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Hater's servers?
the makkEr of this game? get it? get it? But I agree with you. 150 is more than decent. 400 is fucking lame.

And the fact is that Daithi show you what was wrong with servers. Now you can fix it. Will you? If you wanna play alone just play in "singleplayer". That is why singleplayer is for!!! Multiplayer mean several right? So nothing hurts you when I say I am going to play alone in Multiplayer? Maybe he should have done a thread (without hate) ...
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What are the server hosting rules? Are there any?
Yes I was banned for all of 2 minutes until I was unbanned.
My friends at TyD have given me their code and I intend to use it to impose even tighter ping restrictions on my servers. Along with hosting even more servers.

I'm thinking of 2 50ms ping limit servers, 4 100ms ping limit servers, 4 150ms ping limit servers, one 150-300 server and 1 300+ minimum server. That way all of us with good connections who play on local servers can have great games without being annoyed by people from the other side of the world using wifi and 56k modems or those just too far away for their electrons to get here fast enough.
Since I'm such a nice guy I will also provide servers for the rest of you but they'll have minimum limits so low ping players don't accidentally get stuck on them complaining about lag. I wouldn't want to give anyone the impression that I'm running awful laggy servers, it would be bad for my karma. This will take me some time to implement, I'll need to invest in couple more servers.

It should also be noted that DES and TyD have nothing to do with my operations, after all I Stand Alone.
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As I said to Daithi on IRC, we don't want to see the server list used to advertise personal opinions. It's not a sounding board for your (AC'ers in general) frustrations; we have a perfectly good forum for that.
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It's a good idea Dahiti, but you are not a nice guy.
Just my opinion of course, anyway, good luck with that!
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ping should be limited to 450
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Every server owner can do what ever they want to do with them even limit the ping, or even the chat of said servers, if you Daithi feel the need to restrict your servers pleae do it. But don't intend everyone does what you say just because you don't like the way people run their servers.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut please, contribute with this awesome game with your LAG free servers, and i promisse i'll let you hit Jg with a salmon :D
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Normally I ignore stupidity but just this once Jg99 can you please explain exactly why you think (if indeed you do think at all) why ping of 450 is the magic number? Have you actually played with a server full of players with 450 ping or are you just ramdomly replying to threads again in a vain attempt to make your self look more important. If you have a view that you can provide a reasonable arguement for then explain and i will gladly retract my above statement.
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well ive been on servers with 250 ping, and 450 is ~ok but not the best, nor crappy, I have seen people with 450 and they kinda lag, but not super badly
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D-: I usually play in Europe with over 300 ping. In America 180 - 280. I have played in that TyD server which kicks you over certain ping limit and it's very annoying. You can play with 300 ping. But it's almost impossible to play over 400 unless it's stable. I saw Xenon and hgf-arg playing with stable 400 ping. it looked fine.

Will they die? :-(
wait, will I die too? :-S

What is more, I'm going to hell inmediately (under your own risk, please, do not cry):


(have you ever seen something shittier than this? it can be an AC world record ;-) )
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Just for the record there is a masive difference between 320 and 450, in my experience I have never managed a decent game with anyone with a 450 ping stable or not but i do acknowledge that being stable would make a big difference.

I am sorry but i still believe that Jg99 your post was ill thought out, 450 "they kinda lag" just think about that for a moment. Statements fall into three catagories when discussing issues of this nature (the F.O.G test) Facts, Opinions, Guesses JG you statement was at best an opinion but to me it was just a guess. Now Endgame made some valid points and yes I conceed that a game can occur at 400 ping if its stable but not 450 even he stated that its almost impossible to play over 400, something I would broadly agree with.

@Endgame thats some fine dialup you got there :)

@Jg99 Think more, type less People around here respond very well to occasional inputs that have thought out opinions based in fact. It cant be done with all posts, lord knows I have posted some sh** here before but if you follow the mantra "think more, type less" I am sure people will respond to you more positively.
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