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Jump Bind
(15 Oct 12, 01:35AM)Link Wrote: Are you kidding me.

Stop making this offtopic.


disable your account
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Saw this finally, pretty crazy.
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(15 Oct 12, 02:36AM)Undead Wrote: disable your account
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It's cheating using that script (and similar ones) and I was stupid enough not to suspect anything all this time. Even withholding info about ppl that do use it should be bl-able offense. There are probably more scripts like this (yesterday found out about the one that makes u lag ou whenever u need). So, if u know about scripts pls inform devs about their existence. If u decide to use them ur scum, and nothing u say or do will change that.
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Yes it is cheating. Its just like that infamous auto-switch script. Brings several clicks back to only one click or an automatic process.
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(15 Oct 12, 01:07PM)RAMPAGE Wrote: Even withholding info about ppl that do use it should be bl-able offense.

This is not a police state, kthx.
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(15 Oct 12, 05:12PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: Yes it is cheating. Its just like that infamous auto-switch script. Brings several clicks back to only one click or an automatic process.

LOL yea, the old Sniper-Pistol script. I want everyone to continue using these scripts. So when they are done away with, those of us who do everything the right way can show you opportunist bind haxors what true skill is. :-) Stop playing like bitches, and actually get good at the game. I guess I just don't understand this kind of crap. lol... I do everything manually, right down to reloading. But I guess I make up for my honesty with generally being a prick in pubs. Oh well, we can't all be perfect. ;-)
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this bind in des3 is the most retarded thing ever. love it or leave it.
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(15 Oct 12, 05:37PM)tempest Wrote: This is not a police state, kthx.
Roger that :)
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(14 Oct 12, 04:52PM)ChO Wrote: Si.Smooth (Evan), worst abuser of this bind.
Lol?, ChO You use it also. I admit it, I use it. But now that everyone knows it it's not worth fighting about .
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(18 Oct 12, 01:22PM)Si*.$mooth Wrote:
(14 Oct 12, 04:52PM)ChO Wrote: Si.Smooth (Evan), worst abuser of this bind.
Lol?, ChO You use it also. I admit it, I use it. But now that everyone knows it it's not worth fighting about .
That makes no sense. If there was a thread here about how to wallhack, would it be acceptable to use it? Of course not, that's retarded.
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Hey everyone !

Hmm first of all, i'd like to talk about cheats in general. If you consider a cheat is everything that gives you an unfair advantage to others, then there are lots of things to forbid :
Brightskins, jump binds, texreduce, why not even maxfps ?
If the game has to be fair to everyone, maybe we should all play with 60 fps ?

This might be over-exagerating, but the idea i'm trying to explain is that, everyone uses its own AC, and the game is made in a way you can mod your own AC.
So you can't decide THIS must be forbidden and THIS not.
Jump binds actually GIVES you an advantage, but for those who found it out, it's was some sort of "bonus"; now that the script has been made public (gj Xenon) everyone can decide to use it or not for their own and personal AC.

If you consider the example of texreduce or brightskins, which are not forbidden, are they?
If you think a bit, most textures in AC are made with different contrasts of colors in which if a player is hiding or standing in a dark place, you may not see him.
The use of brightskins and texreduce actually shows up the player MUCH easier, and it's almost impossible to miss an enemy or a pickup; which makes it unfair for those who don't use it.

In the end, i think we can not allow THIS and forbid THAT, it must be either everything or nothing, otherwise there will be disagreements & "unfairness" (<-- is that even english? lol).

Now for the Xenon part, it appears Xenon shows up a lot of attention for .rC| since it's been created.
Once he's trolling our members, then admin-banning our members from private servers for no reason, then using his admin privileges on TS to abuse our privacy and so on...
He probably feels so mature and important acting and calling himself a "troll" (which he's bad at btw)..
So Xenon, rather you're a kid or a fan of us, but you should try not to spend your time thinking about .rC| ; and more important, stop trying to put us down by accusing us of several stupid things...

^ This is an answer in the name of .rC| and not a personal attack, he publicly accused us, so i think we should have the right to answer :D

Cheers ! :)
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(18 Oct 12, 01:22PM)Si*.$mooth Wrote: Lol?, ChO You use it also. I admit it, I use it. But now that everyone knows it it's not worth fighting about .

You are NOTHING without this bind. I, on the other hand, have skill without this bind. Please stop rubbing it into my face since you can hax jump better with the bind.
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brightskins were completely impossible to enforce in 1.0 when they were ACTUALLY brightskins. afaik its impossible to use real brightskins now. they were extremely frowned upon, anyone who applied to oNe and used them had to uninstall them or close their application.
some of the 1.0 exploits were pretty god damn awful, including the dgbhbox command which was essentially an inbuilt cheat that let you see the hitbox of opponents in the form of a wireframe. you could see people around corners before they saw you, which made it really damn handy in tosok more than anything else. MyS members and others were using it for a bit before they stopped, which is why i give yoursister shit for it. was pretty funny seeing the screenshots, full brightskins, black sky, dbghbox and low res.

lowres is completely fine in my opinion, it helps people who already have low fps, while i don't use it personally myself because i prefer playing with the standard textures, some people believe it allows them to aim easier. i don't need it to have an edge and i have one of the very best aims in AC.

as far as equipment and fps is concerned, you don't gain any advantage out of having higher fps, its just that the game is smoother afaik. gaming mice/headsets/whatever are fine to use also.

the difference between all of those and the jump script is the jump script modifies gameplay in AC. this is where the line is drawn where it fits the definition of cheating. it is UNFAIR, and an advantage, making it a cheat. by your own definition, people can use easily findable and make-able cheats because its hard to enforce.

while you do say that we can't enforce what is forbidden and what isn't, what we can do is set a precedent for what is allowed in matches until a solution is created for the next version.
for example, i've set a precedent by telling players that do use it if they continue use it they'll be banned on oNe servers and reported to the public blacklist, hoping other server owners follow my precedent. after that action has been taken i won't bother participating in matches with them, hoping other players and clans follow the same precedent.
chances are, its also going to be forbidden in all future tournaments.

(18 Oct 12, 06:06PM)DamDam Wrote: ^ This is an answer in the name of .rC| and not a personal attack, he publicly accused us, so i think we should have the right to answer :D

regardless of what xenon said, i think its a personal attack.
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(18 Oct 12, 06:06PM)DamDam Wrote: If the game has to be fair to everyone, maybe we should all play with 60 fps ?
Sorry, DamDam, but that's just like saying everyone should have a ping of 300 to be fair.
I don't think there's anything wrong with people deciding to have a disadvantage, it's the people that decide to have an advantage that are the problem.

Anyway, if there was anything to add, I'd add it. Hopefully the devs figure out a way to put a stop to the script.
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if (i_am_in_midair)
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same as sniper / pistol script. Only takes a new version to eliminate it. Will not stop the macro users though.
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damdam, that is the worst response to everything i've done.

this thread is not about .rC| but the people using it. It just so happens that 2 of your members both used the script, so ofc I would mention them just like if someone like undead was using them.
next: every time i've joined teamspeak i've asked before joining and i've also never joined if i knew a game was in progress etc.
i can ban people off of whatever server i like if i have admin? i can also blacklist anyone from servers i own/pay as well so what i am doing their is fine.
i dont think you understand the stuff i do to your clan i do to every clan, you guys just take it and control it in the worst way possible
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There is also "jump crouch" (if that mfker sits up there any longer I'll have a full goddamn shot at his airtime ass) hahaha you think this a problem? It isn't. It's a new way around and through the awesomeness that should be added to the shimmy. I try not to crouch as much as possible, but if I ever wanted to become truly "good" at crouching I'd damn well bind this.

Binds should never EVER be banned. It's gameplay. (Apparently a pistol switch bind was banned...shhhhh, but i can't remember that far back..
Back to "AC"... It's a bind, just like new mice it's a player's choice... Not the games. You provide binds don't FKING BAN THEM for AWESOME SHIT like finding out new moves. This is Mortal FUCKI(NG Kombat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MKeezy Edit :: Just tidying up a bit. While drinking is not really an excuse for me anymore, the amount I drink should buy me a few more outs. I'm working on taking this shit seriously so apologies ahead of time for any use of words like nazi / fascism that as an american I don't understand while many of my European friends do.
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(19 Oct 12, 10:11AM)MorganKell Wrote: There is also "jump crouch" (if that mfker sits up there any longer I'll have a full goddamn shot at his airtime ass) hahaha you think this a problem? It isn't. It's a new way around and through the awesomeness that should be added to the shimmy. I try not to crouch as much as possible, but if I ever wanted to become truly "good" at crouching I'd damn well bind this.

Binds should never EVER be banned. It's gameplay. (Apparently a pistol switch bind was banned...shhhhh, but i can't remember that far back.. so i ASSUME it was just some NAZI agenda oh I AM SORRY I MEANT fascist. You talk shit on Greif you get served, whether it be now or 20 centuries later.) Back to "AC"... It's a bind, just like new mice it's a player's choice... Not the games. You provide binds don't FUCKING BAN THEM for AWESOME SHIT like finding out new moves. This is Mortal FUCKI(NG Kombat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Image: KzN2Y.gif]
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Quote:the difference between all of those and the jump script is the jump script modifies gameplay in AC. this is where the line is drawn where it fits the definition of cheating. it is UNFAIR, and an advantage, making it a cheat.

It's not supposed to jump that way. The developer did think pretty much clear, about how high you should be able to jump. And that, what was released originally as jump, is supposed to be jumped. Nothing else.

It doesn't mean Binds must be basically forbidden now. Binds are here to make usability comfortable to players. In that case, it's another BUG which must be fixed.

Quote:The use of brightskins and texreduce actually shows up the player MUCH easier, and it's almost impossible to miss an enemy or a pickup; which makes it unfair for those who don't use it.

Brightskins got fixed in the actual release, you will become a saturation reducement
(two years ago)

Texreduce has become available for all, because it had already a wide spread of using. So it's an original part of the game.
(two years ago)

Basically, if you are a multigaming clan and you join another game, and people will watch your website, and see screenshots without textures on it, they will clearly declare it as cheating, because they probably don't know about Assault Cube and this internal terms of originally availablity of texreduce. That was, what texreduce was supposed to be in combo with brightskin (glowing in the dark).

Additionally this screenshots represent Assault Cube, and to watch this ugly and horrible modified screenshots doesn't represent the game well. They doesn't make a good publicity for the game.

Another Point which is more important to talk about, is the gameplay of the maps. The most maps are outdated. They was made befor crouch jump came into the game. You can jump over things now, which was never supposed to pass like this , when the map was made.

This mapmakers did make maps, where you was supposed to walk different befor crouch jump came. It totally changed the gameplay, on each map by this.

No one, did clip, increase height, or fix things on this maps, which was not possible to pass befor.

The first thing everyone was "testing", where it's possible to go now with crouch jump where it was not allowed befor.
(every succesfull test should have been fixed)

Gameplay of the maps destroyed > not played anymore how it was supposed to be played. Of course everyone can do it, but fact is gampeplay changed. On some map it's really worse, on other maps not so much.
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(19 Oct 12, 01:55AM)ChO Wrote:
(18 Oct 12, 01:22PM)Si*.$mooth Wrote: Lol?, ChO You use it also. I admit it, I use it. But now that everyone knows it it's not worth fighting about .

You are NOTHING without this bind. I, on the other hand, have skill without this bind. Please stop rubbing it into my face since you can hax jump better with the bind.
Wow, I Am a good gema player without the bind, So. (CONVERSATION OVER)
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(15 Oct 12, 01:07PM)RAMPAGE Wrote: yesterday found out about the one that makes u lag ou whenever u need
I knew IT!! thanks for this news, couse there are some players that just lags when have the flag (or near to the flag), so they stole it and is almost imposible to kill them, and then they stop lagging when they are pretty near to score.
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Edge jumping is a similar glitch, so if you're going frown on this, i expect to not see you double-tapping over a box.
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(19 Oct 12, 02:07AM)Undead Wrote: as far as equipment and fps is concerned, you don't gain any advantage out of having higher fps, its just that the game is smoother afaik.

Your client can still drop bullets even if the server is fixed.

(19 Oct 12, 02:07AM)BigGunZ Wrote: Edge jumping is a similar glitch, so if you're going frown on this, i expect to not see you double-tapping over a box.

Grrrr....Edge jumping is even explained in AC tutorials (it's ok then).
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It's not a question of gameplay. Gameplay should evolve as the game changes and to some extent should inform how the game changes. Any change applied to game physics is going to have an effect on the way the game is played.

The edge jump argument is invalid as you cannot achieve it anywhere or at all times. You get boosts in speed and height as a result of another structure. Just like kickback in the AR, it is part of the game that makes AC unique. Being able to jump that same height with the same speed boost off of nothing is ridiculous.

If you don't think it's unfair, try shooting someone using the script to dodge. Try catching them with the flag when they are doing jumps that are quite literally impossible with any other method. It's not a question of "everybody can do it, therefore it's fair." I originally came at in from the same stance until I actually tested it. The truth is, anybody can use, but implementation and ability for implementation are different things. As it stands, this is exploitation of a bug. If something like this existed in similar games or competitions, it would be disallowed. If anybody could stim up like lance armstrong to win the tour de france, why didnt everybody? The answer is simple, it's not a true testament to the nature in which the game is meant to be played.
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(19 Oct 12, 02:13PM)fundog Wrote: It doesn't mean Binds must be basically forbidden now. Binds are here to make usability comfortable to players. In that case, it's another BUG which must be fixed.

i think you're confused. this specific bind must be forbidden now, because you're able to do things with it that are completely impossible without it. as i said, it modifies gameplay, and is a cheat, which has been established several times in the thread.

if anyone is going to continue arguing whether or not its ethical or not to use, please read the discussion prior to this post.

(20 Oct 12, 03:02AM)BigGunZ Wrote: Edge jumping is a similar glitch, so if you're going frown on this, i expect to not see you double-tapping over a box.
[Image: 01ru5.jpg]
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you cant edge jump straight up walls. but you can bind jump them
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Quote:i think you're confused. this specific bind must be forbidden now, because you're able to do things with it that are completely impossible without it. as i said, it modifies gameplay, and is a cheat, which has been established several times in the thread.

I made the difference to binds basically, so it doesn't get mixed up, with forbidding binds, because it's possible to do through binds.

[Image: 20121019_15.02.46_ac_werk_TDM_jump.jpg]

To visualize it. You are not supposed to be able jumping up there directly.
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(20 Oct 12, 04:34AM)fundog Wrote: To visualize it. You are not supposed to be able jumping up there directly.

[Image: 81a18b3b-2331-4e99-b070-5550b992f4af.GIF]

Its 10 high = its too easy to jump up there with AR (no scripts or special jumps)

Maps were made like they were, but if someone can jump 7 cubes
without any weapons or scripts its fair advantage and its a skill.

Being able to jump 7 without scripts is a jump that goes into the same category as EDGE jump...only more difficult to do.

There is no jump that you can do with the script, that cant be done without it.
With script, those high jumps are only faster!! and easier!!!

If i remember correctly:

No Weapon = max 7
Pistol = max 8
Shotgun = max 8
SMG = max 9
Sniper = max 9
Carbine = max 10
AR = max 14
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