
hes that guy who can slowly cut your balls off with a rusty knife in any situation.

My scrotum is so huge and calloused that nothing short of a Nigerian machete could sever them.
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I would like to share one of my fan videos sent to me by none other than my teabagging compadre, itsBRITNEYb!tch

Britney has even gone so far as to make a custom $ skin for me, so he can know for sure that my nut is authentic when I lay it down upon him. Now that's a true fan.

Loyal fans from all over the world know of me and I get several emails and PM's on here each week asking me questions and soliciting teabagging advice. All of which I personally answer.

I encourage all of my fans to pay homage to the TBK (Tea Bag King) and post their own teabagging fan videos in this thread.

Teabagging is back. It's here to stay. And it feels good.

[Image: 32337670.jpg]
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I'd like you to nut up and 1v1 me :D
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You have nice boobs.
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(18 Jun 13, 01:27AM)Waffles Wrote: I'd like you to nut up and 1v1 me :D
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(18 Jun 13, 01:27AM)Waffles Wrote: I'd like you to nut up and 1v1 me :D

I know you have been lusting after me for a 1v1 since you are just dying to know if my nut really does taste like gourmet chicken and is as good as people are saying it is.

However, before I ever commit to a 1v1 w/you (and i dont know how to do it anyway) I have to play you in the pubs and give you a few tastes just to see how you'd react first. But I never see you.

See, I'm scared if you get me in a 1v1 and get your very first taste and that causes you to gay-out on me, you may try to make some inappropriate advances towards me in a closed setting.

My teabags have been known to bring out closeted gayness in people (d33p6 for example who is having a severe internal fight and gay angst within himself) and I don't want you to embarrass yourself until you've had a few tastes in the pubs first.
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Waffles doesn't play pubs (at least that I've seen)
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You havn't seen much.
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I do pub and ive dished out my fair share of teabags to the self-proclaimed "king".

I dont see the specialty he claims. When i do pub, i alia so i dont get bothered except by the occasional hackusation
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Moneyshot you are awesome. Can I be your fan?

offtopic: lol, I used to love a guy called Panthro <3 and to draw his attention I called myself Lion-O lololololololololololololool
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(18 Jun 13, 02:37AM)Waffles Wrote: I do pub and ive dished out my fair share of teabags to the self-proclaimed "king".

I dont see the specialty he claims. When i do pub, i alia so i dont get bothered except by the occasional hackusation

Waffles, I will be watching for you closely on the pubs and will be sure to give you an extra taste since you are indeed so eager. You will see my specialty up close and personal.

(18 Jun 13, 04:45AM)EndGame Wrote: Moneyshot you are awesome. Can I be your fan?

offtopic: lol, I used to love a guy called Panthro <3 and to draw his attention I called myself Lion-O lololololololololololololool

Of course you can. I have fans of many nationalities, and in particular have several gays who claim fanship - of which I have no problems with the gays being my fans. I am an equal opportunity idol.

Look at Waffles for example...he is already my fan and I don't think I've even teabagged him yet.
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Geuss i'll bring my candy ass to the pub scene then to beat you down.
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(19 Jun 13, 06:36PM)Waffles Wrote: Geuss i'll bring my candy ass to the pub scene then to beat you down.

Come to the pubs and git you sum. I will be applying an extra coating of cocoa butter to my nuts to make them extra smooth for you.
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I was there, had fun with your face :D
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(19 Jun 13, 11:50PM)Waffles Wrote: I was there, had fun with your face :D
yes u got me good, excellent form and style.
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In spite of my recent deleted postings, since it seems none of you have a sense of humor, nothing can deny the fact that I am a teabag animal:

[Image: Cowboy.gif]
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(25 Jun 13, 06:46PM)Money$hot Wrote: [Image: Cowboy.gif]

Nothing can deny the fact you suck at BBcode
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(25 Jun 13, 06:49PM)ExodusS Wrote: Nothing can deny the fact you suck at BBcode

Whats wrong with my BBCode?
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can u guys not see the image?
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(25 Jun 13, 06:46PM)Money$hot Wrote: [Image: Cowboy.gif]

Why do you post a pic of a guy twerking?
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